The End Woman was a tenant of the 25th Floor of Manor Crossing, and was one of the mutant commandos known as the X-Angels from a dark future of Earth-18140. She was sent to the past to kill the mutant demigod Sister Conflagration the Burning Nun, who was going to turn the world into a burning Hell within a thousand years. However, the End Woman found that in the present Gabbi Sotelo was a shy 13-year-old girl whose abilities had not yet manifested. Unable to bring herself to murder her, the End Woman decided to become Gabbi's friend and guide instead.[1]
The End Woman was among the tenants kidnapped by the Death Sponsors, as a way to force Shatterstar to return to his gladiator days; however, together with the other tenants she managed to escape from the cell she was in, and joined the battle in support of Shatterstar, before ultimately returning to Manor Crossing.[2]