Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Apocalypse's history is presumably similar to his Earth-616 counterpart's up to the point where he tried to remove the Techno-Organic Virus from Professor X. Apocalypse failed, resulting in Professor X's death. Apocalypse then tried to become the X-Men's leader, but they refused to work for him. So, Apocalypse killed almost all of them with help from Archangel, though he was eventually killed by Havok.

Apocalypse later went to the Moon base of Stryfe and took back leadership of the Dark Riders. When X-Force and the remaining X-Men fought Apocalypse again, they were soundly defeated. Cable then confronted Apocalypse, but he couldn't win. Next, Stryfe showed up, and Apocalypse tried to convince Stryfe to join him. Stryfe refused, however, due to his demeanor changing after the deaths of his "parents" Jean Grey and Cyclops. Stryfe fought Apocalypse and eventually destroyed Apocalypse and himself with the time vortex machine created by Cable.[1]

See Also

Links and References

