The designation "Earth-TRN996" used in this article is unofficial , used by this wiki for internal purposes only until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
After the Badoon invasion of Earth in 2061 A.D., several members of the Avengers were lost in the Negative Zone. Captain America ventured there to search for them, while the rest of the Avengers relocated to Kuala Lumpur.
Iron Man was by this point only brain, floating in liquid and connected to a computer. The remaining Avengers, Beta Ray Bill, Doctor Strange and Rogue patrolled the city when Mole Man III and his people, the Moloids attacked the city. With the help of Doctor Strange's magic, they were swiftly teleported to Yellowstone Caldera, which became "New Subterranea".[1]See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Earth-TRN996
- 17 image(s) of Earth-TRN996
- 11 characters that originate from Earth-TRN996
- 1 organizations that originate from Earth-TRN996
- 1 vehicles that originate from Earth-TRN996