Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


After the collision of the dimensions, Doctor Justice and Hyperbrand merged together to become the singular being known as Doctor Hyperjustice. He was the leader of the Supreme Four and along with the other merged heroes, he faced off against the might of Mephicthzarrko-Neg, the Tomorrow Demon. Using his shield magic in conjunction with Spider Supreme's mystical energy knocked the demon off balance.

But Mephicthzarrko-Neg summoned help by bringing Doomactego, the Stranger Planet to Earth to aid him in battle. All of a sudden Ken and the others got caught up in another reality quake where he yet again merged but this time with Rush. This was the final merge as the ultimate power from The Hammer Supreme was used to repair the damage done to the Soul Gem causing the Doctor to cease to exist after everyone returned to the original state of being.[1]


See Also

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