—DaredevilI didn't earn a law degree to take second chair to anyone. But necessity is the mother of invention. So I invented Jack. A con man--to keep me connected to the city's shadow side. Disconnected: Matthew M. Murdock, attorney at law. Out of view. Out of practice. The missing half of my particular system of justice. What the courts can't fix, fists can. But what violence can solve--the law should.
Solicit Synopsis
Daredevil is back in black!
Acclaimed writer D.G. Chichester returns to Hell’s Kitchen for an all-new story set during his landmark 1990s run on the series! And Matt Murdock will need to push his extraordinary senses — and his stylish black-and-red armored costume — beyond their limits if he hopes to even stand a chance against what’s coming. Because DD is about to be embroiled in a conflict involving the Hobgoblin, the Kingpin, Spider-Man and a mysterious foe whose powers trump them all! Who is the maestro behind the Machiavellian machinations plaguing Hell’s Kitchen? Find out as the Man Without Fear, his friends and foes alike — face a battle for their lives beneath the city’s busy streets!Daredevil: Black Armor #1
1st story
1st story
Daredevil: Black Armor #2
1st story
1st story
Daredevil: Black Armor #3
1st story
1st story
Daredevil: Black Armor #4
1st story
1st story