Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database
For fictional versions of Clark Ashton Smith as a character within comic books or other media,
visit this disambiguation page.

Professional History

Clark Ashton was a fantasy, horror, and science-fiction author. Along with his correspondents H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard (among others), he developed the basis of what would become known as the Cthulhu Mythos. Clark Ashton Smith is particularly known for the Hyperborean cycle, the Zothique cycle, and Averoigne.

Legacy in Marvel Comics[]

The contribution of Clark Ashton Smith to Marvel Comics is virtually exclusive to Conan titles.

A few stories were adapted into Conan stories, all by Roy Thomas:

Additionally, a few references to creations of Clark Ashton Smith were glimpsed into some books:

Appearances in the Marvel Universe[]

Work History


See Also

Links and References

