Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Character Index - Y[]


Yanover from Silver Sable and the Wild Pack Vol 1 11 001 Appearances: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #11

Yanover was one of six members of the Wild Pack under the command of Ernst Sablinov in an early operation in Tokyo to apprehend Nazi criminal war Ivan Trefkov. When Sablinova was apparently killed, her daughter and second-in-command Silvija took command and attempted to lead her men to capture Trefkov, but she was emotionally distressed and led her team to fight against a battalion of agents of the terrorist organization Hydra. Sablinova believed she had trapped the enemy in the hold of a ship, but Yanover recommended that she rethink her tactics, anticipating a trap. However, she out-commanded him, even threatened to fire him, and the entire group fell into the trap. Yanover died under enemy fire.[1]


Yasir (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 2 7 0001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 2) #6, Punisher (Vol. 2) #7

A member of the Islamic terrorist group Revolutionary Jihad went to the United States to buy plutonium from Manny Herrera but the negotiation was interrupted by the Punisher, however Yasir managed to escape with the plutonium.[2] Yasir managed to position the plutonium on a crane from which he intended to detonate it, but immediately afterwards he was confronted by the Punisher who killed him.[3]


No Image Male Minor Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #409

Yassaf was one of the ultra-billionaire Sponsors of the Great Game. He discussed by telephone with Johnsmayer, Nicolas and Chu the possibility of including, even if unconsciously, Spider-Man as well as Kaine among the players.[4]


Yates (Earth-616) from Tales to Astonish Vol 1 43 001 Appearances: Tales to Astonish #43

Yates was bittered because he was been replaced by a computer and must take a job servicing it. It is ensconced in an air-tight clean room with a door that is opened after fifteen minutes allotted for servicing purposes. When the man enters the room, he gets the idea to sabotage the machine so that it will make mistakes and he can get his old job back, but he damages the circuits that allow the machine to open the door after the fifteen minutes of oxygen are used up.[5]

Coach Yates (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 2 32 001 Appearances: Venom (Vol. 2) #32

Yates was the head coach of the West Philadelphia High School P.E. class where Flash Thompson used to work as an assistant coach.[6]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:
Yatha (Earth-616)
Reason: unknown
Date: March 30, 2024 21:22:06
Yatha (Earth-616) from Conan the Barbarian Vol 1 273 0001

Appearances: Conan the Barbarian #273

Mentions: Conan the Barbarian #274

Yatha used to run the grey lotus business in Shadizar on behalf of his fellow Lords of the Lotus.[7]

He also supplied the Night-Cult with the Lotus many required for their visions.[8]

He was killed by Conan as revenge of Jasmine's senseless death.[7]


Yak (Earth-616), Ger (Earth-616), and Kraw (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 5 11 001 Appearances: Hulk (Vol. 5) #11

Yak was a human gamma mutate that lived on an unnamed world that worshiped the Hulk as a god. While playing a game of Godball against the Hulk, Hulk began winning. So, he, Ger, and Kraw were ordered by Brutal to go after Pave while Brutal and Harold went after Hulk. However, Pave easily dispatched Yak and the others.[9]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:
Yogok (Earth-616)
Reason: unknown
Date: March 30, 2024 21:22:06
Yogok (Earth-616) from Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 235 0001

Appearances: Savage Sword of Conan #235

Yogok was the high priest of Raktavashi, who allied with Ormon and Pembrok to get rid of Nafertari's influence among the Kirghiz monks. He was eventually slain by the cannibal goblins who dwelt under the forbidden city.[10]


Yohei (Sunrise Society) (Earth-616) from Shadowmasters Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Shadowmasters #2

A member of the Sunrise Society who did not agree with Kantaro Umezu to take control of the country but who had to be content with having obtained key positions in the Japanese industry and government but this infuriated Umezo who stabbed Yohei's hand with his blade.[11]

Yohei (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 108 0002 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #108, Wolverine (Vol. 2) #109

A killer midget belonging to the Hand pretended to be the head enforcer of the Clan Yashida, and handed Wolverine the Clan's sword to defeat the Iron Monk.[12] Later Wolverine guessed who Yohei was, an infiltrated member of Akatora's Hand, and killed him.[13]


Yoritomo (Earth-616) from Deathlok Vol 1 4 0001 Appearances: Deathlok #4

A Japanese nationalist, he devised a plan to restore Japan to the grandeur it had in the past by exploiting Shiro Yoshida's heroism and ingenuity while at the same time rearming Japan using Harlan Ryker's Cybertek technology. But his plan was opposed and defeated by Deathlok and the S.H.I.E.L.D.[14]


Yoshi (Three Wise Men) (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 2 78 0001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 2) #78, Punisher (Vol. 2) #79

Yoshi was one of the three businessmen who tried to exploit the mineral resources of Kamchatka.[15]


Yoshiro (Earth-616) from Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 4 001 Appearances: Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. #4

Miss Yoshiro was a secretary working at Sony corporate headquarters.[16]


Young (Earth-616) from All-Winners Squad Band of Heroes Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes #5

Agent Young, an agent of the Department of Defense's Office of Intelligence, was one of only nine people aware of WWII-era "Project Firefly." Along with Agent Bradley and Agent Palmore they briefed Captain America on the matter by telling him there was a national security issue.[17]


Yuri (Chernobyl) (Earth-616) from Havok and Wolverine Meltdown Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Havok and Wolverine Meltdown #1

Yuri was one of the operators who died during the Chernobyl Disaster.[18]

Yuri (Quark) (Earth-616) from Havok and Wolverine Meltdown Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Havok and Wolverine Meltdown #2

Yuri was one of Quark's agent who was killed by Logan.[19]

Yuri (Criminal) (Earth-616) from Mosaic Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Mosaic #1

Yuri was a Russian criminal who shot Beto.[20]

