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List of all notable quotes by or about Warren Worthington III (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 He's...gone! Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 42
Quote1 Always, everywhere the X-Men go -- the same maddening distrust of mutants! Sometimes I think Quicksilver had the right idea when he signed back up with Magneto! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 53
Quote1 In case it hasn't dawned on you creeps, you've been working for the biggest loser in criminal history! Quote2
Marvel Tales Vol 2 30
Quote1 I'm sorry, Professor... there's no easy way to say this... ah, We -- The Old X-Men -- we're... we're leaving, sir. Pulling out. Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 94
Quote1 You're a darned sight more attractive than the last team leader I worked with! Quote2
Champions Vol 1 2
Quote1 I bet I'm the first Angel who had to break into heaven! Quote2
Champions Vol 1 3
Quote1 One last time, I need to fly! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 15
Quote1 I...remember...that Xavier is gone. Apocalypse is very much with us. Xavier made Angel what he was! Apocalypse made Death! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 24
Quote1 CHRISTMAS! Presents! And an ICE-TREE to top it off. They're reveling in it...and in the HUMANS' adulation! While the world is filled with human and mutant monsters...who want nothing more than their destruction! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 27
Quote1 Destroy yourselves -- destroy each other. I can always watch it from above. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 47
Quote1 Unhand me, Apocalypse! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 54
Quote1 You dare to threaten me?! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 57
Quote1 It will end, Apocalypse -- it'll end now -- and it'll end with your death! Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 17
Quote1 Poor kid! Not only a freak amongst her own people... but also a mute? Remind me not to feel too bad about my own situation--for a while. Quote2
X-Men: The Hidden Years Vol 1 4
Quote1 Not bad. You'll pardon me if I don't let you get all touchy-feely with me. I've seen what you can do. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 399
Quote1 Money makes executive decisions. It's easier to handle at that level. The X-Men aren't just a bunch of costumed kids anymore, secretly operating out of a private school. We've lost that innocence, Storm. Our responsibilites are to the brand identity, and we need to insure a global aproach. We're operating on every front imaginable and we can't afford loose cannons screwing up the works, no matter how noble their intentions. We have a message to bring to the world and we won't tolerate the slightest deviation. The stakes are too high. Quote2
X-Treme X-Pose Vol 1 2
Quote1 My wings... I can feel them... Quote2
X-Force Vol 3 5
Quote1 It's coming back, Scott. Kitty Pryde is coming home. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 522
Quote1 The game is on-- has been for some time. Which means we're already out of time. God as my witness, Logan, one way or another, no matter what the cost... I'm going to kill Apocalypse. Quote2
Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 1
Quote1 You can't help yourself. You are Apocalypse. Quote2
Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 4
Quote1 Our world has been distorted. Much like the one you just returned from. Its natural course has been interfered with. I must rectify that. The reality-bending witch Wanda Maximoff said 'No more mutants' and our people were devastated, reduced to less than 200 planetwide. In that moment the natural evolution intended for this world was shattered. I'm going to set this all right... I'm going to reset evolution. Quote2
Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 14
Quote1 I am not mired by low mythology such as love. I have seen the universal truth--know for certain...there is no such thing. Quote2
Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 16
Quote1 Whatever its limits, I was given this new power for a reason, Doctor. To use it. And that's exactly what I intend to do. Quote2
Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 20
Quote1 Yes, but, you don't know why. Not really. Because I came here from the past, got stuck here, and I got a real good look at the nightmare that my life will become. And that is not exaggeration. That is fact. The story of me takes a horrible, horrible turn somewhere down the line. While everyone was focused on Jean and Scott, I did a little digging into me. And it's so bad. First no one would actually talk to me about me, which was unnerving... Then I met me. I actually met myself. And it scared the living Hell out of me. So I said to myself, the first legitimate chance I have at making me different... The first chance I get... I would take it. And I took it. This--This is my do-over. Can you relate to this, at all? Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 40
Quote1 Savior... killer... harbinger of hope or destruction... I am unsure who -- or what -- I am. But I'd like to find out. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 10
Quote1 I've accepted that the world's going to go to Hell. I just never thought... we'd be the ones holding the pitchforks. Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 19
Quote1 Possibility. A word that can mean literally anything. But what makes us seek out possibility? What inspires us to say farewell to comfort... and seek out... more? Is it the opportunity to reach for the stars toward a common goal? Is it the chance to be the best version of yourself? Or is it merely natural to want the next big evolution? Whatever it is that's next -- let's discover it together. Hello, and welcome to X-Corp. We're Simply Superior. Quote2
X-Corp Vol 1 1
Quote1 Please get me Madrox. I'd like him to explain why X-Corp's most crucial launch just publicly failed. Quote2
X-Corp Vol 1 3
Quote1 I swore to you-- I wouldn't let you ruin anyone else's life in pursuit of your "survival of the fittest." You got your home back here on Arakko Now....leave Earth alone!! Quote2
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse Vol 1 2
Quote1 Savior... killer... harbinger of hope or destruction. I am unsure who-- or what-- I am. But I'd like to find out. Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616)
PsylockeQuote1 Wow. Quote2
ArchangelQuote1 You were expecting a McDonald's, Ms. Braddock? Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 29
PsylockeQuote1 Aren't we obligated to whine and fret and come up with one reason after another why we shouldn't be together? Quote2
ArchangelQuote1 Of course. And I should reveal I'm your uncle's clone from another reality... and you're supposed to die and come back to life a few dozen times. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 319
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 What brings you to this neck of the woods, my once-feathered pal? Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 11 0001
Quote1 Life. Women. Happiness. And the current lack of any of the above. Quote2
Cable Vol 1 20
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 427 Textless
Angel (Warren Worthington III
Quote1 Paige...Stacy means nothing to me. She never did, and nothing ever happened. Ever. And you--you already mean sooo much to me, and as each day goes by--you only mean more. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 432 Textless
Husk (Paige Guthrie)
Quote1 Oh, my God... That is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. I'd kiss you, but I don't want to remember our first kiss with Stacy jumping rope naked in the background. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 422
CannonballQuote1 I really think I'd be much happier-- Quote2
NightcrawlerQuote1 --Scott, my friend, you know this can't work-- Quote2
PolarisQuote1 Oh, dear Lord-- Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 685 New Mutants Variant Textless
Quote1 Scott! Scott, listen-- Quote2
ArchangelQuote1 Genosha?! I don't want to go to Genosha! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 414 Textless
Quote1 Am I expected to just teach?! Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Listen, bub, I appreciate the faith in me, but I can't be on all the teams-- Quote2
Jubilee Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 Please, please, please let me on Paige's team -- Quote2
Destroyers Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 This is an untenable situation, Scott-- Quote2
ShadowcatQuote1 Wait, I thought you didn't need me anymore? Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 157
Cyclops Vol 2 1 Textless
Quote1 Higher! Quote2
Marvels Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 I'm trying! You two need to lose weight! Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 1 Joe Quesada Variant Textless
Marvel Girl
Quote1 It's Scott! He snacks! Quote2
X-Men First Class Vol 2 3
Jean Grey (Earth-616) from X-Men First Class Vol 1 1 001
Marvel Girl
Quote1 ...getting hard to breathe... Quote2
X-Men First Class Finals Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 We can rip the disks off our clothes, but there's no surviving this fall! Quote2
Marvels Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 Well that's easy, Hank. Don't fall. Quote2
X-Men First Class Vol 2 15
BobbyQuote1 Boy, I feel like someone's playing head games with me today. I thought that pile of junk was a lot bigger when we walked in. Quote2
WarrenQuote1 Oh, it's still big! It's just moved around... a lot. Quote2
X-Men: First Class Finals Vol 1 2
Kurt Darkhölme (Earth-295) from Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 11 0002
Quote1 In my world... you were a tool of Apocalypse as well. Quote2
ArchangelQuote1 And in my world... you're dead. Quote2
Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 17
Wolverine Vol 3 20 page 00 James Howlett (Earth-616)
Quote1 Mind telling me what you tought you were doing here, Angel? Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from AVX Vs Vol 1 5
Quote1 All I want is for you to believe. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 3 20 page 00 James Howlett (Earth-616)
Quote1 In what? More of your damn miracles? Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from AVX Vs Vol 1 5
Quote1 In me. In all of us. Quote2
Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 8
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 1 Quesada Variant Textless
Present Cyclops
Quote1 Is there anyone else? I promise I will do right by you. Quote2
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 1 32 0001
Past Cyclops
Quote1 We're staying here to do what we set out to do as X-Men. What you're offering... isn't it. Quote2
Marvels Vol 1 2 Textless
Past Angel
Quote1 I'm coming with you. Quote2
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 1 32 0001
Past Cyclops
Quote1 No. Quote2
Katherine Pryde (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 6 0001
Quote1 Oh no. Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 16
Quote1 You-- you can't do this! Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 10
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 Who are you talking about? Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 29 Textless
Quote1 Laura. X-23. The only other girl we know who isn't Jean Grey. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 Oh! The girl with the claws. Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 1 001
Quote1 Yes. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 What? I didn't catch her name. Quote2
Benjamin Deeds (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 17 0001
Benjamin Deeds
Quote1 What were you calling her? Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 Wolverine clone. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 26
Wolverines Vol 1 3 Parel Variant Textless
Quote1 I'm not having you carry me. Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 18 Immonen Variant
Quote1 Oh, okay. Um... I'll be right back. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 29 Textless
Quote1 Let's ride... Quote2
Cable and X-Force Vol 1 7 Textless
Quote1 Is that my motorcycle? Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 29
All-New X-Men Vol 1 41 Textless
Marvel Girl
Quote1 But here's the problem, Miss Hill... Why couldn't these Utopians live there? Quote2
CyclopsQuote1 Why were they under attack? Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 8 002
Quote1 Why after all we have been through is no mutant safe from attack? Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 9 001
Quote1 How come the Avengers can set up shop anywhere they want and everyone is cool with it? Quote2
Wolverines Vol 1 3 Parel Variant Textless
Quote1 But mutants... With mutants it's always hit first, ask questions latter. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 31 Textless
Quote1 It's enough to make people a little paranoid, yeah? Quote2
Phillip Coulson (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001
Phil Coulson
Quote1 They were lying. Quote2
Maria Hill (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 14 001
Maria Hill
Quote1 Not about the last part. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 41
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 19 001
Quote1 Laura, wait! You saw what happened when Scott tried to take these guys on by himself. Quote2
Laura Kinney (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 2 1 cover 001
Quote1 No offense to Scott... but I'm Wolverine. And he's not. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 2

All items (47)
