(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
—Marvel Zombies Vol 1 1That was a bone popping through Banner's stomach—making a hole big enough for part of Magneto to fall out. We all saw that. In fact, Thor is leaning over to eat some of that right now.
—Marvel Zombies 2 Vol 1 2NO! Listen to yourself, Giant Man...listen to what your saying! For God's sake, man-- have you lost your mind?! I've been traveling out in space for forty years-- eating and killing, devouring everything in sight... only to learn I'd be coming back here, to Earth... a place where I can't hide what I once was-- can't forget it, the evidence is right here-- all around us. We were heroes. And we return to find living people here! With families! We can't do this again! We just can't! I won't let you!
—Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 1Despite my best efforts... and good intentions... I've failed. Not only are all my loved ones dead... but the tablet is gone! The exhibit hall was broken into while I was too busy trying to prove to myself what a "hero" I was... What a joke! A "hero!" Me? With this face? Face it, Parker-- you will never be human again! Never! There's nothing but the hunger-- and unlife-- forever and ever... and ever and ever and ever! What use is this face? This useless, rotting face! No one is left to love or mourn Peter Parker-- so-- I never... nggk... want to look at him... again... Whatever I do now, wherever I go, it won't be as a hero-- or even as a man-- but as a monster! EEYYYUUUGGHH!! Why don't things seem to turn out right to me? Why do I seem to hurt people, now matter how I try not to? Is this the price I must always pay for being... Zombie Spider-Man?!
—Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 4Avengers Dismember!
—Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 5Ouch. Lucky for you guys you're already dead, huh? 'Course, all I've wanted out of my un-life ever since this plague made me lose everything i had in my world-- and this one... is erase the curse of you flesh-eaters from the multiverse forever! So I gathered some folks who have their own reason to hate you as much as I do! We're thinkin' of calling ourselves... The New Avengers. Catchy, huh?
—John Jonah Jameson (Earth-2149)I'm going to enjoy this!
—Maybelle Parker (Earth-2149)Please, Aunt May--go--go lock yourself in the bathroom. I can't control myself.
—Peter Parker (Earth-2149)I've been traveling out in space for forty years-- eating and killing, devouring everything in sight... only to learn I'd be coming back here, to Earth... a place where I can't hide what I once was-- can't forget it, the evidence is right here-- all around us. We were heroes. And we return to find living people here! With families! We can't do this again! We just can't! I won't let you!
Peter Parker (Earth-2149) -
Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 1 -
Marvel Zombies Vol 1 1 -
Maybelle Parker (Earth-2149) -
Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 5 -
John Jonah Jameson (Earth-2149) -
Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 4 -
Marvel Zombies 2 Vol 1 2
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