(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
—New Mutants Vol 1 93Mad? Perhaps. But when I'm finished here, the world will listen to me... hang on my every word and rush to do my bidding, because they will be afraid. For they will know that I'm mad... and if they thwart me, I will do as I have threatened.
—X-Force Vol 1 10What if it is not I who am Cable, but he who is me?
—Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 296Summers and Grey are nothing if not predictable. And in the end -- that predictability will destroy them. As surely... as it destroyed me.
—X-Men Vol 2 16Let us talk of time lost and time gained. Of twisted futures and lost pasts. Let us talk, Nathan... of life and death!
—X-Man Vol 1 46This Nate Grey was the product of one lone madman's quest for personal power, the sole surviving result of generations of selective breeding amongst mutants... All aimed at producing the Ultimate Living Weapon. Yet here, now... He's just another Cable. Another me.
—X-Man Vol 1 47We two are so special, so singularly, satisfyingly unique - yet so, so alike. You, after all, are the closest thing to a mother I've known... and I'm the closest thing to a true son you'll ever know.
—X-Force Vol 3 14Cable? Stab our eyes, Nathan. You've ruined this. Look at you!! You're old. You're weak. Killing you like this is almost meaningless. Almost. ... I've been waiting here for years, just to kill Cable. And now I get to kill some X-Men, too.
—Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 291You'll pay for betraying me, Deadpool! You'll pay dearly!
—X-Force Vol 5 6I have your Clan Chosen, Dayspring. They are my prisoners. I also have the Askani'mother.
—X-Force Vol 5 7I'm going to make you suffer as you did to me.
—X-Force Vol 5 8The era of the Askani is over.
—Deadpool/Wolverine Vol 1 2The dinosaurs didn't know what was coming. Humans don't know what's coming either. But I have lived the future. That world is a punishing Hell... which is why I need to fix this one.
—Gideon (Earth-616)A pawn was moved in 1492. A bishop slid diagonally across the board in 1776. A rook pulled the trigger in 1963. The chess game goes on and on. It is a game of immortals, where Gideon is never bored by the eternal machinations. He is known throughout the world as a gaudy businessman, the "Ziggy Stardust" of the corporate boardroom. He is known to a mere handful as a powerful mutant, whose very power is to use someone's paragenetic abilities against him. And he is known to merely ten fingers or so, on the hand of destiny which envelops this planet, as a High Lord. An External. A mutant immortal who has manipulated the course of history to suit his needs for countless centuries.
—Holocaust (Earth-616)Hero? Villain? Anarchist? [...] According to history discs of this era, the man should not even exist.
—Nathan Summers (Stryfe) (Earth-4935)Cable? Stab your eyes, Nathan. You've ruined this. Look at you!! You're old. You're weak. Killing you like this is almost meaningless. Almost.
Why have you done this to me?
How ironic. I was just about to ask you -- the same question.
Nathan Summers (Stryfe) (Earth-4935) -
Gideon (Earth-616) -
X-Men Vol 2 16 -
Deadpool/Wolverine Vol 1 2 -
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 295 -
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 296 -
X-Force Vol 1 10 -
Holocaust (Earth-616)
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