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Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Longshot (Mojoverse).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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... you just have to be born lucky, I guess.

X-Force Vol 1 59

Honey, I had no idea your life was so crazy! Norse Gods, super-villains, angry mutants, crazy directors and failed movies! Aren't you glad you were finally able to settle down and take it easy?

X-Men Unlimited Vol 1 32

I didn't ask to have it hardwired into my DNA that the opposite sex is drawn to me.

X-Factor Vol 3 35

Why is that well-dressed dog attacking Shatterstar?

X-Factor Vol 1 208

We seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in graveyards.

X-Factor Vol 1 217

Okay, my defense...big hairy snarling monster leaping out at us. Nine times out of ten, throwing knives is the right call.

X-Factor Vol 1 224

Oh, this is gonna be good. Hope all you folks streaming at home are watching this.

X-Men: Gold Vol 2 15 just have to be born lucky, I guess.

Longshot (Mojoverse)
Lila Cheney (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 2

And look who you get to perform your death scene with.

Longshot (Mojoverse) from Exiles Vol 1 74 001

Lucky me.

Beast (reciting a poem)

There comes a time 'twixt life and death

When all men stop to catch their breath.
We ask the stars 'Why?', we question our lot,

The heavens open wide and reply, 'Why not?'

All items (9)
