Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Bragi was an Aesir of Niord's tribe, and his brother-in-arms, who migrated southwards, into the Country of the Worm. When they entered it, Bragi was among those who heared the toms-toms of the Picts. In the morning, the Aesir clashed with the Picts and defeated them.

During the battle, Niord spared the Pict Gorm, who later helped Picts and Aesir to make peace. While Niord was recovering for months from wounds inflicted during a hunting party, a peaceful secession occurred, as Bragi and forty-five young men and their women departed into to Valley of Broken Stones, despite the Picts' warning about demons.

His embryonic clan established themselves into an ancient temple, but was wiped out by the Worm feared by the Picts. Gorm (who had heard the screams of the Aesir) and Niord (who had came to visit them) built a funeral pyre for the fallen Aesir. Niord would avenge them by attacking the Worm, causing both its and his own ends.[1]



Sword and spear.[1]

See Also

Links and References

