Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Uncle Ben shared a similar history to his Prime Universe counterpart except the Burglar killed Aunt May instead of him. He tried to comfort Peter who revealed his new identity as Spider-Man to him. Peter then sought out the Burglar who was found to be hiding in a nearby warehouse and proceeded to attack him just as Uncle Ben arrived on the scene.

Before he could react, the Burglar, freaked out by Spider-Man, fell out of a window and seemingly died. In order to save Peter, Uncle Ben lied and got himself arrested and sent to jail. Being only a teenager, Peter ended up a ward of the state When Spider-Man began to spiral even further and set out to free Ben from prison, Ben refused Spider-Man's help and told Peter that he had to take responsibility in life, and that with great power comes great responsibility. Peter broke down and revealed that he could have stopped May's killer but Ben told him that he couldn't change the past, only the future, and that Mrs. Watson was willing to take care of Peter until Ben was released from prison. Ben then suggested Peter reenter society to honor May's memory and Peter took Ben's words to heart, moving in with the Watsons and graduating high school with honors. Peter then went to Empire State University on a science scholarship and began a relationship with Mary Jane Watson.

Years later, Uncle Ben earned his parole and once he was released, he joined Spider-Man in fighting crime.[1]

See Also

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