Marvel Database
Marvel Database


The past history of the Avengers of Earth-776 mirrors that of their Earth-616 counterparts up until the point shortly after the Hulk left the team. In this reality, when Iron Man would suggest going after the Hulk, the group would be at odds and ultimately disband, Giant-Man and the Wasp leaving because they did not believe it was their right to force the Hulk to do anything. Thor would grow tired with human affairs and return to Asgard.

Iron Man would attempt to reunite some of the Avengers to battle the combined threat of the Hulk and the Sub-Mariner by providing suits of Iron Man armor to Rick Jones, Giant-Man and Wasp. In the final battle, Iron Man would die, sacrificing his life for his teammates.[1]

If Pym, Van Dyne and Jones would reform the Avengers remains unrevealed.

See Also

Links and References

