The past history of the Avengers on Earth-30987 mirrors that of their Earth-616 counterparts up until prior to the original Secret Wars. A divergence occurred when the Thing of Earth-616 took possession of his past self in an attempt to change history so that he could marry Alicia Masters instead of his best friend Human Torch in his own time.
Captain America, Thor and Iron Man were in attendance at the wedding. During the ceremony the Thing grew guilty over robbing Johnny and Alicia of future happiness and called the wedding off at the last possible moment. Ben then fled the wedding and had his ally Thundra return him to his own time.[1]See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Avengers (Earth-30987)
- 1 image(s) of Avengers (Earth-30987)
- 3 member(s) of Avengers (Earth-30987)