Marvel Database
Marvel Database


On September 11, 2001, a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks were conducted by the extremist Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States. The World Trade Center was hit, killing and injuring thousands of people and causing billions of dollars worth of property and infrastructure damage.

At the site of the primary attack, Spider-Man and many other heroes worked side-by-side with the rescue crews.[1]


United States President George W. Bush declared a "War on Terror" which also saw the United States Army invade Afghanistan, beginning the War in Afghanistan. This led to American forces installing a new government and attempting to stabilize the region, while clashing with the forces of the terrorist organizations Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.[citation needed]

Years later, a conflict erupted between the citizens over ground zero, some wanting it to remain untouched as a tribute to those who died and some wanting to construct there as a symbol of healing. Eventually, a riot broke out between the two fractions, and the police had to get involved, as well as Commander Steve Rogers accompanied by Sharon Carter. The riot was so violent that Rogers investigated if a supervillain was behind it, however, he didn't find anything.[2]

See Also

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