—Rocket[source]What I mean, Mr. Literal, is I lost my family, too. But do I get all teary-eyed about it? Nope! I said goodbye and never looked back. 'Cause there ain't no thing like me 'cept me.
After the Guardians of the Galaxy narrowly escaped a planet that Fin Fang Foom was on, Rocket Raccoon accepted an offer to work for the Collector.[3]
See Also
- 122 appearance(s) of 89P13 (Earth-17628)
- 1 minor appearance(s) of 89P13 (Earth-17628)
- 2 mention(s) of 89P13 (Earth-17628)
- 77 image(s) of 89P13 (Earth-17628)
- 5 quotation(s) by or about 89P13 (Earth-17628)
- 1 item(s) used/owned by 89P13 (Earth-17628)