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Luigi's Mansion

A Slabhammer is a form of Hammer, a type of ghost in Luigi's Mansion 3.


Physical description[]

Unlike normal Hammers, Slabhammers's bodies are slab-themed and purple instead of red. The rest of their body parts are same as Hammers. Slabhammers act, attack and are defeated in the same ways as Hammers.

In Luigi's Mansion 3[]

Slabhammers only appear in the ScareScraper's castle-themed floors and have 300HP. To get to castle-themed floors, one of the Luigis in the team must wear the knight armor. After reaching the floor, Slabhammers will hide in a room with a secret door that can only be found using the Dark-Light Device. The players can capture the Slabhammers if they are found, however, capturing them is not necessary.
