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Punchinello is a boss fought in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a somewhat insane character who is an expert in using explosives. Punchinello lived in the Moleville Mines. Punchinello wished to be famous, and he decided that the quickest way to becoming that is to defeat Mario.


Physical description[]

Punchinello is a clown-like character that is mainly purple, red, and while in color. He also has a medal with a smiley face on his chest.


In battle he uses bombs all different sizes including regular Bob-ombs and Mezzo Bombs. He also uses the deadly Sand Storm attack which may inflict Fear on Mario's team.


Mario's team should start out strong using Magic attacks to weaken Punchinello. One Punchinello summons the Mezzo Bombs, they should stick to one hit, strong physical attacks and quickly take out Punchinello. 

Behind the scenes[]


Punchinello is named after Pulcinella, a classical character in Italian theater and puppetry, but with "Punch" at the start of his name.

Game data[]

Punchinello SMRPG sprite
HP 1200; 20000 (Armageddon) FP 10 Attack 60 Defense 42 Magic attack 22
Magic defense 40 Speed 15 Evade 0% Magic evade 0% Morph rate 0%
EXP 0 Coins 0 Dropped item None Bonus Flower None Yoshi Cookie None
Weaknesses None Strong Jump, Fear, Poison, Sleep, Mute, Critical
Spells Sand Storm Special attacks None
Location(s) Coal Mines Psychopath message "Yeeha! I see we're already famous!"