Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  2. Needs More Votes: Bok-su from Married in Red - Ends January 26th
  3. Jafar from Aladdin - Ends January 27th
  4. Robot Claus from Futurama = Ends January 28th

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki

“ You were the only loose end I was thoroughly unprepared to tie off. „
~ Shadowsan explaining how he took care of Carmen after Dexter Wolfe's death.
“ Carmen: I was hoping you'd show. Come and get it.
Shadowsan: I did not come here for the gem.
Carmen: That makes two of us. I came here to avenge everything you ever stole from me. My passing grades, my dignity, my father. (kicks Shadowsan)
Shadowsan: You have been misled. I did not take your father's life. Please, you are in no condition to fight.
Carmen: There is one valuable lesson I learned from you. One you didn't intend to teach. Only loosers wear empty coats.
Shadowsan: I would agree.
~ Shadowsan breaking Carmen's brainwashing.

Suhara, now known by his codename Shadowsan, is a major protagonist in the Netflix TV show Carmen Sandiego, serving as one of the five main antagonists in Season 1, a major antagonist-turned-protagonist in Season 2, and a major protagonist in both Seasons 3 and 4. He was one of the members in V.I.L.E.'s Faculty, Carmen Sandiego's father figure and mentor, and the brother of Hideo.

He was voiced by Paul Nakauchi.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Unlike all the other members of V.I.L.E. Faculty who are either petty (Professor Maelstrom, Countess Cleo) or suffer from Villainous Breakdowns on multiple ocasions (Coach Brunt, Dr. Bellum), Shadowsan keeps himself calm on most occasions, and when he doesn't, it's very brief and he recovers right after that. He also lacks any type of pettyness.
  • Despite starting off as smug and egotistical child, and being treated as a dishonor by his family due to him refusing to follow his family's traditions and culture, Suhara lost all of these traits by the time of his adulthood, showing barely if any arrogance throught the show.
  • Even as a child, he was shown to have some care for his brother, refusing to fight him.
  • His abilities in tricking and thievery were so good during his time as a member of the Yakuza that he was able to join V.I.L.E., and later become a member of the Faculty.
  • He refused to kill Dexter Wolfe after finding out that he left V.I.L.E. so he could protect his infant daughter (who would later become known as Carmen Sandiego) and adopted her after Dexter was killed by an officer who would later become the chief of A.C.M.E.
  • Became a father figure to Carmen after Dexter's death, and manipulating many events in her life so she wouldn't join V.I.L.E. and go on a dark path due to how much he cared for Carmen.
  • Although he was a jerk towards Carmen and even made her fail his exam on porpuse, this was only because he wanted to have Carmen give up in becoming a member of V.I.L.E., and he apologizes to her after she discovers Shadowsan's true colors.
  • He sabotaged V.I.L.E.'s security so Carmen could escape, while also making it look in V.I.L.E's eyes that he was trying to stop her.
  • He is a great martial artist and fighter, being able to fight multiple foes at once, and being one of (if not) the strongest character in the series, rivaling Carmen herself in that regard.
  • He tricked Coach Brunt into letting her get distracted by Carmen and saving the latter when the former was about to kill her, and doing it in such a stealthy way that Brunt didn't even think it was Shadowsan that knocked her unconscious.
  • After he helped Carmen escape, Shadowsan apologized for his jerkish behavior towards her and even gave her information about V.I.L.E's future plans so she could stop them.
  • Manipulated both Carmen and the other members of V.I.L.E. into thinking he betrayed Carmen and be able to save her from the other members.
  • He kept helping Carmen in stopping V.I.L.E's plans on multiple ocasions.
  • Tricked Lady Dokuso into thinking he was going to stop her by himself so Carmen would be able to defeat her and stop her plans.
  • While he has a brief breakdown where he asks his brother to give him the opportunity to fix his mistakes, he imediatly goes back to his magnificent and calm personality after his brother refused.
  • When Carmen is nearly killed during one of her missions, Shadowsan does several missions for her while she was recovering and tricks three members of V.I.L.E. during one of them.
  • He tricked Spin Kick and Fly Trap by creating a scarecrow to make it look like it was Carmen so they would loose her trail.
  • He reconsiles with his brother and helps Carmen in protecting the masks from a museum in Italy from Mime Bomb and Neal the Eel.
  • He has a cool fight scene with Roundabout where they fight on top of the Big Ben.
  • He tricks Roundabout into thinking he got the crown of King Edward only to reveal that Carmen replaced it with a fake so the police would arrest Roundabout when he was about to kill him.
  • He taught Zack about a trick on how to knock someone unconscious with a pressure point on the back of his neck, which would later help him save Player from being expeld from his school when his teacher found him in his computer because Player was trying to help Carmen on a mission.
  • Even while injured, he was still able to fight against one of Dr. Bellum's robot's arm by himself.
  • He has a cool fight scene with Coach Brunt where he is able to use his agility against her brute streght and nearly defeat her.
  • He is able to stop a brainwashed Carmen by making her remember her past through a toy she had as a child, breaking her brainwashing as well.
  • He tries to give Carmen a chance to retire due to all the things she did and how much she deserved it, acknowledge that many people could become like her with the same amount of courage and empathy she has.
  • He is able to live with his brother after he retired, having one last moment as his brother welcomes him home and as the two have a hug.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He was a thief, stealing jewelry from people and his brother's katana, and would later become a member of the Yakuza and later V.I.L.E. due to his abilities in thievery.
  • He was willing to kill his former teacher, Dexter Wolfe, after he betrayed V.I.L.E., and only didn't because he found out that the reason he left V.I.L.E. was because he had a daughter.
  • Even after his redemption, he kidnapped Zack and Ivy because they were interfearing with his plans, although he would free them after he found out they were Carmen's friends.


  • Shadowsan is one of the three characters in the Carmen Sandiego franchise to be Magnificent Baddies, along with the original Carmen Sandiego and Sonia.

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