Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Dr. Albert Krueger from Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger - Ends January 11
  2. Luthic from Dungeons and Dragons - Ends January 11
  3. Odysseus from EPIC: The Musical - Ends January 12

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

None at the moment.


Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Wiki
“ Well ya' might as well know so you spread the word about racism, it's a galaxy wide issue. A filthy concept. Honestly, if I see discrimination of any kind, I shoot 'em. The universe may be vast, but there is no room or excuse for it. One discriminatory comment and yer' done. People see it as harsh, I see it as cleaning. „
~ Ethyl Countrisyde.

Egalitarian Magnificent Baddies strive for the noble goal of fighting bigotry and persecution, be it for just their own people or to ensure equal rights for all, regardless of ethnicity, gender or sexuality, religion, creed or social status.

For some Magnificent Baddies in this category, their main goal is fighting xenophobia, often resorting to extreme actions due to their misguided or even immoral nature (e.g. Ethyl Countrisyde). In other cases, their main goal is unrelated to fighting xenophobia but they still express disdain for it and oppose those who hold xenophobic beliefs (e.g. Brother Mouzone and Baron Zemo). In either case, being egalitarian enhances a character’s magnificence, making them more likable especially when juxtaposed with xenophobic characters.

All items (33)
