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I came to this tiny site years ago, back when it was still just a baby. I registered back in October of 2006 but only made two edits. I made a small come back in 2009 where I'd lurk and fix spelling errors and add little tidbits to the episode pages, just in my free time. When PokéPark Wii came out, I noticed I was one of the few people to actually own it on its release date, so I took advantage of that fact and created pages for all of the PokéPark Zones. This essentially got me noticed by the staff and from there I got to become good friends with most of them. January 2011 I found myself Co-leading a project, Februrary I earned a sparkly gold user tag, and March I was given a promotion to Junior Administrator to help during Pokémon Black and White's English release. August I was given a promotion to Admin on the Archives, and December 2011 I was promoted to admin on Bulbapedia after the staff drive. In August of 2012 I was promoted to Senior Administrator after the Black 2 and White 2 hype. Please, feel free to ask me anything if you need help.

I'm typically a very reserved person. I like to be left alone and left out of conflicts. So if you catch me working on a project, I'd like to be left to that and not have unwanted assistance. As nice as it may seem, it only causes edit conflicts and possibly more work. Wait for me to finish to contribute please, if you'd be so kind. Aside from that, I try to be on my best behavior while here. I like to help whenever I can and keep things short and sweet rather than producing a wall of text. So again, if you ever need any help with anything, feel free to ask me. I'll answer in the best way I can.

I first got into Pokémon in 1998 and I would watch it with my siblings. They both had Red and Blue respectively but I didn't have a game of my own until finally I got Yellow for Xmas when I was 7. So my siblings and I made a complete set of Red, Blue, and Yellow. They moved on to other things when Generation II came around. I, however, got Silver version, then Ruby version, later Sapphire, FireRed, Diamond, Platinum, Black, White, Black 2, and finally White 2. I also play the Pokémon Trading Card Game. I collect cards by Masakazu Fukuda as well as just random cards I think are cool. My most prized collection is that of my Pokémon toys. I've got figurines, plushies, backpacks, clothes, etc. ranging somewhere in the 300s and increasing every other day.


Templates made by Jo The Marten. I'd really appreciate it if no one took these templates without my permission. If you do take them without my permission, you will be made to remove whatever was stolen, and I will have lost all respect for you.*