Contact Discord: boblers (formerly Boblers#4199)
Bulbagarden Forums: Boblers

I raided your fridge
Projects Member of
Project Sidegames

Frequent wiki editor and video game enthusiast. Thank you for stopping by!

I've been editing various game wikis for several years now, so you've probably seen my work around somewhere!

Here on Bulbapedia, I tend to specialize in template creation/maintenance, and sidegame info. Among the latter, my main topics (for now) tend to be: Conquest, Shuffle, and Masters EX. I do dabble into other stuff too, though!

If any of my current projects interest you and you'd like to help, please contact me either on my talk page or in Discord. I would really appreciate it!

On the flip side, if you'd like any help with anything, such as template maintenance or learning how to edit wikis, I would be glad to help you!

Project ideas


  • Update spinoff data on Pokémon species pages: (impact: 001 - 802)
    • Move location data from gen VI to cross-generational, and differentiate between live-service locations and final-update locations.
    • List the names of alternate forms.
    • Change alternate skill names into direct links to the skill on Skill (Shuffle).
    • List Amelia icon rating.
    • List personalized Skill Booster drop location?
  • Obtain the files for trainer silhouettes, and add them to trainer class pages.
  • Test out separate pages for each skill?

Picross (3DS):

  • Add spinoff data to Pokémon species pages.


  • On Warrior pages:
    • Note how historical roles are referenced by type specialties, where applicable.
  • Test out separate pages for each Warrior skill and Pokémon ability?

Masters EX

  • Create skill family pages, and then split Skill (Masters) so that the page has less load.

Pokkén Tournament

  • Pages for Pokémon added in the Switch version.
  • Character pages (human characters).
  • DLC subsection

Detective Pikachu (video game)

  • Character pages, plot.

Super Mystery Dungeon:

  • Add quote data to all applicable Pokémon species pages. (impact: 001 - 720)

Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue:

  • Resolve image display issue for Template:Spindata/MDRB. Not all Pokémon in that game have portraits to use - maybe compile overworld sprites, and use those instead?

Ranger: Guardian Signs:

  • Game data and location data for past-dex Pokémon. (example: Leafeon in the past requires 2 players as it is locked behind a 2-button barrier)

Editing tools and tips

  • When making a large-scale edit to a page, periodically save your work to a local .txt document on your machine - just in case there's an issue and the site loses your draft.
  • When performing search-and-replace with regular expressions, the following symbols must have an escape backslash before them: \^$.|?*+()[{
  • List of long pages by bytes (potential candidates for splitting): Special:LongPages
  • Searching:
  • To make a table display cell borders on mobile, either add the class roundtable or the styling border-collapse:separate. The class also adds useful styles for tables, such as making them have curved corners.

Sandbox link

A quick link to my sandbox, which has experimental work that doesn't justify its own separate page.

Userspace links

The following box automatically keeps track of all pages in my userspace:

In this userspace:


Active Bulbapedia staff
Executive Staff: ArchaicEnzapevklKogoroMAGNEDETH
Editor-in-Chief: Maverick Nate
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: SnorlaxMonster

Leadership Board:
abcboyBoblersFrozen FennecLandfish7
Pokemaster97SpriteitStorm AuroraTiddlywinks


Junior Administrators:
ApopheniacBigDocFanC.Ezra.MDaniel CarreroFolksCallMeHilbert
HandiumHikaru WazanaMeeper12346Thespeon196VendrediWelkamo