Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes (TCG)

The Ultra Sun Deck Build Box (Japanese: デッキビルドBOX「ウルトラサン」) and the Ultra Moon Deck Build Box (Japanese: デッキビルドBOX「ウルトラムーン」) are a pair of Japanese-exclusive Pokémon Trading Card Game products that were released on February 16, 2018.


Collective box art
Release date February 16, 2018


The concept of Deck Build Boxes originated in the BW Era with the release of the Master Deck Build Box EX, providing players with cards featured in decks that had performed well in competitions and accompanying literature examining those cards in detail. These Deck Build Boxes, however, are more akin to the Premium Trainer Box and Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box released during the Sun & Moon Era, providing only reprints of popular Trainer and Special Energy cards, as well as multiples of every basic Energy card. Each box also comes with 13 booster packs: the Ultra Sun Deck Build Box includes ten Ultra Sun packs and three Ultra Force packs, while the Ultra Moon Deck Build Box includes ten Ultra Moon packs plus three Ultra Force packs. No additional accessories are included, unlike the Premium Trainer Boxes.

Each box contains a fixed selection of 158 cards: 50 of these comprise Trainer and Special Energy cards sourced from the XY, XY BREAK, and Sun & Moon Eras, with the remaining 108 cards consisting of 12 copies each of the nine basic Energy types. The Trainer cards differ between the two boxes, which together form a numbered master set. As with previous Premium Trainer Boxes, cards from the XY and XY BREAK Eras retain their original card layout and feature an XY set symbol, while those from the Sun & Moon Era feature a SMG set symbol.

Card list

Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
No. Mark Card name Type
001/041 A Aqua Patch I Promotion
002/041 A Nest Ball I Promotion
003/041 A Ultra Ball I Promotion
004/041 A Field Blower I Promotion
005/041 A Rare Candy I Promotion
006/041 A Rescue Stretcher I Promotion
007/041 A Choice Band I Promotion
008/041 A Acerola Su Promotion
009/041 A Guzma Su Promotion
010/041 B Cynthia Su Promotion
011/041 A Lillie Su Promotion
012/041 A Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Promotion
013/041 Revitalizer I Promotion
014/041 Super Rod I Promotion
015/041 Special Charge I Promotion
016/041 Dive Ball I Promotion
017/041 Trainers' Mail I Promotion
018/041 Professor's Letter I Promotion
019/041 Battle Compressor I Promotion
020/041 VS Seeker I Promotion
021/041 Max Elixir I Promotion
022/041 Float Stone I Promotion
023/041 Bursting Balloon I Promotion
024/041 Fighting Fury Belt I Promotion
025/041 Brigette Su Promotion
026/041 N Su Promotion
027/041 Hex Maniac Su Promotion
028/041 Xerosic Su Promotion
029/041 Korrina Su Promotion
030/041 Delinquent Su Promotion
031/041 Teammates Su Promotion
032/041 Ninja Boy Su Promotion
033/041 Skyla Su Promotion
034/041 Professor Sycamore Su Promotion
035/041 Pokémon Ranger Su Promotion
036/041 Wally Su Promotion
037/041 Rough Seas St Promotion
038/041 Forest of Giant Plants St Promotion
039/041 Dimension Valley St Promotion
040/041 Sky Field St Promotion
041/041 Double Dragon Energy Dragon E Promotion

Box structure

Ultra Sun Deck Build Box
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
003/041 A Ultra Ball I
004/041 A Field Blower I
005/041 A Rare Candy I
006/041 A Rescue Stretcher I
007/041 A Choice Band I
008/041 A Acerola Su
009/041 A Guzma Su
010/041 B Cynthia Su
011/041 A Lillie Su
012/041 A Double Colorless Energy Colorless E
013/041 Revitalizer I
014/041 Super Rod I
015/041 Special Charge I
017/041 Trainers' Mail I
018/041 Professor's Letter I
020/041 VS Seeker I
022/041 Float Stone I
023/041 Bursting Balloon I
026/041 N Su
027/041 Hex Maniac Su
028/041 Xerosic Su
030/041 Delinquent Su
031/041 Teammates Su
033/041 Skyla Su
034/041 Professor Sycamore Su
038/041 Forest of Giant Plants St
040/041 Sky Field St
041/041 Double Dragon Energy Dragon E
Grass Energy Grass E 12×
Fire Energy Fire E 12×
Water Energy Water E 12×
Lightning Energy Lightning E 12×
Fighting Energy Fighting E 12×
Psychic Energy Psychic E 12×
Darkness Energy Darkness E 12×
Metal Energy Metal E 12×
Fairy Energy Fairy E 12×

Ultra Moon Deck Build Box
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
001/041 A Aqua Patch I
002/041 A Nest Ball I
003/041 A Ultra Ball I
004/041 A Field Blower I
006/041 A Rescue Stretcher I
007/041 A Choice Band I
008/041 A Acerola Su
009/041 A Guzma Su
010/041 B Cynthia Su
011/041 A Lillie Su
012/041 A Double Colorless Energy Colorless E
014/041 Super Rod I
016/041 Dive Ball I
019/041 Battle Compressor I
020/041 VS Seeker I
021/041 Max Elixir I
022/041 Float Stone I
024/041 Fighting Fury Belt I
025/041 Brigette Su
026/041 N Su
029/041 Korrina Su
032/041 Ninja Boy Su
034/041 Professor Sycamore Su
035/041 Pokémon Ranger Su
036/041 Wally Su
037/041 Rough Seas St
039/041 Dimension Valley St
041/041 Double Dragon Energy Dragon E
Grass Energy Grass E 12×
Fire Energy Fire E 12×
Water Energy Water E 12×
Lightning Energy Lightning E 12×
Fighting Energy Fighting E 12×
Psychic Energy Psychic E 12×
Darkness Energy Darkness E 12×
Metal Energy Metal E 12×
Fairy Energy Fairy E 12×

Product images

Ultra Sun Deck Build Box
Ultra Sun Deck Build Box contents
Ultra Moon Deck Build Box
Ultra Moon Deck Build Box contents
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
SM Black Star Promos
Sun & Moon: Forest ShadowRoaring HeatBright TideSun & Moon Prerelease Kit
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
Guardians Rising: Guardians Rising Prerelease KitSteel SunHidden Moon
Lugia Legendary Battle DeckHo-Oh Legendary Battle DeckBattle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem
Burning Shadows: Burning Shadows Prerelease KitRock SteadyLuminous Frost
McDonald's Collection 2017Shining Legends
Crimson Invasion: Crimson Invasion Prerelease KitDestruction FangClanging Thunder
Ultra Prism: Ultra Prism Prerelease KitImperial CommandMach Strike
Forbidden Light: Forbidden Light Build & Battle BoxTropical TakedownTwilight Rogue
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan NinetalesMcDonald's Collection 2018
Celestial Storm: Celestial Storm Build & Battle BoxLeaf ChargeHydro Fury
Battle Arena Decks—Mega Charizard X vs. Mega BlastoiseDragon Majesty
Lost Thunder: Lost Thunder Build & Battle BoxBlazing VolcanoStorm Caller
Team Up: Team Up Build & Battle BoxRelentless FlameTorrential Cannon
Detective Pikachu
Unbroken Bonds: Unbroken Bonds Build & Battle BoxLightning LoopBattle Mind
Let's Play, Pikachu!Let's Play, Eevee!
Unified Minds: Unified Minds Build & Battle BoxSoaring StormLaser Focus
Hidden FatesMcDonald's Collection 2019Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX
Cosmic Eclipse: Cosmic Eclipse Build & Battle BoxTowering HeightsUnseen Depths
Battle Academy 2020
Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
Pikachu's New Friends
Collection SunCollection Moon: Sun & Moon Starter SetPremium Trainer Box
Rockruff Full Power DeckTogedemaru DeckTurtonator DeckSun & Moon
Islands Await YouAlolan Moonlight: Tapu Bulu-GX Enhanced Starter Set
Facing a New TrialAsh vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
To Have Seen the Battle RainbowDarkness that Consumes Light
Shining Legends
Awakened HeroesUltradimensional Beasts
GX Battle BoostSolgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX Legendary Starter Set
Ultra SunUltra Moon: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box
Ultra ForceUltra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
Forbidden Light
Dragon StormChampion Road
Sky-Splitting Charisma
Thunderclap SparkGX Starter DecksFairy Rise
Super-Burst Impact
Dark OrderGX Ultra ShinyEevee-GX Starter Sets
Tag Bolt: Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box
Night UnisonTrainer Battle DecksFull Metal Wall
Double Blaze: Tag Team GX Deck Build Box
Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card GameGG EndSky LegendGreat Detective Pikachu
Miracle Twin: Tag Team GX Starter Sets
Remix BoutDream League
Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box