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Tag All Stars (Japanese: ハイクラスパック TAG TEAM GX タッグオールスターズ High Class Pack TAG TEAM GX: Tag All Stars) is the name given to the nineteenth and final subset from the Sun & Moon Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan.

Tag All Stars
ハイクラスパック TAG TEAM GX

Cards in set 226
Release date October 4, 2019


Tag All Stars is a subset in the Pokémon Card Game Sun & Moon Era in Japan. It was released on October 4, 2019. Tag All Stars acted as a retrospective of the Tag Team block of the Sun & Moon Era. As such, it contained a large amount of reprinted cards from around this period, featuring the focal Tag Teams from the Tag Bolt, Double Blaze, and Miracle Twin expansions, and Night Unison, Full Metal Wall, GG End, and Sky Legend subsets, as well as other popular Pokémon-GX cards. Several Pokémon included in the subset featured artwork previously unavailable in Japan.

Much like the preceding High Class Pack GX Ultra Shiny, Tag All Stars included a large amount of Secret cards—53 in total—among which include Full Art and Rainbow Rare versions of Pokémon-GX that received only Regular prints in standalone products, Full Art versions of previously-released Trainer cards, and embossed Holofoil versions of the basic Energy cards. The seven focal Tag Teams from previous expansions and subsets also received gold Ultra-Rare prints for a total of 226 cards. Tag All Stars also had a parallel foil set—each card without a rarity symbol featured a Mirror Holofoil variant. Combined with the standard set and nine generic basic Energy cards, this created a master set of 369 cards.

Each pack contained eleven cards instead of five, including one guaranteed Pokémon-GX card, two Holofoil cards, one Energy card, and one parallel foil card. Energy cards were always Mirror Holofoil unless a pack included a Super-Rare version of one. Approximately 1 out of every 250 packs may contain 10 Super-Rare cards in addition to the Energy card, colloquially referred to as "god packs" in other TCG circles, and a first for the Pokémon TCG in Japan.

All Pokémon that debuted in Tag All Stars were localized and released in the Cosmic Eclipse expansion, as well as the two new TAG TEAM Supporter cards.

Set list

Tag All Stars
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/173 C Pheromosa & BuzzwoleTag Team GX Grass RR Promotion
002/173 C Paras Grass Promotion
003/173 C Parasect Grass Promotion
004/173 B Hoppip Grass Promotion
005/173 B Skiploom Grass Promotion
006/173 B Jumpluff Grass Promotion
007/173 B Shuckle Grass Promotion
008/173 B Treecko Grass Promotion
009/173 B Grovyle Grass Promotion
010/173 B SceptileGX Grass RR Promotion
011/173 B Shaymin Prism Star Grass PR Promotion
012/173 C Bounsweet Grass Promotion
013/173 C Steenee Grass Promotion
014/173 C Tsareena Grass Promotion
015/173 C Kartana Grass Promotion
016/173 C Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire RR Promotion
017/173 C Vulpix Fire Promotion
018/173 C Ninetales Fire Promotion
019/173 C Flareon Fire Promotion
020/173 C Victini Fire Promotion
021/173 B Victini Prism Star Fire PR Promotion
022/173 C Volcanion Fire Promotion
023/173 C Litten Fire Promotion
024/173 C Torracat Fire Promotion
025/173 C Incineroar Fire Promotion
026/173 C Salandit Fire Promotion
027/173 C Salazzle Fire Promotion
028/173 B BlacephalonGX Fire RR Promotion
029/173 C Squirtle Water Promotion
030/173 C Wartortle Water Promotion
031/173 C Blastoise Water Promotion
032/173 B Alolan Vulpix Water Promotion
033/173 C Vaporeon Water Promotion
034/173 C Articuno Water Promotion
035/173 B White Kyurem Water Promotion
036/173 C KeldeoGX Water RR Promotion
037/173 B Volcanion Prism Star Water PR Promotion
038/173 B Wishiwashi Water Promotion
039/173 C WishiwashiGX Water RR Promotion
040/173 C Tapu Fini Water Promotion
041/173 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning RR Promotion
042/173 C Jolteon Lightning Promotion
043/173 B Zapdos Lightning Promotion
044/173 B Raikou Lightning Promotion
045/173 B Blitzle Lightning Promotion
046/173 B Zebstrika Lightning Promotion
047/173 C Stunfisk Lightning Promotion
048/173 C DedenneGX Lightning RR Promotion
049/173 B Tapu Koko Prism Star Lightning PR Promotion
050/173 C Zeraora Lightning Promotion
051/173 B ZeraoraGX Lightning RR Promotion
052/173 C Mewtwo & MewTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
053/173 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
054/173 C Mewtwo Psychic Promotion
055/173 C Mew Psychic Promotion
056/173 B Natu Psychic Promotion
057/173 B Giratina Psychic Promotion
058/173 B Giratina Prism Star Psychic PR Promotion
059/173 C Espurr Psychic Promotion
060/173 C Meowstic Psychic Promotion
061/173 B Inkay Psychic Promotion
062/173 B Malamar Psychic Promotion
063/173 C Mimikyu Psychic Promotion
064/173 C Marshadow Psychic Promotion
065/173 B Poipole Psychic Promotion
066/173 B Naganadel Psychic Promotion
067/173 C Marshadow & MachampTag Team GX Fighting RR Promotion
068/173 C Tyrogue Fighting Promotion
069/173 C Landorus Fighting Promotion
070/173 B Diancie Prism Star Fighting PR Promotion
071/173 C Stakataka Fighting Promotion
072/173 C Greninja & ZoroarkTag Team GX Darkness RR Promotion
073/173 C Sneasel Darkness Promotion
074/173 B Weavile Darkness Promotion
075/173 B Absol Darkness Promotion
076/173 C Spiritomb Darkness Promotion
077/173 B Darkrai Prism Star Darkness PR Promotion
078/173 B Zorua Darkness Promotion
079/173 B Zoroark Darkness Promotion
080/173 B Yveltal Darkness Promotion
081/173 C Hoopa Darkness Promotion
082/173 B IncineroarGX Darkness RR Promotion
083/173 C Lucario & MelmetalTag Team GX Metal RR Promotion
084/173 C Alolan Diglett Metal Promotion
085/173 C Alolan Dugtrio Metal Promotion
086/173 B Magnemite Metal Promotion
087/173 B Magneton Metal Promotion
088/173 B Magnezone Metal Promotion
089/173 C MawileGX Metal RR Promotion
090/173 B Jirachi Metal Promotion
091/173 B Jirachi Prism Star Metal PR Promotion
092/173 C Meltan Metal Promotion
093/173 C Melmetal Metal Promotion
094/173 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy RR Promotion
095/173 B Alolan NinetalesGX Fairy RR Promotion
096/173 C Cleffa Fairy Promotion
097/173 C Cottonee Fairy Promotion
098/173 C Whimsicott Fairy Promotion
099/173 C Garchomp & GiratinaTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
100/173 B RayquazaGX Dragon RR Promotion
101/173 B Ultra NecrozmaGX Dragon RR Promotion
102/173 C Moltres & Zapdos & ArticunoTag Team GX Colorless RR Promotion
103/173 C Pidgey Colorless Promotion
104/173 C Pidgeotto Colorless Promotion
105/173 C Meowth Colorless Promotion
106/173 C Persian Colorless Promotion
107/173 C Kangaskhan Colorless Promotion
108/173 B Ditto Prism Star Colorless PR Promotion
109/173 C Eevee Colorless Promotion
110/173 C Porygon Colorless Promotion
111/173 C Porygon2 Colorless Promotion
112/173 C Porygon-Z Colorless Promotion
113/173 C Glameow Colorless Promotion
114/173 C Munchlax Colorless Promotion
115/173 C Audino Colorless Promotion
116/173 B Pikipek Colorless Promotion
117/173 B Trumbeak Colorless Promotion
118/173 B Electropower I Promotion
119/173 B Electropower I Promotion
120/173 B Custom Catcher I Promotion
121/173 B Acro Bike I Promotion
122/173 B Acro Bike I Promotion
123/173 C Electromagnetic Radar I Promotion
124/173 C Electromagnetic Radar I Promotion
125/173 B Net Ball I Promotion
126/173 B Beast Ring I Promotion
127/173 C Cherish Ball I Promotion
128/173 B Adventure Bag I Promotion
129/173 C Pokégear 3.0 I Promotion
130/173 C Pokégear 3.0 I Promotion
131/173 C Pokémon Communication I Promotion
132/173 C Pokémon Communication I Promotion
133/173 C Fire Crystal I Promotion
134/173 B Mysterious Treasure I Promotion
135/173 B Mysterious Treasure I Promotion
136/173 C Reset Stamp I Promotion
137/173 C Reset Stamp I Promotion
138/173 B Lost Blender I Promotion
139/173 B Counter Gain I Promotion
140/173 C Karate Belt I Promotion
141/173 B Spell Tag I Promotion
142/173 C Metal Core Barrier I Promotion
143/173 C U-Turn Board I Promotion
144/173 B Cyrus Prism Star Su PR Promotion
145/173 B Professor Elm's Lecture Su Promotion
146/173 C Erika's Hospitality Su Promotion
147/173 C Misty & Lorelei Su Promotion
148/173 B Diantha Su Promotion
149/173 B Sightseer Su Promotion
150/173 B Faba Su Promotion
151/173 C Giovanni's Exile Su Promotion
152/173 C Bellelba & Brycen-Man Su Promotion
153/173 B Volkner Su Promotion
154/173 C Green's Exploration Su Promotion
155/173 B Morty Su Promotion
156/173 B Mina Su Promotion
157/173 C Welder Su Promotion
158/173 B Lisia Su Promotion
159/173 C Red's Challenge Su Promotion
160/173 B Shrine of Punishment St Promotion
161/173 C Martial Arts Dojo St Promotion
162/173 C Giant Hearth St Promotion
163/173 B Thunder Mountain Prism Star St PR Promotion
164/173 B Mt. Coronet St Promotion
165/173 C Viridian Forest St Promotion
166/173 B Heat Factory Prism Star St PR Promotion
167/173 B Black Market Prism Star St PR Promotion
168/173 B Life Forest Prism Star St PR Promotion
169/173 B Wondrous Labyrinth Prism Star St PR Promotion
170/173 B Super Boost Energy Prism Star Colorless E PR Promotion
171/173 C Triple Acceleration Energy Colorless E Promotion
172/173 B Beast Energy Prism Star Colorless E PR Promotion
173/173 C Recycle Energy Colorless E Promotion
174/173 C WishiwashiGX Water SR Promotion
175/173 C DedenneGX Lightning SR Promotion
176/173 C Espeon & DeoxysTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
177/173 C Espeon & DeoxysTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
178/173 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
179/173 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
180/173 C JirachiGX Psychic SR Promotion
181/173 C Umbreon & DarkraiTag Team GX Darkness SR Promotion
182/173 C Umbreon & DarkraiTag Team GX Darkness SR Promotion
183/173 C WeavileGX Darkness SR Promotion
184/173 C MelmetalGX Metal SR Promotion
185/173 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy SR Promotion
186/173 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy SR Promotion
187/173 C EeveeGX Colorless SR Promotion
188/173 C EeveeGX Colorless SR Promotion
189/173 C Will Su SR Promotion
190/173 C Erika's Hospitality Su SR Promotion
191/173 C Misty & Lorelei Su SR Promotion
192/173 B Sightseer Su SR Promotion
193/173 C Blue's Tactics Su SR Promotion
194/173 C Bellelba & Brycen-Man Su SR Promotion
195/173 C Hapu Su SR Promotion
196/173 C Green's Exploration Su SR Promotion
197/173 C Roxie Su SR Promotion
198/173 B Mina Su SR Promotion
199/173 C Clay Su SR Promotion
200/173 C Welder Su SR Promotion
201/173 C Red's Challenge Su SR Promotion
202/173 Grass Energy Grass E SR Promotion
203/173 Fire Energy Fire E SR Promotion
204/173 Water Energy Water E SR Promotion
205/173 Lightning Energy Lightning E SR Promotion
206/173 Psychic Energy Psychic E SR Promotion
207/173 Fighting Energy Fighting E SR Promotion
208/173 Darkness Energy Darkness E SR Promotion
209/173 Metal Energy Metal E SR Promotion
210/173 Fairy Energy Fairy E SR Promotion
211/173 C WishiwashiGX Water HR Promotion
212/173 C Espeon & DeoxysTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
213/173 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
214/173 C JirachiGX Psychic HR Promotion
215/173 C Umbreon & DarkraiTag Team GX Darkness HR Promotion
216/173 C WeavileGX Darkness HR Promotion
217/173 C MelmetalGX Metal HR Promotion
218/173 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy HR Promotion
219/173 C EeveeGX Colorless HR Promotion
220/173 C Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire UR Promotion
221/173 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning UR Promotion
222/173 C Mewtwo & MewTag Team GX Psychic UR Promotion
223/173 C Greninja & ZoroarkTag Team GX Darkness UR Promotion
224/173 C Lucario & MelmetalTag Team GX Metal UR Promotion
225/173 C Garchomp & GiratinaTag Team GX Dragon UR Promotion
226/173 C Moltres & Zapdos & ArticunoTag Team GX Colorless UR Promotion


Tag All Stars pack
Tag All Stars booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

In other languages

Language Title
Korean 태그올스타즈 Tag All Stars

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
SM Black Star Promos
Sun & Moon: Forest ShadowRoaring HeatBright TideSun & Moon Prerelease Kit
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
Guardians Rising: Guardians Rising Prerelease KitSteel SunHidden Moon
Lugia Legendary Battle DeckHo-Oh Legendary Battle DeckBattle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem
Burning Shadows: Burning Shadows Prerelease KitRock SteadyLuminous Frost
McDonald's Collection 2017Shining Legends
Crimson Invasion: Crimson Invasion Prerelease KitDestruction FangClanging Thunder
Ultra Prism: Ultra Prism Prerelease KitImperial CommandMach Strike
Forbidden Light: Forbidden Light Build & Battle BoxTropical TakedownTwilight Rogue
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan NinetalesMcDonald's Collection 2018
Celestial Storm: Celestial Storm Build & Battle BoxLeaf ChargeHydro Fury
Battle Arena Decks—Mega Charizard X vs. Mega BlastoiseDragon Majesty
Lost Thunder: Lost Thunder Build & Battle BoxBlazing VolcanoStorm Caller
Team Up: Team Up Build & Battle BoxRelentless FlameTorrential Cannon
Detective Pikachu
Unbroken Bonds: Unbroken Bonds Build & Battle BoxLightning LoopBattle Mind
Let's Play, Pikachu!Let's Play, Eevee!
Unified Minds: Unified Minds Build & Battle BoxSoaring StormLaser Focus
Hidden FatesMcDonald's Collection 2019Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX
Cosmic Eclipse: Cosmic Eclipse Build & Battle BoxTowering HeightsUnseen Depths
Battle Academy 2020
Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
Pikachu's New Friends
Collection SunCollection Moon: Sun & Moon Starter SetPremium Trainer Box
Rockruff Full Power DeckTogedemaru DeckTurtonator DeckSun & Moon
Islands Await YouAlolan Moonlight: Tapu Bulu-GX Enhanced Starter Set
Facing a New TrialAsh vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
To Have Seen the Battle RainbowDarkness that Consumes Light
Shining Legends
Awakened HeroesUltradimensional Beasts
GX Battle BoostSolgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX Legendary Starter Set
Ultra SunUltra Moon: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box
Ultra ForceUltra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
Forbidden Light
Dragon StormChampion Road
Sky-Splitting Charisma
Thunderclap SparkGX Starter DecksFairy Rise
Super-Burst Impact
Dark OrderGX Ultra ShinyEevee-GX Starter Sets
Tag Bolt: Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box
Night UnisonTrainer Battle DecksFull Metal Wall
Double Blaze: Tag Team GX Deck Build Box
Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card GameGG EndSky LegendGreat Detective Pikachu
Miracle Twin: Tag Team GX Starter Sets
Remix BoutDream League
Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box