Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX (TCG)

The Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX are a pair of Pokémon Trading Card Game Theme Decks released during the Sun & Moon Series. They were available from October 4, 2019.

Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX

Collective box art
Release date October 4, 2019
Types used LightningPsychic
Coin /


Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX

Mighty Pokémon Battle for Victory!

Powerful Pokémon are ready to heat up the battlefield in the new Pokémon TCG: Battle Arena Decks! These 60-card decks are ready to play right away, with powerful cards and winning strategies worthy of an ace Trainer. Each deck is led by an exceptional Legendary Pokémon-GX and includes 9 foil cards. Let the battle begin!

Battle Arena Deck

Swift as lightning and loaded with power! You'll always be ready with the recharge for Rayquaza-GX, Tapu Koko Prism Star, and Zapdos in this Lightning- and Grass-type deck.

Battle Arena Deck
Ultra Necrozma-GX

A nightmare for your opponent! Strike hard with Ultra Necrozma-GX, Giratina, and Malamar in this Metal- and Psychic-type deck.


The Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX are two 60-card decks that focus on popular cards from the Sun & Moon Series. The Rayquaza-GX Deck focuses on Lightning-type Pokémon and is built around Rayquaza-GX from Celestial Storm, while the Ultra Necrozma-GX Deck comprises mostly Psychic-type Pokémon and features Forbidden Light Ultra Necrozma-GX as its main attacker. The decks employ strategies from the time they were originally released and utilize popular cards such as Zapdos, Tapu Koko Prism Star, Jirachi, and Malamar. Each deck includes a Cracked Ice Holofoil coin and deck box featuring the titular Pokémon, a sheet of damage counters and markers, a two-player playmat and rulesheet, a Quick Guide, and a code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.

This set of Battle Arena Decks contains exclusive prints of 9 different cards:

The Rayquaza-GX Deck also included re-releases of Non Holofoil Forbidden Light Magnezone (×3) from the Lightning Loop Theme Deck, and Non Holofoil Team Up Erika's Hospitality (×2) from the Team Up Build & Battle Box.

Deck lists

Rayquaza-GX Deck
No. Card Type Quantity
109/168 RayquazaGX Dragon
51/181 Tapu Koko Prism Star Lightning
36/131 Magnezone Lightning
35/131 Magneton Lightning
34/131 Magnemite Lightning
82/214 Zebstrika Lightning
81/214 Blitzle Lightning
23/108 Zapdos Lightning
60/214 Zeraora Lightning
23/113 Heracross Grass
122/160 Acro Bike I
74/108 Brock's Grit Su
119/156 Cynthia Su
170/214 Energy Spinner I
140/181 Erika's Hospitality Su
130/168 Fisherman Su
125/156 Lillie Su
152/181 Pokémon Communication I
133/156 Pokémon Fan Club Su
142/168 Rare Candy I
147/168 Switch I
148a/168 Tate & Liza Su
146/162 Volkner Su
Grass Energy [Non Holofoil] Grass E
Lightning Energy [Holofoil] Lightning E
Lightning Energy [Non Holofoil] Lightning E

Ultra Necrozma-GX Deck
No. Card Type Quantity
95/131 Ultra NecrozmaGX Dragon
51/131 Malamar Psychic
50/131 Inkay Psychic
65/168 Banette Psychic
64/168 Shuppet Psychic
97/214 Giratina Psychic
99/181 Jirachi Metal
110/168 Dunsparce Colorless
122/160 Acro Bike I
74/108 Brock's Grit Su
119/156 Cynthia Su
140/181 Erika's Hospitality Su
122/156 Escape Board I
125/156 Lillie Su
113/131 Mysterious Treasure I
152/181 Pokémon Communication I
133/156 Pokémon Fan Club Su
189a/214 Sightseer Su
147/168 Switch I
148/168 Tate & Liza Su
156/181 Viridian Forest St
117/131 Beast Energy Prism Star Colorless E
Metal Energy [Non Holofoil] Metal E
Psychic Energy [Holofoil] Psychic E
Psychic Energy [Non Holofoil] Psychic E

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
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Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
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Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box