Type Expert Tournament/Steel

This is the list of the Pokémon World Tournament participants in the Type Expert Tournament that specialize in the Steel type.

Type Expert Tournament
タイプエキスパート トーナメント Type Expert Tournament
Battle Rules:
You may not have duplicate Pokémon or duplicate held items. The item Soul Dew and the move Sky Drop are banned. Legendary or mythical Pokémon may not participate, either. For these battles, all Pokémon will be set to Level 50.
Type Expert Tournament is a tournament in which only Pokémon of a specific type can participate.


Margaret is always battled first before Jasmine and Byron are fought.


Jasmine always leads with Steelix.


Byron always leads with Bastiodon.


Margaret always leads with Aggron.


  • Jasmine's Forretress and Margaret's Magnezone know Toxic, even though it will always fail against the player's Pokémon due to them being limited to using Steel types in this tournament, unless they use a move or Ability to change their type mid-battle.

In other languages


Language Name Origin
Japanese サッチャー Thatcher From Margaret Thatcher, also known as the Iron Lady
English, French Margaret From Margaret Thatcher
German Thatcher Transcription of her Japanese name
Spanish Hilaria From Hilda, Margaret Thatcher's middle name
Italian Artura
Korean 대처 Thatcher From Margaret Thatcher

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