This article is about the location in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. For the location in Hoenn, see Sky Pillar. For the Japanese webgame. see Yahoo! Kids online games.

← Magma Cavern
Sky Tower
Uproar Forest →

Sky Tower (Japanese: 天空 Sky Tower) is the sixteenth dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX and the final dungeon to be visited during the game's main storyline. It consists of a total of 34 floors. The dungeon's first section contains 25 floors, and ends in the Sky Tower Summit (Japanese: 天空 最上階) which contains an additional 9 floors. It is home to Rayquaza.

Sky Tower 天空
Sky Tower
Basic info
Floors: 34*
Rest stops: Yes
Traps: No
Monster Houses: Yes
Main type: Bug, Flying*, Flying, Dragon*RB
Bug, FlyingRTDX
Boss: Rayquaza
Recruiting: Yes*
Items: Allowed
Money: Allowed
Starting level: Current
Team members: 3
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

The player and the partner must complete the dungeon in order to challenge Rayquaza, who, after being defeated, will destroy the Meteor, the cause of the constant natural disasters.


Interior of Sky Tower in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team.

Generation III

In the original games, the Teleport Gem is used to reach it the first time but after the credits, due to the Teleport Gem being damaged, the HM Fly is required to enter, which is available after the completion of the main story.

There is no chance of finding a Kecleon Shop or buried items in this dungeon. Monster Houses have a chance of appearing on all floors except floors 1 and 2.

The default weather pattern for floor 7 and Summit's floor 6 is rain; for floors 11, 15, and 18, hail; for floors 12, 21 and Summit's floor 4, cloudy; and for floor 24 and Summit's floor 2, sunny.

Generation VIII

The meteor being destroyed above Sky Tower.

Like in the original games, the player reaches Sky Tower with the help of the Teleport Gem. As the Teleport Gem is not damaged in the remakes, Fly is no longer required to re-enter the dungeon. The structure of Sky Tower is kept the same, with Sky Tower Summit starting after floor 25. Unlike the original games, the floor numbers continue from floors 26 to 33.

Monster Houses have a chance of appearing on all floors except floors 1 and 2. A random default weather condition (Hail, Rain, Sandstorm, Sunny, or Clear) occurs on floors 6-7, 12-13, 18-19, and 24-25.

The battle with Rayquaza at the peak of the tower features gusts of winds which hinder the player's team. Strong wind gusts can occur without warning, which scatters teammates across the floor. For other winds, highlighted green tiles will give a warning that a wind will start the next turn. Pokémon remaining on these highlighted green tiles will either be swept away by a strong wind (which deals damage), or be swirled up by a whirlwind (which warps the Pokémon randomly but does not deal damage).

Pokémon encountered

Generation III

Sky Tower

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja 1-5 5 Unrecruitable
Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress 1-6 23 Unrecruitable
Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet 1-6 28 8%
Masquerain (Pokémon) Masquerain 1-8 27 Unrecruitable
Lunatone (Pokémon) Lunatone 1-11 24 5%
Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull 7-14 27 7.5%
Koffing (Pokémon) Koffing 9-16 24 7.9%
Ledian (Pokémon) Ledian 10-18 24 Unrecruitable
Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria 12-19 24 Unrecruitable
Solrock (Pokémon) Solrock 12-20 24 5%
Scizor (Pokémon) Scizor 15-21 24 Unrecruitable
Dusclops (Pokémon) Dusclops 17-23 24 Unrecruitable
Venomoth (Pokémon) Venomoth 20-25 18 Unrecruitable
Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl 21-25 25 8.4%
Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon 21-25 27 Unrecruitable
Tropius (Pokémon) Tropius 22-25 27 7.6%

Sky Tower Summit

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl 1-8 25 8.4%
Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon 1-8 27 Unrecruitable
Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol 1-8 26 Unrecruitable
Tropius (Pokémon) Tropius 1-8 27 7.6%
Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence 1-8 29 Unrecruitable
Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross 1-8 30 Unrecruitable
Rayquaza (Pokémon) Rayquaza 9 35 -10% Boss
Rayquaza cannot be recruited until after the credits.

Generation VIII

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Mystery House Pokémon levels, floors
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress 1-6 31 10.8%
Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet 1-6 25 10.8%
Masquerain (Pokémon) Masquerain 1-8 25 10.8%
Lunatone (Pokémon) Lunatone 1-11 25 10.8%
Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull 6-16 25 10.8%
Weezing (Pokémon) Weezing 8-16 35 10.8%
Ledian (Pokémon) Ledian 12-20 25 10.8%
Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria 12-20 35 10.8%
Solrock (Pokémon) Solrock 12-20 25 10.8%
Scizor (Pokémon) Scizor 19-25 25 10.8%
Dusclops (Pokémon) Dusclops 19-27 37 10.8%
Venomoth (Pokémon) Venomoth 21-27 31 10.8%
Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl 22-31 25 10.8%
Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon 25-31 45 -2.2%
Tropius (Pokémon) Tropius 25-32 30 10.8%
Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol 31-33 36 10.8%
Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence 31-33 50 -2.2%
Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross 31-33 45 -2.2%
Rayquaza (Pokémon) Rayquaza 34 33 100% Boss
Fainted Pokémon
Bulbasaur (Pokémon) Bulbasaur 2-33 27 100%
Charmander (Pokémon) Charmander 2-33 27 100%
Squirtle (Pokémon) Squirtle 2-33 27 100%
Persian (Pokémon) Persian 2-33 30 100%
Kangaskhan (Pokémon) Kangaskhan 2-33 27 100%
Gulpin (Pokémon) Gulpin 2-33 27 100%
Mystery House
Pidgeot (Pokémon) Pidgeot 3-25 36 100%
Fearow (Pokémon) Fearow 3-25 ? 100%
Farfetch'd (Pokémon) Farfetch'd 3-25 ? 100%
Dodrio (Pokémon) Dodrio 3-25 31 100%
Noctowl (Pokémon) Noctowl 3-25 ? 100%
Xatu (Pokémon) Xatu 3-25 ? 100%
Delibird (Pokémon) Delibird 3-25 ? 100%
Swellow (Pokémon) Swellow 3-25 ? 100%
Pelipper (Pokémon) Pelipper 3-25 ? 100%
Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria 3-25 ? 100%
Honchkrow (Pokémon) Honchkrow 3-25 ? 100%
Rayquaza and other Pokémon in the dungeon cannot be recruited until after the credits.
After completing the main story, Rayquaza fights the player in both its regular and Mega Evolved form.


Generation III

Sky Tower

Item Floors
4-314 Poké 1-25F
Detect Band 1-25F
Gold Ribbon 1-25F
Heal Ribbon 1-25F
Pecha Scarf 1-25F
Persim Band 1-25F
Power Band 1-25F
Racket Band 1-25F
Special Band 1-25F
Stamina Band 1-25F
Warp Scarf 1-25F
Insomniscope 1-25F
Scope Lens 1-25F
X-Ray Specs 1-25F
5-7 Iron Thorn 1-25F
5-7 Silver Spike 1-25F
Apple 1-25F
Clear Gummi 1-25F
Gray Gummi 1-25F
Pink Gummi 1-25F
Purple Gummi 1-25F
Sky Gummi 1-25F
Aerial Ace 1-25F
Attract 1-25F
Brick Break 1-25F
Bullet Seed 1-25F
Calm Mind 1-25F
Dig 1-25F
Earthquake 1-25F
Facade 1-25F
Fire Blast 1-25F
Flamethrower 1-25F
Focus Punch 1-25F
Frustration 1-25F
Giga Drain 1-25F
Hidden Power 1-25F
Ice Beam 1-25F
Light Screen 1-25F
Psychic 1-25F
Reflect 1-25F
Rest 1-25F
Return 1-25F
Roar 1-25F
Safeguard 1-25F
Secret Power 1-25F
Shadow Ball 1-25F
Shock Wave 1-25F
Solarbeam 1-25F
Taunt 1-25F
Thief 1-25F
Thunderbolt 1-25F
Torment 1-25F
Toxic 1-25F
Link Box 1-25F

Sky Tower Summit

Item dragon
4-314 Poké 1-8F
Detect Band 1-8F
Joy Ribbon 1-8F
Heal Ribbon 1-8F
Pecha Scarf 1-8F
Persim Band 1-8F
Power Band 1-8F
Racket Band 1-8F
Special Band 1-8F
Stamina Band 1-8F
Warp Scarf 1-8F
Aerial Ace 1-8F
Attract 1-8F
Brick Break 1-8F
Bullet Seed 1-8F
Calm Mind 1-8F
Dig 1-8F
Earthquake 1-8F
Facade 1-8F
Fire Blast 1-8F
Flamethrower 1-8F
Focus Punch 1-8F
Frustration 1-8F
Giga Drain 1-8F
Hidden Power 1-8F
Ice Beam 1-8F
Light Screen 1-8F
Psychic 1-8F
Reflect 1-8F
Rest 1-8F
Return 1-8F
Roar 1-8F
Safeguard 1-8F
Secret Power 1-8F
Shadow Ball 1-8F
Shock Wave 1-8F
Solarbeam 1-8F
Taunt 1-8F
Thief 1-8F
Thunderbolt 1-8F
Torment 1-8F
Toxic 1-8F

Monster House

Item Floors
4-278 Poké 3-25F
Aerial Ace 3-25F
Attract 3-25F
Brick Break 3-25F
Calm Mind 3-25F
Bullet Seed 3-25F
Dig 3-25F
Earthquake 3-25F
Facade 3-25F
Fire Blast 3-25F
Flamethrower 3-25F
Focus Punch 3-25F
Frustration 3-25F
Giga Drain 3-25F
Hidden Power 3-25F
Ice Beam 3-25F
Light Screen 3-25F
Psychic 3-25F
Reflect 3-25F
Rest 3-25F
Return 3-25F
Roar 3-25F
Safeguard 3-25F
Secret Power 3-25F
Shadow Ball 3-25F
Shock Wave 3-25F
Solarbeam 3-25F
Taunt 3-25F
Thief 3-25F
Thunderbolt 3-25F
Torment 3-25F
Toxic 3-25F
Blowback Orb 3-25F
Escape Orb 3-25F
Evasion Orb 3-25F
Hurl Orb 3-25F
Petrify Orb 3-25F
Pounce Orb 3-25F
Radar Orb 3-25F
Rebound Orb 3-25F
Rollcall Orb 3-25F
Scanner Orb 3-25F
Switcher Orb 3-25F
Trawl Orb 3-25F
Warp Orb 3-25F

Generation VIII

Sky Tower

Item Floors
10-110 Poké 1-33F
Cheri Berry 1-33F
Oran Berry 1-33F
Pecha Berry 1-33F
Rawst Berry 1-33F
Blast Seed 1-33F
Eyedrop Seed 1-33F
Sleep Seed 1-33F
Stun Seed 1-33F
Tiny Reviver Seed 1-33F
Totter Seed 1-33F
Training Seed 1-33F
Max Ether 1-33F
All Dodge Orb 1-33F
All Power-Up Orb 1-33F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-33F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-33F
Nullify Orb 1-33F
Petrify Orb 1-33F
Quick Orb 1-33F
Rollcall Orb 1-33F
Slow Orb 1-33F
Slumber Orb 1-33F
Totter Orb 1-33F
Trawl Orb 1-33F
Weather Lock Orb 1-33F

Sparkling Floor

Item Floors
Big Apple 1-33F
Sitrus Berry 1-33F
Eyedrop Seed 1-33F
Heal Seed 1-33F
Life Seed 1-33F
Reviver Seed 1-33F
Tiny Reviver Seed 1-33F
Max Elixir 1-33F
Calcium 1-33F
Carbos 1-33F
Iron 1-33F
Protein 1-33F
Zinc 1-33F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-33F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-33F
Health Orb 1-33F
Revive All Orb 1-33F
Rollcall Orb 1-33F
Slumber Orb 1-33F
Totter Orb 1-33F
Trapbust Orb 1-33F

Monster House

Item Floors
10-110 Poké 1-33F
Apple 1-33F
Cheri Berry 1-33F
Oran Berry 1-33F
Pecha Berry 1-33F
Rawst Berry 1-33F
Eyedrop Seed 1-33F
Tiny Reviver Seed 1-33F
Totter Seed 1-33F
Training Seed 1-33F
Max Ether 1-33F
All Dodge Orb 1-33F
All Power-Up Orb 1-33F
Escape Orb 1-33F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-33F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-33F
Petrify Orb 1-33F
Quick Orb 1-33F
Revive All Orb 1-33F
Slow Orb 1-33F
Slumber Orb 1-33F
Totter Orb 1-33F
Trawl Orb 1-33F
Weather Lock Orb 1-33F

Traps encountered

Generation VIII

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: needs percentages

Note: The % are rough estimates.

Image Trap Floor 1-33
Blast Trap ? %
Gust Trap ? %
Hunger Trap ? %
Seal Trap ? %
Slow Trap ? %
Slumber Trap ? %
Spiky Trap ? %
Spin Trap ? %
Warp Trap ? %

Other encounters

Generation III

Image Tile Floor 1-2 Floor 3-25
Monster House 0% 5%


Generation III

First encounter

Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.35
HP: 600
Scary Face
Dragon Dance


Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.45
HP: 600

Generation VIII

First encounter
Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.28
HP: 1576
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Extreme Speed
Normal Physical
Hyper Voice
Normal Special
Dragon Special
Rematch (Phase 1)
Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.50
HP: 2300
Extreme Speed
Normal Physical
Dragon Special
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Dragon Ascent
Flying Physical
Rematch (Phase 2)
Dragon Flying
Delta Stream
Held item:
Mega Rayquaza Lv.50
HP: 2905
Extreme Speed
Normal Physical
Dragon Special
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Dragon Ascent
Flying Physical


Exterior Entrance Summit


By Pokémon
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.


In other languages

Sky Tower

Language Title
French Tour Céleste
German Himmelsturm
Italian Torre Celeste
Korean 천공의 탑 Cheongong-ui Tab
Spanish Torre del Cielo

Sky Tower Summit

Language Title
French Tour Céleste - SommetRTDX
Tour Céleste-SommetRB
German Himmelsturmspitze
Italian Vetta Celeste
Korean 천공의 탑 최상단 Cheongong-ui Tab Choesangdan
Spanish Techo del Cielo

Related articles

Locations in the Pokémon world in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX
Major locations
Friend Areas/Rescue team campsTeam BasePokémon SquareKecleon Shop
Kangaskhan StorageMakuhita DojoWhiscash PondLuminous CaveHill of the Ancients
Tiny WoodsThunderwave CaveMt. SteelSinister WoodsSilent Chasm
Mt. ThunderGreat CanyonLapis CaveRock PathMt. BlazeSnow Path
Frosty ForestMt. FreezeMagma CavernSky TowerUproar Forest
Howling ForestStormy SeaSilver TrenchMeteor CaveFiery Field
Lightning FieldNorthwind FieldMt. FarawayWestern CaveNorthern Range
Pitfall ValleyBuried RelicWish CaveMurky CaveDesert Region
Southern CavernWyvern HillSolar CaveDarknight RelicGrand Sea
Waterfall PondUnown RelicJoyous TowerFar-Off SeaPurity Forest
Oddity CaveRemains IslandMarvelous SeaFantasy Strait
Unknown DungeonRB
Illusory GrottoRTDX

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.