Oreburgh City (Japanese: クロガネシティKurogane City) is a city located in central Sinnoh. Oreburgh is first accessible via the Oreburgh Gate, which is to the west of the city. This is one of two connecting routes to the city, the other being Route 207 to the city's north. Oreburgh is a mining town blessed with significant natural resources. Prominent vents throughout the city exchange the stale air from the mines below with fresh, above-ground air.
Oreburgh City
クロガネシティ Kurogane City
"City of Energy"
Oreburgh City in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
A vibrant and energetic mining town that is blessed with a precious natural resource. There is a Gym where mine workers take breaks in between their exhausting work shifts. There is a museum that specializes in exhibits related to the town's coal mine. Huge deposits of coal still sleep underneath the ground. The entrance to the Oreburgh Mine is here.
In the city's southern section are the Oreburgh Mines, and Oreburgh is also the location of the first Gym in Sinnoh, led byRoark. It is there where Trainers can earn the Coal Badge, the first Badge available to Trainers seeking to conquer the Sinnoh region's Pokémon League. Other points of interest include the Oreburgh Mining Museum. The miners often take breaks in the Gym between the work shifts and, similarly, Roark allows the citizens of the town to train their Pokémon in the mines.
There is a girl in the city who will trade her Abra for the player's Machop.
The Oreburgh Mining Museum is a museum located north-east of Oreburgh City. The Oreburgh Mining Museum is a large, one floor museum that contains many visual displays as well as facts about coal and the Oreburgh Mine. There is also a man at the front desk who will revive Fossils in the party for free. Unlike other museums, the Oreburgh Mining Museum is free to enter. The Oreburgh Mining Museum's primary importance is the resurrection of Fossils, which is done with the help of the man near the counter. He will be able to revive these Fossils for free but only one at a time. He is very bossy, annoyed when the player comes by too early or late, and gets disappointed when the player doesn't give him a Fossil.
The Oreburgh Mine is located at the far south of Oreburgh City. It is run by Roark, who is also the Gym Leader of the city. It is the livelihood of the town. Vents in the town allow steam to escape and fresh air to enter the mine, likely also clearing the mine of any poison gas. The mine is operated with the utmost care to avoid causing damage to the natural habitats of wild Pokémon. The system of taking coal out of the mine is automated. Roark lets Trainers from the town train their Pokémon in the mine. The mine itself extends not only under the town, but the seafloor as well. All of the miners have their own Pokémon, usually Machop, to assist them in the mine.
Oreburgh Pokémon Gym Leader: Roark
"Call me Roark the Rock!"
The Oreburgh Gym is the official Gym of Oreburgh City. It is based on Rock-typePokémon. The Gym Leader is Roark. Trainers who defeat him receive the Coal Badge. The Oreburgh Gym is a narrow building built of stone. Two paths exist, a raised path that avoids the Trainers and a middle path that takes challengers straight through the Gym. Roark waits on a raised hill at the end of the paths. Although only two Trainers actually appear in the Gym, most of the miners in the Oreburgh Mine are also members who relax at the Gym in their free time. After Roark is defeated, he will give the player the Coal Badge, which is the first Badge one can earn in the conquest of the Sinnoh region's Pokémon League, TM76 (Stealth Rock), and the ability to use Rock Smash outside of battle.
The player's rival blocks access to the Gym until Roark is visited in Oreburgh Mine.
In-game trade
In a large two story house, north-west of Oreburgh City, is a woman that wants to trade the player an elusive Abra for a Machop. The Abra will be nicknamed "Kazza", and it will be holding an Oran Berry. The Original Trainer will be "Hilary" and its ID will be 25643. The Pokémon's level will be the same as the one that the player traded.
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
The population of Oreburgh City is 57, making it a fairly large city. Its large population may be due to the large number of workers in town.
Pokémon Platinum
The population of Oreburgh City is 75, making it a large city. Its large population may be due to the large number of workers.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Pokémon Platinum
On certain days, the player can challenge a Trainer who appears in the Pokémon Center. Depending on the game's progress, the Trainer will have teams with higher-level Pokémon upon rematch.
Ash and his friends arrived in Oreburgh City in Shapes of Things to Come!, where they met up with Paul again. Like Ash, Paul was in the city to challenge the Oreburgh Gym. His battle against the Gym LeaderRoark ended in a victory for him and thus he earned the Coal Badge, his first Sinnoh LeagueBadge. Even after winning, Paul remained in the city to watch Ash's Gymbattle, which took place in the following episode. During the match, Ash was focusing too much on besting Paul and this affected his judgment. As a result, he lost in front of his main rival.
The spinning dodge technique Dawn used to get past Aerodactyl's attack was later used by Ash in O'er the Rampardos We Watched!, where he re-challenged Roark. Ash knew Roark's Cranidos was even stronger after evolving into Rampardos, but all of the hard training and help from friends paid off as he managed to defeat Roark and get his first Badge in the Sinnohregion. After that, the group left Oreburgh.
In The Arceus Chronicles (Part 2), Ash, Dawn, and Goh arrived in Oreburgh City after their Pokémon had sensed something unusual radiating from the direction of Mount Coronet. After stopping a fight between a Bronzong and a group of Chingling, the group was shown a vision by the lake guardians and Arceus. When they later took one of the Chingling to a Pokémon Center, they unexpectedly met Brock, who was working there as a Doctor. He agreed to help them investigate the mysterious activity around Mount Coronet, taking them there aboard a small shuttle that he uses for house calls.
Oreburgh City appeared in a flashback in The Rival, where Barry was seen visiting the Oreburgh Gym, emerging victorious against Roark with his Piplup and earning his first Badge.
In A Conk on Cranidos's Cranium, after some battle practice with Diamond and Pearl, Platinum challenged Roark at the Oreburgh Gym. The Gym statue had Diamond and Pearl thrown out of the Gym to avoid them giving Platinum unfair advice during the Gym battle, but they still managed to conceal advice into their manzai routine, which they performed through the Gym window. Thanks to it, Platinum was able to win and earn herself the Coal Badge.
Oreburgh City appeared in Hareta's Very First Pokémon Battle!!, where Hareta was taken there by a pair of Team Galactic Grunts who had stolen his Piplup. After getting freed by Roark, Hareta had his first-ever Pokémon battle against the Oreburgh Gym Leader, emerging victorious and earning himself a Coal Badge.
Oreburgh's name may be a nod to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The city is commonly referred to as the "Steel City" thanks to its former steel manufacturing base. Pittsburgh is also the most well known of the few United States "bərɡ" cities whose suffix ends with an "h", as does Oreburgh.
In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, a boy near the Oreburgh Gate encourages the player to advance in the game to avoid being like a "total noob". However, he doesn't say this in Pokémon Platinum.
Name origin
クロガネシティ Kurogane City
From 黒鉄 kurogane (iron)
Oreburgh City
From ore and the city suffix burgh, possibly in reference to the "Steel City" Pittsburgh
From Erz (ore) and the suffix -ingen (descendant of)