PS340 : Extreme Luxio
Diamond & Pearl arc
PS342 : A Conk on Cranidos's Cranium
Putting a Crimp in Kricketot
Piplup and Pride
VS コロボーシ
VS Korobohshi
Shogakukan full volume Chapter 341 in Vol. 30
VIZ Media full volume Adventure 4 in Vol. 1
Series Pokémon Adventures

Putting a Crimp in Kricketot (Japanese: VS コロボーシ VS Kricketot), titled VS Kricketot in the Chuang Yi translation, is the 341st chapter of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the fourth chapter of the Diamond & Pearl arc.

It is subtitled Piplup and Pride (Japanese: ポッチャマとプライド Pochama and Pride) in the VIZ Media translation and Young Master and Pride in the Chuang Yi translation.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum exit the Oreburgh Gate and arrive in Oreburgh City. Reading from a guide book, Platinum tells the others that Oreburgh City is a coal-mining town. Diamond and Pearl make a joke about this, then Platinum explains how coal is formed. This makes Pearl realize that Platinum could be an adequate tour guide.

Suddenly, a vent expels hot steam at them. Diamond gives Tru some water to stop its leaves from wilting, and offers some to Platinum's Piplup, who turns its head away. Pearl explains that Piplup are a proud species, and do not like being fed by others.

Platinum says that they should decide where to stay for the night and tells Diamond and Pearl to look for a good place. As Pearl begins to argue against this, a bulldozer comes rolling down the hill. Piplup blocks it with a Bubble attack, and the bulldozer stops in its tracks. The group hears shouting, then turns to see a Worker loudly scolding his Psyduck, named Yellow, for playing with the machines' controls. The Worker apologizes to Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum and asks if there is anything he can do to make it up for them. Hoping to experience what it is like to mine for coals, Platinum requests a tour of the mines. Excited, she starts to pretend to dig, drawing confusion from Pearl. When he comments on it, she denies doing anything.

Because his supervisor isn't around to give him work, the Worker allows Platinum to tour the mines. Pearl, uninterested in a tour, decides to find an inn to stay at and takes Diamond with him. Platinum is surprised that her bodyguards would let her go on her own, but believes it is because they have deemed it to be perfectly safe.

At the Oreburgh Grand Hotel, Diamond and Pearl practice their stand-up routine. Afterwards, Diamond begins to feel concerned that they didn't go with Platinum into the mines, as trouble often follows her wherever she goes. Just as Pearl tells him that he doubts that there will be any problems, Chatler flies in through the window, mimicking the Worker's speech habits. Claiming that he wants to do research at the mines for a new comedy routine, Pearl begins to rush out of the building.

At the mines, Platinum's tour is cut short when Yellow goes back into the bulldozer, causing the Worker to chase after it. As she walks by herself, Platinum begins to hear music coming from a cave. When she walks inside to inspect it, she is shocked to find herself surrounded by angry Kricketot and Kricketune.

Following Chatler's lead, Pearl charges into the cave, but freezes when he sees Platinum and Piplup surrounded by fainted Pokémon. He learns that the two had been attacked by the Pokémon, but were able to defeat all of them. The Worker enters shortly after, explaining that the cave is not actually a coal mine, but a place to train against wild Pokémon. When Platinum realizes that Piplup's pride is hurt despite its success, the Worker teaches her about Pokémon Gyms. Realizing that winning a Gym battle would be a good way for Piplup to feel better, Platinum decides that is their next plan.

As Diamond and Tru struggle to catch up with the others, a voice over the intercom informs the miners that the foreman, Roark is back.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
201 Spoilers end here. 201


Pokémon debuts






  • In the Chuang Yi version, when Diamond thinks that Mr. Foreman said "well" four times and "my bad" six times, he was correct about "my bad" but Mr. Foreman said "well" only three times.
  • In the Chuang Yi version, Diamond says "Starlies" and "Bidoofs" instead of Starly and Bidoof, respectively.

In other languages

PS340 : Extreme Luxio
Diamond & Pearl arc
PS342 : A Conk on Cranidos's Cranium
This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.