Appendix:Sword and Shield walkthrough/Section 10



Upon entering Hammerlocke, you will find Bede reporting his progress to Chairman Rose and Oleana, who commend him for his work. Oleana then asks Bede to come with her to discuss something. Rose notices you and invites you to meet him at Hammerlocke Stadium to tell you how Galar gets its energy. Hammerlocke Stadium is straight ahead from the city entrance; not too far away, so head on in.

The entrance to Hammerlocke Stadium

When you enter, Chairman Rose explains that the stadium doubles as a power plant. After his explanation, Chairman Rose suggests visiting Hammerlocke Vault, before leaving with Oleana. While you cannot challenge the Gym here yet, you can still get a Level Ball from the Ball Guy before leaving the stadium. You'll come back here later.

There are many things to do in Hammerlocke, but don't forget to heal up your Pokémon at one of the Pokémon Centers (Hammerlocke has three!). After you've finished exploring, head to Hammerlocke Vault, which is in the western portion of the city. You will see Leon's rival, Raihan, at the entrance. He'll tell you that Sonia is on the top floor, so meet up with her there. Sonia will talk about Galar's history, and then give you two Revives for your time. As you're leaving the vault, Raihan will give you his League Card. At this point, you will have done all that you're required to do in Hammerlocke for now, so head further west to Route 6.



A woman in front of the vault will offer to trade you her Togepi nicknamed "Snips" in exchange for a Toxel. The Toxel you obtained from the Nursery on Route 5 will suffice if you really want the Togepi.


There is an optional Trainer battle in one of the houses. You will obtain a Focus Sash for winning.

Route 6

After crossing the bridge from Hammerlocke to Route 6, you will be stopped by two Team Yell Grunts. You'll have to fight them one-on-one, despite Hop showing up. Hop explains what happened in the aftermath of his battle with Bede, and why he feels dejected. He will go on ahead afterwards, while an elderly lady named Opal will introduce herself and give you her League Card. It's now time to traverse the route and head to Stow-on-Side.

Fight the Trainers and ascend the ladders. There will also be several Pokémon you can battle and catch along the way. When you reach the top, there will be a Pokémon Camp you can visit. There will also be a scientist near the camp who can revive any Fossils you have on hand, but there's a catch; you need two different Fossils for her to combine. If you have these Fossils, consult the table below to see what you can obtain.

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
10 Unlimited
Sw Sh
10 Unlimited
Sw Sh
10 Unlimited
Sw Sh
10 Unlimited
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Beyond the Camp, there is a stone arch, where you must pass through to get to the next city. Battle the last Trainer, an Artist, and then continue on to Stow-on-Side.

Random encounters

Visible enounters





When you enter Stow-on-Side, the first building you will come across is the Pokémon Center. Heal up your team there, and then explore the city at your leisure, as there are many items scattered all around.

There is also a market with two main places of interest: The Bargain Shop and the Valuable Item Buyer. The Bargain Shop offers one rare item a day, and will sell it for $3000, but if you don't take him up on the offer on that day, he'll offer the same item the next day for $5000. Either buy the item on the day it's first offered if you want it, or don't buy it at all. The Valuable Item Buyer will offer to buy one valuable item from you per day, should you have it. If you have the requested item, sell it here, because they will give you more money for it than you would if you sell the same item at the Poké Mart, and these items have no other use other than to be sold anyway.

You will find Hop at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Stow-on-Side Stadium. He will ask you to have a battle with him. He has made several changes to his team; notably, his Wooloo is no longer present.

Grookey If the player chose Grookey:

Scorbunny If the player chose Scorbunny:

Sobble If the player chose Sobble:

After you defeat Hop, he will lament about his weakness before resolving to find new Pokémon to train well to become stronger. He will then leave for the next Gym. Opal will appear rather suddenly, revealing that she was watching the whole time, and gives you the League Card of the Gym Leader you will face next, who will be different depending on your game version, either the Fighting-type specialist BeaSw or the Ghost-type specialist AllisterSh. Once you are ready, with your team healed up, enter Stow-on-Side stadium to get your next Badge.



A man sitting on a western building's rooftop will offer to trade you his HatennaSw/ImpidimpSh nicknamed "Fringe"Sw/"Peepers"Sh in exchange for a Maractus. If you don't have one, you will be able to catch one in Glimwood Tangle up ahead.

Stow-on-Side Stadium

If you talk to the Ball Guy here, he will give you a Heavy Ball. Regardless of your version, the Gym puzzle will be the same: You will have to ride in a cup, rotating your joystick to move it left or right. If you run into a boxing gloveSw or a glowing handSh, you will be boosted in the direction that it's facing. You'll have to stop to fight the Gym Trainers along the way, and once you're finished, you will take on Bea or Allister.

Sword version

Stow-on-Side Gym
The Fighting Badge

Keep in mind that Bea Gigantamaxes her Machamp at the first opportunity, so be ready to take it on by Dynamaxing one of your Pokémon to take it on, preferably a Flying-, Fairy-, or Psychic-type (although for the latter, Machamp carries a Dark-type move, so watch out). Defeating her will earn you the Fighting Badge, the Fighting Uniform, and the TM for Revenge.

Shield version

Stow-on-Side Gym
The Ghost Badge

Allister Gigantamaxes his Gengar at the first opportunity, so be prepared to take it on with a Dynamax of your own, especially if you have a Ground- or Dark-type Pokémon. Ghost and Psychic are also super effective against Gengar, but using one of these types will leave you open to its Ghost-type G-Max Terror, so be careful! Defeating Allister will earn you the Ghost Badge, the Ghost Uniform, and the TM for Hex.

After defeating the Gym

When you leave the stadium after defeating Bea/Allister, Sonia and her Yamper will be there to talk to you, before being interrupted by a loud crash. Ascend the stairs to the left of the stadium.

You will find Bede at the top with a large Pokémon, a Copperajah belonging to Chairman Rose, commanding it to destroy Stow-on-Side's mural, hoping to find Wishing Stars hidden within. As soon as you approach, Bede will challenge you.

Half of Bede's Psychic-type team has a Fairy move, so keep that in mind if you bring a Dark type.

After you defeat Bede, Chairman Rose will come with Oleana and two League Staff members and disqualify Bede from the Gym Challenge for attempting to destroy the mural. Everyone present, except you and Sonia, leaves for Hammerlocke. Once they do, the mural crumbles away, revealing statues of the legendary heroes and two Pokémon, leading to Sonia uncovering more about Galar's legends. She will talk more about this revelation and give you two Revives for your time. Heal up your team, and prepare to enter Glimwood Tangle to continue your journey.

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.