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Left 4 Dead Wiki

Save 4 Less
State Savannah, Georgia
Campaigns Dead Center, Gas Fever, Suicide Blitz 2
Real-world Counterpart Food 4 Less
―Store Sale Sign
"I got the crazy man's cola, let's go!"

Save 4 Less is another minor objective and setting for the second chapter of the Dead Center campaign in Left 4 Dead 2. The store is located just north of Highway 10, between Whitaker's Gun Shop and Liberty Mall near Interstate #16 in Savannah.


This mini grocery store was a bargain shop specializing in sales and cheap prices. The store has 8 aisles, with sections labeled "Frozen Foods", "Produce", "Bakery", and "Beverages". Many signs are displayed both inside and outside the store, promoting sales on dog food, cola six packs, milk, eggs, bread, and beer.

The store has two cashier stands up front along with two vending machines, an ATM, a photocopier, and several shopping carts for customers to use. Outside, customers were able to purchase bags of ice, grills, and propane tanks.

Current Status[]

With the threat of the Infection breaking out in Savannah, the store was looted, with the only remaining food being four bags of dog food and one 6 pack of Cola. Despite the lack of food, the store contains an ammo pile, a fire axe, and a random melee weapon, with The Director being able to also spawn healing items, grenades, and/or a gas can, as well as a propane tank by the grills out front. When encountered by the Survivors, the front doors are set to trigger an alarm when opened and the windows are boarded; however, after the Survivors make a deal with Whitaker, they must enter the store to retrieve the Cola, triggering the alarm which activates the chapter's Crescendo Event that will only shut off once Whitaker destroys the tanker after receiving his Cola.


  • The store's logo resembles the Left 4 Dead logo, as it consists of a red circle with a white-colored "4" in it, accompanied by smaller circles akin to blood spatter.
    • Additionally, although the aisles are numbered 1 to 8, the store lacks an aisle labeled 4, though this may just be coincidence.
  • A similar grocery store can be seen in Riverside in Death Toll where the Survivors went through a Quik Buy.
  • The Cola is near the back of the store and was apparently on sale at the time of the Infection, advertised at $1.99.
  • The name "Save 4 Less" may be a reference to Food 4 Less, a grocery store chain.


Locations in Left 4 Dead 2
Dead Center The Passing Dark Carnival Swamp Fever Hard Rain The Parish
Savannah Rayford Griffin County Wilsons Gas Station Ducatel New Orleans
The Vannah Rayford Park Whispering Oaks Motel Earl's Gator Village Burger Tank Waterfront Market
Whitaker's Gun Shop Jazz Club Whispering Oaks Amusement Park Village En Marais Ducatel Gas Bar REV. LeClaire's VOODOO Shop
Save 4 Less Rayford Historic Underground Tour Kiddie Land Plantation House Ducatel Sugar Company Bienville Park
Liberty Mall Rayford Port Tunnel of Love Ducatel Diesel Bus Station
The Screaming Oak Impound Lot
The Peach Pit Saint Roches Cemetery
Jazz Club
Veterans Memorial Bridge