Crescendo Events are actions that caused a massive onslaught of Common Infected, often called a Horde to find and attack the Survivors. The cause is often a part of the environment that the Survivors must activate in order to progress through a level, generally acting as mini-finales. An important factor during gameplay is that Special Infected (Including the Tanks) are invariably intermingled or interspersed with Common Infected during the Crescendo Events. In Campaigns with five chapters, Crescendo Events don't typically appear until the second chapter and then the rest of the campaign, the only exceptions being The Train Station and Return To Town.

All Crescendo triggers are marked with an "!" icon, as seen here.
Most Crescendo Events involved causing a loud noise to sound or a bright light to activate which attracts the Infected.
Another type of Crescendo Event is known as a Gauntlet Crescendo Event where rather than wait a Horde out, the Horde is continually spawning and the Survivors must fight them off to clear the event, or in some cases, fight them all the way to the safe room. These types of events are only found in Left 4 Dead 2.
Crescendo Events by Chapter[]
Left 4 Dead[]
No Mercy[]
- After exiting The Subway rails in the second level, the Survivors have to activate a loud electrical generator to open a metal hangar door which will alert the Infected. They will start coming from the second level of the room, through the hole in the floor inside the small locker room and from the entrance door.
- This can be avoided by using a boost to reach the second level of the generator room. This can be achieved either by jumping on the heads of the Common Infected or by receiving a grenade boost from a teammate.
- To perform a grenade boost, one player with a grenade (Pipe Bomb, Molotov or Bile Bomb) crouches and throws their grenade straight up as another player jumps over them. The jumping player is hit by the grenade and launched into the air. Many times, it is also possible to use a Grenade Launcher to boost in a similar manner, though the Grenade Launcher boosts launched the players much higher which may cause too much fall damage in certain situations.
- This can be avoided by using a boost to reach the second level of the generator room. This can be achieved either by jumping on the heads of the Common Infected or by receiving a grenade boost from a teammate.
- In The Sewer level, the Survivors must activate a noisy scissor lift to cross a roof and enter a warehouse. The Infected poured over the metal roof and across the street below, climbing eighteen-wheelers parked below and the ladder up the lift to reach them.
- This can be avoided by using a grenade boost to reach the roof of the warehouse or by destroying the sliding metal door on the left side of the loading dock in Left 4 Dead 2. The door can be destroyed with a direct hit from a Grenade Launcher or several hits from melee weapons.
- Later, in The Hospital, the Survivors must use an elevator. Pressing the button causes its noisy descent which summons a Horde from the surrounding walls and hallways with some even pouring in from the vents above their heads. The Horde will keep coming until the elevator arrives. On occasion, the director sends a final Horde forth when the elevator arrives. It is up to the players to decide whether to deal with this final Horde or to simply rush in the elevator and skip it.
- Reaching the Rooftop Finale, the Survivors hear a voice from over a radio which they used to call for a helicopter. Summoning rescue also triggers a Horde event. They must survive several Hordes of Infected as the pilot makes his way to the landing pad nearby.
Crash Course[]
- In The Alleys, the Survivors encountered a bridge blocked by a military barricade and must fire a Howitzer to destroy it. The resulting noise and bright explosion attracts a massive horde of the Infected.
- In The Truck Depot Finale, the Survivors reached a vehicle lift with an armor plated truck at the top. They must lower the truck with an unreliable generator that must be restarted twice. Halfway through, the power goes out and the Survivors must fight by the light of their flashlights until the power reactivates. Soon, the truck lowers and the Survivors boarded, setting off for what is presumably the beginning of Death Toll.
Death Toll[]
- While scouring The Drains, the Survivors reached a flood control room. They must trigger a flood gate to drop to proceed further. The noise of the gate dropping summons a Horde from the sewers below.
- This event can be avoided by using a Pipe Bomb or Bile Bomb to gather a crowd of Infected in the middle of the flood control room. The players can jump on the heads of these Infected from a nearby metal platform and use the extra height provided by the Infected to reach a sewer pipe from which the players can reach the second level of the control room on the other side of the floodgate.
- When the Survivors reached the safe house at the end of The Church level, a mysterious man known only as "Church Guy" (So called from the name of his sound file) is already inside. When you ask the Church Guy to open the door, he refuses to do it and instead rings the church bells, telling the Survivors to "prove their humanity." The bells summoned the Horde to attack.
- After leaving an office building, the Survivors are confronted with a forklift holding a cement walkway up in The Town. Triggering the forklift to drop its load allows them to proceed, but when the load drops, the vibration set a car alarm off, summoning a Horde. In Left 4 Dead 2, the event is slightly different: Instead of a car alarm, the forklift now has its own alarm that activates when it is used. This alarm summons a Horde to attack the Survivors and it operates as a Gauntlet Crescendo Event that lasts until they got to the safe room.
- There is a truck to the right of the store that the Survivors passed through near the beginning of the level. Jumping on the Common Infected or using a grenade boost to get over this truck will allow the Survivors to reach an area that is past the Crescendo Event, allowing them to proceed to the safe room without activating it.
- Now at the Boathouse Finale, the Survivors discovered a radio. When they called for rescue, a man named John Slater answers their calls by informing them that a boat is arriving to rescue them. They must survive an onslaught of Infected and make a break for the dock just outside the boathouse.
Dead Air[]
- Upon exiting an apartment complex, the Survivors encountered The Crane from which a dumpster is suspended. They must lower the dumpster to proceed to the next rooftop. The loud noise that the dumpster makes during its descent attracts a Horde.
- It is possible to jump from the top of the fence next to the crane to the next rooftop without lowering the dumpster. This requires the players to be moving faster than normal run speed, though, so either hops or in Left 4 Dead 2, an adrenaline shot must be used to make the jump.
- To increase your speed with hops, the players must run forward, jump, let go of the forward button ('w' by default), then strafe to one side (either 'a' or 'd' by default) while turning their camera in the direction that they are strafing and jump again immediately after hitting the ground (The timing is very precise). To travel in a straight line, the players typically alternating strafing left and moving the camera left before strafing right and moving the camera right after the jump, switching sides each time that they hit the ground.
- It is possible to jump from the top of the fence next to the crane to the next rooftop without lowering the dumpster. This requires the players to be moving faster than normal run speed, though, so either hops or in Left 4 Dead 2, an adrenaline shot must be used to make the jump.
- To progress through The Construction Site, the Survivors must shoot a bundle of five gas cans tied together to destroy a wooden barricade. Doing so causes the barricade to burn slowly at first, but suddenly, a nearby generator explodes, summoning a Horde. The Survivors could not continue until the gas bomb is done burning which takes about three times longer than a regular gas can takes to burn.
- The players can bypass this by jumping on the heads of the Common Infected to boost themselves over the barricade. Alternatively, the survivors can ignite the gascans by throwing a precisely-aimed molotov or pipe-bomb without having to go through the one-way fence.
- In order to proceed through the baggage handling area of The Terminal, the Survivors must crash a van through a locked gate. This difficult Horde event will yield the Infected from the offices behind over an adjacent pile of rubble blocking another hall and the escalators below.
- The Survivors would need to go through a blocked-off security and their weapons obviously triggered the metal detector's alert which attracts a Horde. In Left 4 Dead 2, this event is now a Gauntlet Crescendo Event and it will not stop until all of the Survivors are in the safe room.
- Exiting from the waiting area to the Runway Finale, the Survivors discovered a military plane with a pilot inside. The pilot informs them that the aircraft needs fuel and instructs them to activate a fuel pump. Once filled, the plane can carry them to safety. However, the noise that the pump makes attracts several waves of the Infected which the Survivors have no choice, but to endure if they are to escape.
Blood Harvest[]
- During The Tunnel, the Survivors must leave a train shed through an emergency exit which once it was triggered setted an alarm off, calling a Horde forth.
- During The Bridge, the Survivors encountered a freight train with a lever that they must pull to disengage the brake, causing it to roll backwards and knock a bridge down. Doing so allows access to the safe house at the end of the level, but the collision summons the waves of the Infected. In Left 4 Dead 2, this becomes a Gauntlet Event.
- This can be bypassed by using a grenade boost to reach the cliff that the bridge provides access to.
- During The Train Station, once the Survivors went through the window that leads to the bridge which gives them the access to the safe room, the continuous waves of the Hordes will come. A tip that reads "Fight your way to the safe room" also appears. Note that the Survivors aren't triggering anything during the whole process. This Crescendo Event is a Gauntlet Event and it will not stop until all of the Survivors reached the safe room.
- Prior to The Last Stand update. This can be skipped by jumping over the fence near the house.
- During the Farmhouse Finale, the Survivors have to cross through a tall corn field to reach the farm. The crows that are living in the field are startled by the Survivors' movement, causing them to make a lot of noise which attracts the Horde's attention.
- This Crescendo Event is unusual because the Survivors do not activate anything deliberately.
- In Left 4 Dead 2, this event is now a Gauntlet Crescendo Event that goes on until the Survivors reached the farmhouse.
- After reaching their holdout in the Farmhouse Finale, a radio on the table in the abandoned house is used to summon a military armored personnel carrier. In doing so, the team also alerts a Horde. They must hold the Horde off until the vehicle arrives which they entered from an open hatch in the back.
The Sacrifice[]
- At The Docks, the Survivors must open the door to a train car with a Tank in it. The Tank's loud roars would cause a Horde to attack.
- Like in the Farmhouse Finale, the Survivors accidentally startled a flock of crows while climbing to the top of a gravel mound in The Barge. The birds' loud crowing attracts a Horde.
- This can be avoided by jumping on the partially sunken truck below the gravel mound. An invisible wall blocks the players from standing on it, but it is possible to hang from the ledge of this invisible wall and have a teammate help you up to get onto the ship.
- In the Port Finale, starting any of the three generators causes a Horde to attack and a Tank. All three must be turned on to lower the bridge and reach safety.
- This finale can be avoided by standing on the fence below the mounted gun on the bridge, jumping on the head of a Common Infected to reach the balcony of the bar and jumping from there to the platform with the mounted gun. From there, proceed to the back of the bridge with the button to raise the bridge. Jump onto the edge of the wooden barrier just to the right of the button and jump straight up on that edge so the game registers the event being complete and the Survivors being on the bridge. From there, press the button to activate the final stage of the event and Bill jumps off the bridge to 'restart' the generator as normal.
Left 4 Dead 2[]
In Left 4 Dead 2, the strategies for dealing with the Crescendo Events are different as they are more difficult to deal with. A common tactic in Left 4 Dead's Crescendo Events was to sit in a corner and wait it out, making them fairly easy. However, in the sequel, after the Survivors started a Crescendo Event, there will often be a second event to turn the trigger of the Horde off and stop the Hordes of the Infected. Sometimes, it is necessary to flip the second switch to proceed while other times, it is not actually necessary to stop the Horde, but typically preferable. There are also Panic Events that occurred much more frequently than the Crescendo Events. An extreme example of this is the Impound Lot from The Parish's third chapter, The Cemetery.[1]
Dead Center[]
- On The Hotel, the Survivors had to ride an elevator to the ground floor, but the ride is abruptly halted when the smoke from the hotel reaches the elevator. The doors must be noisily pried open to progress further which, naturally, the Horde does not take too kindly to.
- On the earlier versions of the game, it is possible to activate the elevator as you jump into the path of the closing elevator doors. You will be able to jump on top of the elevator, then jump to the next elevator car over and reach the first floor without prying open the elevator doors.
- It is also possible to skip directly from the beginning to the end of the level. There are two methods to do this.
- One player hangs from the ledge outside the room with the map, the first room on the right after leaving the starting room. Another player kills them with friendly fire. A third with a defibrillator begins reviving the dead player immediately as their body falls to the floor below. The Survivor revives on the floor below which happens to be the lobby of the Hotel where the safe room is.
- One player jumps from the same ledge without hanging off it. The other three stayed on the stairs immediately past the starting rooftop. Just before the jumping player reaches the ground, all other three players 'take a break' and allow AI to take control of their Survivors. The AI teleported to the falling player in the lobby of the hotel. The player that jumps will die, but the Survivors who successfully teleported will be able to reach the safe room. Note that at least one player must retake control of their Survivor before the jumping Survivor hits the ground and dies or else the level will restart because no human-controlled Survivors are still alive.
- On The Streets, the Survivors passed through a gun shop owned by a man named Whitaker. Whitaker barricaded himself on his roof, but now he needs some cola. There is a gas truck that is blocking the team from reaching Liberty Mall, but Whitaker has the firepower to blow it up for you. Whitaker makes a deal with the Survivors: Retrieve some cola from the nearby Save 4 Less convenience store for him and he would blow the truck up and clear the way. The store is armed with an alarm and the resulting event lasts until you get back to Whitaker's gun shop and give him his cola through a slot in the door that he is hiding behind.
- On The Mall, after traversing through the back rooms of Liberty Mall, the Survivors must either break through the glass windows of a toy store or open an emergency exit door (Whichever path that the AI Director fancies for the players) to progress. This event goes until you go all the way up to the third floor's security room and deactivate the alarm. This event does not have to be stopped to proceed, although it is definitely preferred to do so before continuing.
- On the Atrium Finale, the Survivors took an elevator down to the atrium area. While they are inside it, they planned to take Jimmy Gibbs Junior's race car, fuel it up (As Ellis points out that cars aren't fueled for car shows) and escape from the mall. Upon the elevator opening, the finale begins.
The Passing[]
- On The Riverbank, the Survivors came across a wedding where there is a Witch who was apparently to be the bride just before turning Infected. Walking to the nearby speaker and turning the music on will play the Midnight Riders song ,"Save Me Some Sugar (This Won't Take Long)" which would startle her and lead her to attack whoever turned it on. If the Witch is startled in any way including the speaker, this causes a mini Crescendo Event, leading to all of the Infected wedding guests to attack you. This Crescendo Event is entirely avoidable so long as caution is exercised.
- On The Underground, the Survivors had to open a gate which starts a Gauntlet Crescendo. From here, they must run to the safe room through a dark sewer, constantly slowed down by the water.
- On The Port, the Survivors had to gas a generator up so that they can lower the bridge, get back to Jimmy Gibbs Junior's car and drive off to continue their journey to New Orleans.
- This finale is unique as the team is helped by the Left 4 Dead team (Minus Bill) who can cover them with gunfire and throw the items down to the Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors while they are busy fighting to survive.
- It is possible to use a grenade jump to reach and walk along an invisible ceiling above the bridge, then jump down and reach Jimmy Gibbs' stock car. The fall will kill the Survivor, but so long as the other Survivors are already incapacitated or dead, the campaign will still technically be completed.
Dark Carnival[]
- On The Fair Grounds, the Survivors must activate a Merry-go-Round to progress. The ride attracts a wave of Infected that will spawn in kind until the team shuts the ride down.
- On The Coaster, the Survivors have to activate the roller coaster to open a gate onto the Screaming Oak, attracting the Horde until the coaster is shut down.
- It is possible to climb on the support trusses holding the rollercoaster up to bypass opening the gate and summoning the Infected.
- On The Barns, to enter the stadium, the Survivors must open the turnstile gates which angers the Infected and causes a massive Horde that will spawn until reaching the end of the level.
- It is possible to get over the fence in front of the stadium and reach the safe room very early in the level. After leaving the building with the bumper cars, use a grenade jump to get on the top of the tall fence in front of the gap in the hedges. Walk off the edge of the fence just as you get shot with a grenade launcher, causing you to hang on the edge of the fence.
- On The Concert Finale, the Survivors must activate the lights and fireworks of the Midnight Riders' abandoned concert stage to signal to a helicopter to evacuate them from Whispering Oaks. The ensuing music and pyrotechnics show attracts the Horde.
Swamp Fever[]
- In Plank Country, the Survivors must call a small ferry for them to pass through the swamp. However, it will produce a loud noise which will attract a large Horde towards them.
- Sometimes, this event can be skipped completely by using the nearby Jukebox to play Jonathan Coulton's "Re: Your Brains," a song that attracts the Horde and heading to the Gator Farm to activate the ferry.
- Alternatively, activate the ferry when "All we want to do is eat your brains" of the "Re: Your Brains," is close by. In that case, the horde will be reduced due to Horde Event script overriding the Ferry's one.
- On the older versions of the game, it is possible to use a propane tank to initiate a stumble glitch across the swamp without calling the ferry. First, set the propane tank down on one bank, stand close to it with your back facing the other side of the swamp and set it off. You will stumble. Switch weapons very quickly to 'break free' from the bank of the swamp and switch weapons periodically to restart the stumble animation. You will progress backwards as you stumbled, floating over the water until you reach the other side.
- Sometimes, this event can be skipped completely by using the nearby Jukebox to play Jonathan Coulton's "Re: Your Brains," a song that attracts the Horde and heading to the Gator Farm to activate the ferry.
- In The Swamp, the Survivors encountered a wrecked airliner and are forced to open an emergency door to pass through, sounding an alarm.
- In the older versions of the game, it is possible to use adrenaline to jump from a rock on the left side of the plane to the top of the plane, reaching the other side without opening the emergency door.
- In The Shantytown, a loud and rusty ramp must be moved to get to a shack above, creating a loud, Horde-attracting grind.
- In the final chapter, The Plantation, the Survivors sent a radio call to Virgil, the captain of the Lagniappe and request rescue. They held out in a plantation house in a way similar to the original Left 4 Dead Boathouse Finale.
Hard Rain[]
- In The Sugar Mill, the Survivors needed to reach the sugar mill below from the third story of a building, but a very loud elevator is the only way that they're going to actually be able to go safely. Naturally, the Horde is not pleased.
- Prior to The Last Stand update. It is possible to use a Propane Tank to jump down from the building without dying. Throw the Propane Tank down to the ground, then jump on top of it and set it off when you are close to it. You will stumble in mid air, negating your momentum. Alternatively, have a player jump on the shed, and the second player holding USE key while close to the downed survivor (their falling velocity will be reduced), or enter "take a break" option so the AI will teleports to the survivor.
- In Mill Escape onwards, the weather effects are now active. Rain is falling at this point in the campaign. Every time that there is a flash of lightning, you are signaled that a massive downpour is about to occur which would attract a Horde.
- The finale takes place in the middle of a monsoon on top of a Burger Tank restaurant where the Burger Tank sign must be activated to flag Virgil and his boat down. The light from the sign attracts the attention of the Infected in the area.
The Parish[]
- In The Park, the Survivors found a CEDA trailer. As it was evidenced by a sign inside of the trailer, opening the door up, exiting the trailer and breaking the threshold of the street will activate a very loud alarm which will summon an endless wave of Infected until the Survivors reached a tower with the alarm switch.
- In the 3rd chapter, The Cemetery, the Survivors emerged from a manhole into an impound lot filled with alarmed cars. This appears to be a potential "slippery slope" in that setting one alarm off will likely cause many more of them to be set off by stray gunshots from the ensuing battle. (Considered an "optional crescendo event" instead of a series of panic events.)
- Near the end of The Quarter, the Survivors reached a hotel complex. The Survivors must get across a gap between the roof of a pool house and the balcony of another so they used a conveniently-placed parade float to bridge the gap. The Survivors will be attacked by the Infected until the float crashes.
- It is possible to reach the balcony without activating the float in three ways.
- Jump from the balcony of the previous house down to the sloped roof of the house below, bunny hopping off it to gain significant speed and reach the next balcony.
- Stand on the concrete cinder blocks below the balcony and jump on the heads of the Common Infected to receive a boost.
- Use a grenade boost from the same area.
- It is possible to reach the balcony without activating the float in three ways.
- In the finale of The Bridge, the Survivors must lower a two-story bridge to cross the bridge and escape from New Orleans on a military helicopter that is waiting on a helipad near the end of the bridge. After the bridge is lowered, the heavy metal gate locks up for a second, slamming harshly into the ground. The sounds of an entire two-story bridge lowering and a metal gate crashing onto the ground ended up being the metaphorical "starting guns" for the race between the Survivors and the Infected.
Panic Event[]
Unlike Crescendo Events, Panic Events are things that can be avoided as the Survivors proceed through a level if they are careful. The number of summoned Infected appears to have been tweaked by recent updates.
Car Alarms[]
- "Y'all better not shoot that car."
- ―Ellis spotting an alarmed car.
- "You have GOT to be kidding me!"
- ―Nick, when entering the Impound Lot in the Cemetery.

Alarmed car front view

Alarmed car rear view
Cars are strewn about the map in virtually every level. While most are harmless, you'll occasionally find an alarmed one. These can be easily identified with a periodic blinking red glare on the car windows. When a Survivor comes near an alarmed car and shoot their gun or swing their melee (except shoving) without hitting it, it will send a short "beep-beep" out and flash its turn signals, warning the players.
If an alarmed car is hit by bullets, explosions, shoved or stood on, the alarm will go off, causing a horde to converge on the team. If the Survivor's weapon has incendiary ammo, they will not set the car off even when fired into one. Being far enough from the car will also not trigger the alarm, even when shooting at it. Once a car alarm is set off (or disabled by a Tank punching it), it will not trigger again.
For obvious gameplay reasons, the Infected cannot directly set the car alarms off. However, they can still do it indirectly through several means:
- A Smoker can drag a Survivor towards an alarmed car, setting it off;
- Indirect explosions (avoidable by firing at long range):
- A Boomer dying
- Explosive rounds (Left 4 Dead 2 only)
- Explosive objects (Gas Cans, Oxygen Tanks, Pipe Bombs)
- Being punched by a Tank into a nearby alarmed car which will set the alarm off. If the Tank directly attacks the car (by punching or throwing a rock), the alarm is instantly disabled. The windows will continue to blink, but the alarm will not go off no matter what.
- The Chargers can charge a Survivor into an alarmed car, or Survivors knocked away by a charge can set one off by flying into it;
- The Jockey can steer a Survivor into alarmed cars.
Car alarms are rather rare in Left 4 Dead 2 with the exception of The Cemetery where the Survivors have to pass through a parking lot that is full of alarmed cars, as a fill-in for a Crescendo Event.
Alarmed cars will generally appear in, with the exception of Death Toll, The Last Stand (L4D version) and Swamp Fever.
- No Mercy
- Chapter 1 - The Apartments
- Chapter 2 - The Subway
- Crash Course
- Chapter 1 - The Alleys
- Chapter 2 - The Truck Depot Finale
- Dead Air
- Chapter 1 - The Greenhouse
- Chapter 2 - The Crane
- Chapter 3 - The Construction Site
- Blood Harvest
- Chapter 4 - The Train Station
- The Sacrifice
- Chapter 2 - The Barge
- The Last Stand (L4D2 version)
- Chapter 1 - The Junkyard
- Dead Center
- Chapter 2 - The Streets
- The Passing
- Chapter 1 - The Riverbank
- Dark Carnival
- Chapter 1 - The Highway
- Hard Rain
- Chapter 1 - The Milltown
- The Parish
- Chapter 1 - The Waterfront
- Chapter 3 - The Cemetery
- Chapter 4 - The Quarter
- Cold Stream
- Chapter 2 - South Pine Stream
- Chapter 3 - Memorial Bridge
Metal Detectors[]
- "Whatever you do, Francis, please don't take off your shoes."
- ―Zoey approaching the metal detector.

Metal detectors in The Terminal.
In The Terminal in Left 4 Dead, the Survivors approach the security area. As with any airport's security area, Metro International Airport has metal detectors. Walking through them will set them off (as the Survivors are carrying loads of metals on them) and trigger a horde to spawn. The Survivors can easily bypass them, as they are not required to go through them.
In Left 4 Dead 2, this was changed so that the Survivors must go through them. This will cause a Gauntlet Crescendo Event to occur.
Stronger than Moustachio and Stache Whacker[]

Stronger than Moustachio.

Stache Whacker.
In The Barns, there are two games in the carnival that can be interacted: Stronger than Moustachio and Stache Whacker. If the player successfully win these games (using an Adrenaline Shot and hitting the High Striker with a melee weapon or getting a score of 42 in Stache Whacker), it will summon a Horde and the player(s) will earn the respective achievements assuming they don't already have achieved it. Both of these are one-time occurrences, as the game will shortly break after meeting their requirements.
Successfully hitting the bell of Stronger than Moustachio without using Adrenaline Shot (by having 100 HP) will not set the horde off as the bell does not break, and neither will it count for the achievement.
Boomer Bile[]
Survivors hit by Boomer bile will be blinded and one Horde (In addition to the nearby Infected) will specifically target the biled Survivors. Bile bombs are similar to Boomer bile, except they work on the Infected instead. Regardless, once the bile wears off, the Infected present in the area will attack the closest Survivor to them if they are not engaged in another action.
Throwing a Bile Bomb will also summon a Horde.
In some levels, there can be a jukebox which can be played. If the track Re: Your Brains is played on the jukebox, upon the song reaching the chorus (after the lyrics "You're all gonna die screaming!") will trigger a horde to descend on the team. This is a one-time occurrence.
After a certain period of time, the Director will send a Horde at the team. The time that it takes for the Director to summon and send a Horde varies by difficulty. The Director can also send a Horde if the team backtracks, though the difficulty still influences how fast that they will spawn. The only exception seems to be Dead Center's third level, The Mall where the Hordes came very quickly regardless of difficulty, but came with fewer Infected to compensate for it.

The 1989 Buick Century, similar to the game's alarmed car.
- All alarmed cars in both games use the same model and resemble the 1989 Buick Century sedan.
- However, the alarmed car in Left 4 Dead version of Death Toll appears to be a 1982 Honda Civic hatchback and in Left 4 Dead 2 version of Death Toll, the alarmed car had been removed and replaced by the red siren light placed on top of the forklift.
- The alarmed car doors are aren't closed and has two door handles despite being a four-door car, both could be oversights.
- Occasionally, before a Crescendo Event, if one player goes idle, a seemingly random horde may spawn. This should not be possible as no enemies should spawn until after the trigger for the horde is set off. It may, however, be due to the whims of the Director, or possibly as a type of punishment directed at that player because they are not actively helping their team.
- For events that need to or can be shot at to activate, sometimes the bot players will trigger them by accident (When shooting at the nearby Infected), causing the players to potentially face a horde unprepared.
- This can be especially annoying during The Mall as that is a Gauntlet Crescendo Event and triggering it too early will likely cause you to get swarmed. In addition, in Single Player and Campaign, the Special Infected loved to spawn just outside the windows (They can't actually break in) and will cause the bots to shoot them.
- In Left 4 Dead, Bots pay no heed to alarmed cars and will shoot it or jump on top of it like normal cars. The players may have to try a different path to avoid unnecessary fights.
- This is however, fixed in Left 4 Dead 2. Bots will generally refrain from firing at a cars when the Infected are nearby. Furthermore, even if they shot a car by means of accident, it will not set off.
- The Infected may only spawn in the areas out of the Survivors' line of sight. A horde of Infected may emerge from a small, enclosed space such as a closet or a bathroom. The Survivors rarely entered the bathrooms or closets unless low on supplies so they will often be used for spawning.
- If a bathroom or closet is nearby and the Horde sound is heard, going into the bathroom may cause the entire horde to spawn inside the player. The Infected could not move and could not attack, though they will turn and yell. A few shotgun blasts will kill them.
- Only the Survivors' attack, melee shove or jumping onto alarmed cars will trigger the alarm. Touching the side does not set the alarms off. So dragging, carrying or riding a Survivor to an alarmed car will not trigger it unless a Survivor shoots it while attempting rescue.
- In the sound files, the Panic Event is called MiniFinale.
- Valve recycled a sound (the_horror1.wav and the_horror2.wav to be exact) from Half-Life and used it for the screams that are heard after a Crescendo Event starts.
- In Left 4 Dead, Crescendo Events are never directly mentioned by Survivors. However, they said how to get past one and ask each other if they're ready.
- It is unknown why the finales attracts the hordes as none of them makes any noise (With the exception of the Truck Depot Finale, the Runway Finale and the Port Finale from Left 4 Dead and The Bridge and The Concert from Left 4 Dead 2). The explanation is that this is intentional to gameplay. A possible in-game theory is that when the Survivors linger around the finale area, the Infected picked their scent up easily and attacked. This may also explain why the hordes can also spawn when the players stayed in the same area or backtrack. In some cases, like the Town Escape in Left 4 Dead 2 or The Lighthouse in Left 4 Dead, the horde is attracted to light. A cut line from the helicopter pilot states that he believes that the Infected have the ability to sense hope and will destroy it when they do, although this may simply be hyperbole. The Infected might also be sensitive to radio waves emitted from the help requests like in finales, The Farmhouse (Left 4 Dead) and The Plantation (Left 4 Dead 2).
- If a Tank hits an alarmed car with a concrete slab, the car will turn white or purple.
- When the Survivors trigger a Crescendo Event, but ran away, the Horde will find them wherever they are, even when they are far away from the source of the loud noise that startled the Horde.
- Fire does not trigger any car alarms. Using a Molotov or Gas Can against the Infected near an alarmed car can be useful.
- There is also a glitch with the car alarms if they are shot with Incendiary Ammunition which does not trigger the alarm. This makes keeping some Incendiary Ammunition near car alarms very useful.
- When a Tank hits an alarmed car, the alarm will permanently deactivate instead of activating and attracting a horde. The Survivors who shoot or jump on the car after this will not set the alarm off.
- The car alarm does not activate if a player shoots it from far away.
- In Left 4 Dead 2, when the window of an alarmed car gets shot once, the bullet hole disappears.
- It is impossible to activate a alarmed car from a previous chapter. The alarmed car in the Milltown deactivates when playing Town Escape or Return To Town, and the alarmed car in the Waterfront deactivates when playing the Park.
- There was a scrapped Crescendo Event by Mercy Hospital.[2]