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Left 4 Dead Wiki
Dead Center
Tagline "Prices aren't the only things getting slashed"
Creator Valve Corporation
  1. The Hotel
  2. The Streets
  3. The Mall
  4. Atrium Finale
Next The Passing

Dead Center is the first campaign in Left 4 Dead 2. It takes place in Savannah, Georgia, a city that has just been hit by the Infection.


The campaign starts on top of The Vannah Hotel which was once CEDA's central operations and evacuation base but which is now overrun and partially ablaze. The Survivors arrive on the hotel rooftop just too late to board the last evacuation helicopter. With no other option open to them, they all agree that the best thing to do is to get across town to the other CEDA facility at the Liberty Mall.

Their subsequent quest takes them down through the burning hotel, out on to the overrun streets to a gun store from whence they enter the Liberty Mall only find that it too has been overrun by the Infected. Left to their fate, the Survivors elect to escape to New Orleans by refueling the 1969 Dodge Charger formerly run by a local stock car ace named Jimmy Gibbs Junior and which was fortuitously on public display in the mall at the time of the Infection's outbreak.

Connected achievements[]

Main article: Achievements

Survive the Dead Center campaign.

Finish a campaign using only melee weapons.

Collect 10 vials of Boomer vomit from infected CEDA agents you have killed.

Kill one of each Uncommon Infected.

Survive a campaign on Expert skill with Realism mode enabled.

Survive all campaigns on Expert.

PC Exclusive[]

Escape Liberty Mall's Atrium before the first Tank appears.

Behind the Scenes[]

Originally the Uncommon Infected appearing in the campaign were going to be the Riot Infected, not the CEDA Worker Infected.



Long Machete.

  • The campaign poster is the only Left 4 Dead 2 poster that features melee weapons.
    • It is also the only poster that features no firearms.
    • Rochelle is shown dual wielding a Chainsaw and a Machete — a feat that is impossible in-game.
      • Coach and Rochelle are holding Machetes. However, Machetes can only be found in Swamp Fever, The Parish, and the ported versions of "Death Toll" and Blood Harvest. However, it is possible that Machetes were planned to be usable in this campaign early in development, but the concept was subsequently scrapped later on.
      • The Machetes are also notably much longer than the ones seen in-game.
  • Like Dark Carnival, the tagline had been suggested on internet forums several times before its public reveal.
  • This campaign's plotline is consistent with the "shopping mall cliché" found in other zombie media, such as the video game Dead Rising and the movie Dawn of the Dead.
  • The city of Savannah has no three-story malls in real life.
Dead Air Center

The letters "AIR"

  • The poster for Dead Air can be seen to the left of this campaign's poster in the loading screen. There also is an additional poster below that of Dead Center, most likely that for Dead Air as well — or perhaps Crash Course.
  • This is the only campaign which guarantees laser sights. In the second chapter, The Streets, there is always a laser sight upgrade in Whitaker's Gun Shop. A laser sight is very rarely found in all the other Left 4 Dead 2 campaigns. Oddly enough, in one of the CEDA tents near the safe room, another laser sight upgrade can spawn.
  • Along with The Passing, Hard Rain and ported campaigns from the original game, Dead Center does not spawn the female Boomer due to the fact that the console variable no_female_boomers is set to 1. The reason for this is unknown.
  • The campaign's name appears to be a quadruple play on words: shopping malls are often called "shopping centers", everyone in the center is dead (or Infected), a perfect shot strikes dead center, and dead centers are lifeless zones.
  • On the campaign poster, one can see the caption: "Stunt/Fight Coordinator Jimmy Gibbs."
  • Dead Center and the Left 4 Dead 2 ports of No Mercy and The Sacrifice are the only campaigns where two Uncommon Infected can appear simultaneously.
  • When seeing an Infected for the first time in the Hotel, Ellis will sometimes say that he has never seen the Infected before: "Dude those zombies are REAL. I knew them books were non-fiction." This seems to be inconsistent, as it is highly improbable that the Survivors had not encountered Infected before this point.
Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2
No Mercy
The Apartments / The Subway / The Sewer / The Hospital / Rooftop Finale
Dead Center
The Hotel / The Streets / The Mall / The Atrium
Crash Course
The Alleys / The Truck Depot Finale
The Passing
The Riverbank / The Underground / The Port
Death Toll
The Turnpike / The Drains / The Church / The Town / Boathouse Finale
Dark Carnival
The Highway / The Fairgrounds / The Coaster / The Barns / The Concert
Dead Air
The Greenhouse / The Crane / The Construction Site / The Terminal / Runway Finale
Swamp Fever
Plank Country / The Swamp / Shanty Town / The Plantation
Blood Harvest
The Woods / The Tunnel / The Bridge / The Train Station / Farmhouse Finale
Hard Rain
The Milltown / The Sugar Mill / Mill Escape / Return To Town / Town Escape
The Sacrifice
The Docks / The Barge / Port Finale
The Parish
The Waterfront / The Park / The Cemetery / The Quarter / The Bridge
Non-Canon Campaigns
The Last Stand
The Lighthouse
Cold Stream
Alpine Creek / South Pine Stream / Memorial Bridge / Cut-throat Creek
Dam It (unfinished)
Orchard / Campground / Dam
The Last Stand
The Junkyard / Lighthouse Finale