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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki


Summoner Icons[]


New Cards[]

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator3 Condense
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Sacrificial Scholar
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Innovative Blacksmith
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Altar to Unity
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Blowback
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Grave Companion
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Perfidious Promoter
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Royal Shimmerwing
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Captain Indari
LoR Spell Slow Indicator6 Pack Attack
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator7 Beguiling Cobra

Card Updates[]


Note that some cards such as are considered to have two subtypes, such as The Serpent (Celestial and Reptile)


LoR Champion Indicator2Level 2
  • Text becomes: "When I'm summoned or Keyword Strike Strike: Create a 0 cost LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Flair in hand. When you play 6 cards, Keyword Rally Rally. Resets when you start a round with the attack token."
    • Old Text: "When I'm summoned or Keyword Strike Strike: Create a 0 cost LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Flair in hand. When you play 6 cards, Keyword Rally Rally."
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Flair
  • Text becomes: "Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus or give an allied LoR Champion Indicator2Samira Keyword Challenger Challenger this round."
    • Old Text: "Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus or give an ally Keyword Challenger Challenger this round."
LoR Champion Indicator3Level 1
LoR Champion Indicator3Level 1
  • Health increased to 3 from 2.
LoR Champion Indicator3Level 2
  • Health increased to 4 from 3.
LoR Champion Indicator4Level 1
  • Power increased to 3 from 2.
LoR Champion Indicator4Level 2
  • Power increased to 4 from 3.


LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Pix!

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Crimson Aristocrat

  • Text becomes: "Play: Deal 1 to an ally and grant it +1|+0 and Keyword Overwhelm Overwhelm."
    • Old Text: "Play: Deal 1 to an ally and grant it +2|+0."

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Escaped Abomination

  • Power increased to 4 from 3.

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Eminent Benefactor

  • Text becomes: "Play: Manifest an Epic card from your regions."
    • Old Text: "Keyword Last Breath Last Breath: create in hand a random Epic card from your regions."

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Kinkou Lifeblade

  • Health increased to 3 from 2.

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Captive Yeti

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Midenstokke Henchmen

  • Health increased to 5 from 4.

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Captain Arrika

  • Mana cost reduced to 6 from 8.
  • Health reduced to 4 from 6.
  • Power reduced to 4 from 6.

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Wise Fry

  • Power increased to 4 from 3.
  • No longer Keyword Vulnerable Vulnerable.

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Sanctum Conservator

  • Text becomes: "Play: Kill a follower. If you've slain 13+ units this game, kill all enemy followers, then Keyword Summon summon a copy of me instead."
    • Old Text: "Play: If you've slain 13+ units this game, kill all enemy followers, then Keyword Summon summon a copy of me. "

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator10 Bandle Gunners


LoR Spell Slow Indicator1 Concurrent Timelines

  • Mana cost reduced to 1 from 2.

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 En Garde

  • Mana cost reduced to 2 from 3.

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Momentous Choice

  • Text becomes: "I cost 1 less if you've equipped an ally this game. Give an ally +2|+0 or +0|+2 this round."
    • Old Text: "Give an ally +1|+0 or +0|+1 this round. If you've equipped an ally this game, play a copy of me on the same target."

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Twin Disciplines

  • Text becomes: "Give an ally +3|+0 or +0|+3 this round."
    • Old Text: "Give an ally +2|+0 or +0|+3 this round."

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Blessing of Targon

  • Mana cost reduced to 4 from 5.

LoR Spell Slow Indicator4 Loaded Dice

  • Text becomes: "Next round, when you damage the enemy nexus, Keyword Nab Nab 1."
    • Old Text: "For the rest of the round, when you damage the enemy nexus, Keyword Nab Nab 1."

LoR Spell Slow Indicator4 Out of the Way

  • Mana cost reduced to 4 from 5.

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Withering Wail

  • Mana cost reduced to 4 from 5.

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator5 Iceborn Legacy

  • Mana cost reduced to 5 from 6.

LoR Spell Slow Indicator7 Powder Pandemonium

LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator5 Mimic

  • Mana cost increased to 5 from 3.
  • Text becomes: "Reputation: I cost 3 less. When you play your next spell this round, copy it with the same targets."
    • Old Text: "Reputation: I cost 1. Pick a spell in play or in hand and create a Keyword Fleeting Fleeting copy of it in hand."

LoR Spell Slow Indicator7 Cosmic Inspiration

LoR Spell Slow Indicator8 Cosmic Rays

LoR Spell Slow Indicator9 Supernova


LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 The Grand Plaza

  • Text becomes: "When an ally is summoned, give it +1|+1 and Keyword Challenger Challenger this round."
    • Old Text: "When an ally is summoned, give it +1|+0 and Keyword Challenger Challenger this round."

Gameplay System Updates[]

Welcome to the first month of Eternal ranked! For many of you it's been a few months since you put down your rotated cards. Now it's time for you to pull them out from their safe spots in your collection and put them back on the board for not only a ranked season, but TWO Runeterra Opens.

As part of our first Eternal-focused Balance Patch we wanted to set the bar for what power level we expect the format to be, so you'll see reverts to some old favorites that had left their time in the spotlight. These changes are just the first steps into making Eternal the format we have in mind: A place for cards to be as powerful as they can and for deck builders to have the world at their fingertips.

The Eternal format still has a lot of room to be controlled by all of you. So if there is something you love and want to see more of, then let us know by playing it and talking about it on social media. If you feel like the format is missing something that would really make it feel special to you, then please talk about that too. Ultimately our goal is to make Eternal its own distinct and fun way to play Legends of Runeterra, and we will be watching the format develop closely to make sure we are hitting that goal. I know I'm excited to jump on the ladder and see what happens, so good luck and good game!

Editor’s Note: With both Runeterra Opens as well as Ranked Ladder available for Eternal, we’re focusing most of our changes on Eternal cards. You’ll notice a few cards that are Standard-legal are also being lightly touched here. Check out the changes below:


This is the first Eternal ranked season! Due to some difficulties with the first Runeterra Open, we have a bonus Runeterra Open this month to bring to everybody! It’s two weekends back to back, so we hope you’re ready.

Runeterra Opens[]

As mentioned above, we have two Runeterra Opens happening this Month. Make sure to prepare for June 10/11 and June 17/18. They’ll both be Eternal format and will provide the same cash prizes and RP as a normal Runeterra Open, as well as more invites to the Mystery Event.

Gauntlet Schedule[]

  • May 24~May 31: (Daily Rumble) Free Build (Bo1)
  • June 1~June 4: (Ruthless Rumble) Eternal (Bo3)
  • June 4~June 10: (Daily Rumble) Eternal (Bo3)
  • June 10~June 11: (Runeterra Open) Eternal (Bo3)
  • June 12~June 16: (Daily Rumble) Eternal (Bo3)
  • June 17~June 18: (Runeterra Open) Eternal (Bo3)
  • June 19~June 23: (Daily Rumble) Singleton (Bo1)
  • June 23~June 25: (Daily Rumble) Free Build (Bo3)

If there are any adjustments, make sure to check the in-game Gauntlet Schedule for the most up to date information!

New Daily Rumble Formats[]

  • Eternal (Bo3)
    • Same deck building rules as Standard… but with every card an option!
  • Free Build - It's finally coming!!!
    • Free Build is available at the beginning and end of this patch. Build with 10-100 Cards, and up to 10 Regions and 20 Champions!

Unlimited Gauntlet Month[]

All Gauntlets have been unlocked this month, allowing you to compete multiple times in the same day. In order to make this change, we've adjusted gauntlet rewards just a tad so that zero win runs will not give any trophies. Get out there and get your Badges and Prime Glories!



To celebrate the release of CONV/RGENCE: A League of Legends Story, we're introducing a free Icon and Emote! Log in between May 24th 10am PT and June 28 10am PT to receive for free!

Updated skins[]

  • LoR Champion Indicator2Worldbreaker Elise has been upgraded to an Epic skin and has received an updated Level-up animation.

Breathe the free air my friend...[]

  • Added Free Build to the Friend Challenge game modes list. Build with a minimum of 10, maximum of 100 cards, up to 20 champs, and any number of regions!
  • Added Champs Unlimited to the Friend Challenge game modes list. Play with ANY number of champions in your deck, given your deck is still built with 40 cards, a maximum of two regions and three copies of each card.

Free Deck Bundles[]

As mentioned in the previous patch notes, we’re introducing Seven Free Standard Decks. Make sure to get these ASAP and have your friends come collect them! They will be available in the store until June 28 at 10:00am PT. Afterwards, these decks will replace the starter decks obtained during the game’s tutorial section.

Editor’s Note: Next series of rotation, the tutorial decks should be replaced at the same time as rotation. TLDR: We won’t be offering a ton of free decks next Rotation, so make sure to grab ’em this time while you can!

Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixed an issue where the default LoR Champion Indicator1Zoe level up video could play instead of the LoR Champion Indicator1Corrupted Zoe version when the game was set at Medium or Low quality.
  • Fixed an issue where Gauntlet matches weren’t counted for Essence Trials.
  • Fixed a minor visual bug in TPOC where the Shadow Isles Node is covered by the Monthly Adventure button.
  • Fixed an issue where the title would soft-lock when LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi was drawn via Heroes' Welcome with R0028 The Chameleon's Necklace Relic equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Champion Indicator6Nasus’s Boon of the Ascended II would summon the LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Sun Disc without restoring it after slaying 10+ units. (Again)
  • Fixed an issue where R0054 Wriggle's Lantern relic reset its cap when the equipped champion was transformed in hand in TPoC.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator0 Powder Kegs killing themselves would incorrectly activate Sentinel cards.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Augmented Clockling would draw a card and reduce its cost when summoned.
  • Fixed an issue where Mana appeared unspent when quickly playing a card before the animation pog resolves after casting a LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Coin.
  • Fixed an issue where giving Keyword Brash Brash to LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator9 Ibaaros or LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator9 Gorlith the Unscalable allowed them to be blocked by any 3+ Health unit.
  • Reduced the cast limit for TPOC AI from 15 to 6, as the current cast limit was feeling too high.
  • Fixed some minor templating bugs.