League of Legends Wiki

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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki


Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixed an issue where LoR Champion Indicator7Malphite's Keyword Skill Rockslide was missing a Prismatic version.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the Lagoon of Legends board where water FX was splashing over the center dividing line.
  • Fixed some issues causing players to crash while attempting to reconnect.
  • Fixed an issue causing the screen to briefly dim when the opponent plays Keyword Burst Burst spells.
  • Fixed an issue causing spells to display the terms "Cast" and "Play" inconsistently.
  • Fixed a visual issue causing buffs to display incorrectly when a unit is Keyword Recall Recalled.
  • Updated AI opponents to prevent some invalid actions from occurring.
  • Updated localization for several strings that were missing translations in some languages.