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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki





Card Backs[]


LoR Set 4 icon Empires of the Ascended[]

Card Updates[]


LoR Champion Indicator3Level 1
  • Health reduced to 2 from 3.
LoR Champion Indicator3Level 2
  • Health reduced to 3 from 4.


LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Cloud Drinker
  • Text becomes: "Your Keyword Burst Burst and Keyword Focus Focus spells cost 1 less."
    • Old Text: "Your Keyword Burst Burst spells cost 1 less."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Runeweaver
  • Undocumented:
    • Flavor becomes: "Most weapons are crude tools, no better than the hands that wield them. But a weapon infused with runic magic is so much more than mere steel."
      • Old Flavor: "Most weapons are crude tools, no better than than the hands that wield them. But a weapon infused with runic magic is so much more than mere steel."


LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 The Veiled Temple
  • Visual Updated:


LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Gem
  • Spell speed changed to Keyword Focus Focus from Keyword Burst Burst.
  • Text becomes: "Heal an ally 1 and grant it +1|+0. "
    • Old Text: "Heal an ally 1 and grant it +1|+0. Can't be cast in combat or in response to a spell."
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Glinting Blade Fragment
  • Spell speed changed to Keyword Focus Focus from Keyword Burst Burst.
  • Text becomes: "Give an ally +2|+0 this round. "
    • Old Text: "Give an ally +2|+0 this round. Can't be cast in combat or in response to a spell."
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Heavy Blade Fragment
  • Spell speed changed to Keyword Focus Focus from Keyword Burst Burst.
  • Text becomes: "Give an ally Keyword Overwhelm Overwhelm this round. "
    • Old Text: "Give an ally Keyword Overwhelm Overwhelm this round. Can't be cast in combat or in response to a spell."
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Help, Pix!
  • Spell speed changed to Keyword Focus Focus from Keyword Burst Burst.
  • Text becomes: "Give an ally Keyword Barrier Barrier or an enemy Keyword Vulnerable Vulnerable this round. "
    • Old Text: "Give an ally Keyword Barrier Barrier or an enemy Keyword Vulnerable Vulnerable this round. Can't be cast in combat or in response to a spell."
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Keen Blade Fragment
  • Spell speed changed to Keyword Focus Focus from Keyword Burst Burst.
  • Text becomes: "Give an ally Keyword Quick Attack Quick Attack this round. "
    • Old Text: "Give an ally Keyword Quick Attack Quick Attack this round. Can't be cast in combat or in response to a spell."
LoR Spell Slow Indicator7 Mind Meld
  • Text becomes: "This round, grow all allies' Power and Health to the number of spells you've resolved this game."
    • Old Text: "This round, grow all allies' Power and Health to the number of spells you've played this game."
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Sanctuary
  • Spell speed changed to Keyword Focus Focus from Keyword Burst Burst.
  • Text becomes: "Recall an ally. "
    • Old Text: "Recall an ally. Can't be cast in combat or in response to a spell.

Region Road Updates[]

Champion Mastery[]


  • United Front PvP
    • Added.



  • Five new Empires of the Ascended archetypes added to the Expeditions draft pool.
  • Empires of the Ascended archetypes will temporarily be four times as likely as they would otherwise be to appear in the initial Champion Picks.
  • Cards from Empires of the Ascended have been added to various appropriate archetypes.
  • NOTE: Active Expeditions will not roll over into Empires of the Ascended, and players will be forced to retire any active runs. Active trials (not those mid-draft!) will be compensated normally


  • Collective Support


  • Increased the maximum number of deck slots in the Collection from 30 > 50.
  • Known issue - cross-shard friend challenge has been disabled until patch 2.4.0 to address several high-severity bugs. We apologize for the inconvenience; please keep an eye out for additional updates.


  • Fixed an issue where LoR Champion Indicator3Katarina would occasionally strike the Nexus while being the target of LoR Spell Slow Indicator7 Dragon's Rage.
  • Fixed a visual issue where LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator1 Stress Testing would cause Keyword Fleeting Fleeting cards to overlap in hand.
  • Fixed several visual issues with tooltips occasionally being overlapped by other UI elements in the tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 The Cloven Way would occasionally get stuck on the board.
  • Fixed several text issues in card text, descriptions, and tooltips in our continued focus on improving consistency.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Champion Indicator3Aphelios could sometimes create Moon Weapons without the Phase requirements being met.
  • Fixed an error where casting LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Pick a Card would occasionally result in a visual bloom effect.
  • Fixed an error where an interaction between LoR Champion Indicator10Aurelion Sol and Celestial cards would occasionally result in a visual bloom effect.
  • Fixed an issue where a Keyword Silence silenced LoR Champion Indicator4Jinx would occasionally allow LoR Spell Slow Indicator1 Super Mega Death Rocket! to persist over multiple turns.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Champion Indicator4Tahm Kench would occasionally not play any VFX when obliterating units.
  • Fixed an issue where LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Wiggly Burblefish would occasionally not play any SFX when attacking.
  • Fixed an issue where the numbers for Wildcards / Currencies on mobile would display incorrectly.