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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]

Original Original
Void Bringer Void Bringer
Resistance Resistance
Cosmic Invoker Cosmic Invoker
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.


First Move[]


15 seconds cooldown

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with an Runeterra Crest icon Ascended
First Encounter with a Demacia Crest icon Demacian
First Encounter with a Freljord Crest icon Freljordian
First Encounter with a Shadow Isles Crest icon Shadow Isles Champion
First Encounter with a Yordle
First Encounter with Aatrox Aatrox
First Encounter with Akali Akali
First Encounter with Anivia Anivia
First Encounter with Ashe Ashe
First Encounter with Bard Bard
First Encounter with Braum Braum
First Encounter with Darius Darius
First Encounter with Diana Diana
First Encounter with Elise Elise
First Encounter with Fiora Fiora
First Encounter with Gangplank Gangplank
First Encounter with Garen Garen
First Encounter with Gragas Gragas
First Encounter with Graves Graves
First Encounter with Janna Janna
First Encounter with Jax Jax
First Encounter with Jinx Jinx
First Encounter with Karma Karma
First Encounter with Katarina Katarina
First Encounter with Kindred Kindred
First Encounter with Leona Leona
First Encounter with Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
First Encounter with Rek'Sai Rek'Sai
First Encounter with Sejuani Sejuani
First Encounter with Sion Sion
First Encounter with Tahm Kench Tahm Kench
First Encounter with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate
First Encounter with Vi Vi
First Encounter with Viktor Viktor




Basic Attacking[]

30% chance


15 seconds cooldown
Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor
30 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Tentacle Smash Tentacle Smash[]

50% chance

Using Harsh Lesson Harsh Lesson[]

Hitting an Enemy
50% chance

Using Test of Spirit Test of Spirit[]

50% chance
Hitting an Enemy
30% chance
A Champion becomes a Vessel Vessel
A Champion kills a Tentacle Tentacle while being a Vessel Vessel
A Champion stops being a Vessel Vessel

Using Leap of Faith Leap of Faith[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Scoring a Pentakill


Buying an Item
50% chance, 10 seconds cooldown
Buying Boots Boots
Buying Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads
Buying Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's Plate
Buying Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
Buying Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage
Buying Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra
Buying Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor

Recall Recall[]

10 seconds cooldown


Sound Effects[]


Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess
  • ▶️  "You have followed our ways as if born to them." may be a reference to a quote from Frank Herbert's novel Dune: "He shall know your ways as if born to them".

