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Zaubereffekte sind Effekte, die ausgelöst werden, wann immer ein Champion Fähigkeitsschaden verursacht. Das schließt sogar Fähigkeiten ein, die sich ansonsten wie ein Basisangriff verhalten.

Champion Abilities[]

On-Spell Effects[]

The following effects occur when your champion's ability deals damage, rather than when the ability is casted. They won't trigger if the ability is blocked or you miss the ability.

On-Being Hit Effects[]

The following effects can occur when your champion is hit by a basic attack or ability, whether or not deals damage.

On-Cast Effects[]

The following effects occur when your champion casts an ability, rather than when the ability deals damage. These effects will occur even on damageless abilities, if the ability is blocked, or if the ability misses.

On-Hit Effects[]

The following "on-hit effects" are incorrectly, although possibly intentionally classified as abilities and will trigger spell effects. The triggering attack can still trigger on-hit effects.


For the full article, see pets.

Pets have a complicated relationship with on-hit effects and spell effects.

  • Any damage dealt by a pet that isn't its basic attacks will apply spell effects.
  • If its basic attacks deal damage based on its AD (regardless of whether the damage is physical or magical), it will trigger any on-hit effects that it is in possession of. It will not trigger the on-hit effects of its owner, but it will trigger spell effects.
  • If its basic attacks deal damage based on its AP (regardless of wether the damage is physical or magical), it will trigger its owner's spell effects. It will not trigger on-hit effects, neither its own or its owner's.

Shacos Shacos Jack In The Box Jack In The Box will trigger spell effects, and despite having attack damage it deals damage based on an unseen statistic.


Applying Spell Effects[]

The following activated damaging items will apply spell effects sourced from items (they will not apply champion-specific spell effects):

  • Bilgewater Cutlass Bilgewater Cutlass: Unique Active - Deals 100 magic damage and slows the target enemy champion's movement speed by 25% for 2 seconds - (90 second cooldown). 500-range.
  • Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King: Unique Active - Drains target champion, dealing 10% of the champion's maximum Health in physical damage and healing you for the damage dealt. Additionally you steal 25% of their movement speed for 3 seconds - (90 second cooldown). 500-range
  • Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade: Unique Active: Deals 150 (+ 40% AP) magic damage and slows the target champion's movement speed by 40% for 2 seconds - (60 second cooldown). 700-range.

On-Spell Effects[]

The following effects occur when your champion's ability deals damage, rather than when the ability is casted. They won't trigger if the ability is blocked or you miss the ability.

  • Furor Furor: Unique - Furor: Whenever you deal damage with an attack or single-target spell, you gain 12% movement speed that decays over 2 seconds.
  • Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment: Unique Passive: Dealing spell damage applies a damage-over-time effect that deals bonus magic damage equal to 2% of the target's current Health per second. This bonus damage is doubled against movement-impaired units and capped at 100 damage per second vs. monsters.
  • Luden's Echo Luden's Echo: Unique: Gains charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next instance of ability damage you deal will expends all the charges to deal 100 (+ 15% AP) bonus magic damage to a single target and summon up to 3 lesser bolts that target nearby enemies (prioritizing enemies damaged by the ability, and champions over minions)
  • Morellonomicon Morellonomicon: Unique - Passive: Dealing magic damage to an enemy champion below 40% health inflicts Grievous Wounds to them for 4 seconds.
  • Muramana Muramana: Active - Toggle: Autoattacks and Single-Targeted spells consume 3% of current Mana to deal bonus physical damage equal to twice the amount of Mana consumed.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Your spell damage will slow the target by 40% for 1.5 seconds (40% for 1 second for area of effect spells, 20% for 1 second for multi-hit or damage-over-time spells and pet damage).

On-Being Hit Effects[]

The following effects can occur when your champion is hit by a basic attack or ability, whether or not deals damage.

  • Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil: Unique - Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds.
  • Hexdrinker Hexdrinker: Unique - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce health below 30%, grants a shield that absorbs 250 magic damage for 5 seconds - (90 second cooldown).
  • Maw of Malmortius Maw of Malmortius: Unique - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce health below 30%, grants a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds - (90 second cooldown).

On-Cast Effects[]

The following effects occur when your champion casts an ability, rather than when the ability deals damage. They will trigger even if the ability is blocked or you miss the ability.

  • Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff: Unique - Mana Charge: Each time you cast a spell or spend mana, your maximum mana increases by 4 (3 second cooldown). Bonus caps at +750 bonus mana.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade: Passive: Your basic attacks or spellcasts grant you 4% attack speed and 4 ability power for 8 seconds. This bonus stacks up to 8 times.
  • Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet: : Unique - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals 125% base attack damage bonus physical damage to surrounding enemies and creates a field for 2 seconds that slows enemies inside by 30%. (1.5 second cooldown).
  • Lich Bane Lich Bane: : Unique - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals 75% base attack damage (+ 50% AP) bonus magic damage. (1.5 second cooldown).
  • Manamune Manamune: Unique - Mana Charge: Each time you attack, cast a spell or spend mana, your maximum mana increases by 4 (3 second cooldown). Bonus caps at +750 bonus mana.
  • Sheen Sheen: : Unique - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals 100% base attack damage bonus physical damage. (1.5 second cooldown).
  • Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess: Unique - Mana Charge: Each time you attack, cast a spell or spend mana, your maximum mana increases by 4 (3 second cooldown). Bonus caps at +750 bonus mana.
  • Trinity Force Trinity Force: : Unique - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals 200% base attack damage bonus physical damage. (1.5 second cooldown).