Not to be confused with StreetPass. |
SpotPass is an online communication feature that was first introduced with the launch of the original Nintendo 3DS system in 2011. SpotPass would later receive function with the other 3DS family line systems, as well as with Wii U systems. It should be noted that connecting to the internet does not equal to using SpotPass, but using SpotPass does require connecting to the internet.
Unlike StreetPass, the main function for SpotPass is to send content to the 3DS/Wii U user via internet and requires an online access point to work. This ranges from updates, notifications, and even downloading software if the user enables the option for Automatic Software Downloads in the System Settings. When the player receives 3DS SpotPass content, the LED on the right shoulder will turn blue.
SpotPass does not affect any Kirby games directly, instead asking the user to download an update if necessary. Most updates or DLC for 3DS applications require the user to download them from the Nintendo eShop.
SpotPass shut down on April 8, 2024, at 5pm PDT.
In the Kirby series[]
Kirby: Planet Robobot[]
Kirby: Planet Robobot used SpotPass to periodically send various pieces of statistical data to Nintendo. Players can deactivate SpotPass by tapping on a button on the file-select screen and turning off sending data.
The data sent to Nintendo records certain number of times a player interacts with certain elements and features. The extracted list of the SpotPass save file for the game includes the following statistic in the table below. It should be noted that the descriptions for all statistical data are speculation and may not be accurate.
Data Name | Description |
File_BootCount | Number of times the game has been booted up |
File_PlayTime | Total number of minutes played |
File_PlayTimeAve | Average play time calculated by BootCount/PlayTime |
Jump_Manual | Number of times the player read the game's electronic instructions manual |
Jump_Miiverse | Number of times the player went to Miiverse within the game |
Jump_Shop_Parufe | Number of times the player went to the eShop page for Kirby: Triple Deluxe from the Other Games menu |
Jump_Shop_Pizza | Number of times the player went to the eShop page for Kirby Fighters Deluxe from the Other Games menu |
Jump_Shop_Drop | Number of times the player went to the eShop page for Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe from the Other Games menu |
Cmn_ClearPercent | May stand for "Common Clear Percent" which presumably averages up all clear percentages from all three files |
Cmn_1stClearTime | May stands for "Common 1st Clear Time" which presumably averages the number of minutes it took the player to complete Story Mode until reaching the credits from all three files |
Street_As_Card,19 | Presumably records the number of StreetPassed users who own a physical game card |
Street_As_NoCard,30 | Presumably records the number of StreetPassed users who own a digital copy of the game |
Street_As_NoPass,88 | Presumably records the number of StreetPasses collected after the user caps their StreetPass maximum of six |
Street_MetaAndAr,75 | May stand for "StreetPass for Meta Knightmare Returns And The Arena" which presumably records the amount of exchanged records via StreetPass |
Amiibo_GenKirby | The number of times a certain Kirby series amiibo that have ben scanned |
Amiibo_GenDedede | |
Amiibo_GenMeta | |
Amiibo_GenWadd | |
Amiibo_SmaKirby | The number of times a certain Super Smash Bros. series amiibo from the Kirby series has been scanned despite there not being a Waddle Dee variant |
Amiibo_SmaDedede | |
Amiibo_SmaMeta | |
Amiibo_SmaWadd | |
Amiibo_OthKirby | Presumably placeholders for if a new series of Kirby amiibo, "0th", were created |
Amiibo_OthDedede | |
Amiibo_OthMeta | |
Amiibo_OthWadd | |
Amiibo_Other | The number of times an amiibo not from the Kirby or Super Smash Bros. amiibo series has been scanned |
Stor_BootCount | The number of times Story Mode was selected |
Stor_PlayTime | The amount of time the player has played Story Mode in minutes |
Stor_OpenedLv | Presumably the highest level achieved in Story Mode (caps at 7) |
Stor_StickerNum | The highest number of stickers or adds up the total amount of stickers from all files |
Stor_StickRatio | Presumably ratios the total number of stickers collected by the StickerNum |
Meta_BootCount | Presumably records the number of times the Meta Knightmare Returns sub-game was selected |
Meta_PlayTime | The amount of time the player has played Meta Knightmare Returns in minutes |
Meta_ClearedLv | The number of levels cleared for Meta Knightmare Returns |
Ar_BootCount | Number of times The Arena was selected |
Ar_PlayTime | The amount of time the player has played The Arena in minutes |
Ar_ClearRound | Presumably records the highest number of cleared rounds by the player in The Arena (caps at 11) |
ArEx_BootCount,40 | Number of times The True Arena was selected |
ArEx_PlayTime,650 | The amount of time the player has played The True Arena in minutes |
ArEx_ClearRound,12 | Presumably records the highest number of cleared rounds by the player in The Arena (caps at 12) |
Conf_BootCount,10 | Number of times Kirby 3D Rumble was selected; unknown what "conf" is short for |
Conf_PlayTime,63 | The amount of time the player has played Kirby 3D Rumble in minutes |
Conf_StickRatio,98 | |
Conf_ClrLevel,3 | Presumably the highest number of cleared stages in Kirby 3D Rumble (caps at 3) |
Conf_LvPlt_1,1 | "LvPlt_[X]" may be short for "Level [X] Complete" with a 0 meaning not complete and a 1 meaning complete |
Conf_LvPlt_2,1 | |
Conf_LvPlt_3,1 | |
Conf_LvHiSc_1,47080 | Records the highest score for the respective level of Kirby 3D Rumble |
Conf_LvHiSc_2,40460 | |
Conf_LvHiSc_3,81520 | |
Conf_Lv1stSc_1,47080 | Records the final score of a respective level of Kirby 3D Rumble when that level was first beaten |
Conf_Lv1stSc_2,40460 | |
Conf_Lv1stSc_3,65790 | |
Melo_BootCount,16 | Number of times Team Kirby Clash was selected |
Melo_PlayTime,85 | The amount of time the player has played Team Kirby Clash in minutes |
Melo_FirstACPT,20 | |
Melo_ClrQuest,6 | Records the number of cleared quests for Team Kirby Clash (caps at 6) |
Melo_QHiSc_1,1848 | Records the high score for a respective quest in Team Kirby Clash |
Melo_QHiSc_2,2368 | |
Melo_QHiSc_3,2798 | |
Melo_QHiSc_4,3315 | |
Melo_QHiSc_5,4253 | |
Melo_QHiSc_6,5411 | |
Melo_LCommCnt,2 | Presumably stands for "Local Communication Connection" which records the number of times a local multiplayer game was successfully hosted |
Melo_OfflPCnt,29 | Presumably short for "Offline [P] Count" |
Stor_Abi_Ice,11 | The number of times a certain Copy Ability was obtained during Story Mode. It is unknown why Sword and Hammer have "G" and "S" variants each and why Parasol has its own "G" variant |
Stor_Abi_Whip,7 | |
Stor_Abi_Esper,15 | |
Stor_Abi_Cutter,19 | |
Stor_Abi_Crash,3 | |
Stor_Abi_Circus,5 | |
Stor_Abi_Jet,13 | |
Stor_Abi_Stone,16 | |
Stor_Abi_Sniper,9 | |
Stor_Abi_Spark,33 | |
Stor_Abi_Smash,28 | |
Stor_Abi_Sleep,1 | |
Stor_Abi_Sword,14 | |
Stor_Abi_SwordG,0 | |
Stor_Abi_SwordS,0 | |
Stor_Abi_Doctor,19 | |
Stor_Abi_Ninja,15 | |
Stor_Abi_Parsl,13 | |
Stor_Abi_ParslG,0 | |
Stor_Abi_Hammer,21 | |
Stor_Abi_HammerG,0 | |
Stor_Abi_HammerS,0 | |
Stor_Abi_Beam,12 | |
Stor_Abi_Fire,18 | |
Stor_Abi_Fighter,5 | |
Stor_Abi_Wheel,9 | |
Stor_Abi_Bomb,26 | |
Stor_Abi_Poison,34 | |
Stor_Abi_Mike,0 | |
Stor_Abi_Mirror,32 | |
Stor_Abi_Ufo,26 | |
Stor_Abi_Leaf,9 | |
Stor_Drop_Ice,2 | Presumably the number of times a Copy Ability was either discarded via Ability Star (by the player or otherwise) or changed via touching a Copy Essence |
Stor_Drop_Whip,5 | |
Stor_Drop_Esper,3 | |
Stor_Drop_Cutter,6 | |
Stor_Drop_Crash,0 | |
Stor_Drop_Circus,2 | |
Stor_Drop_Jet,5 | |
Stor_Drop_Stone,5 | |
Stor_Drop_Sniper,4 | |
Stor_Drop_Spark,12 | |
Stor_Drop_Smash,1 | |
Stor_Drop_Sword,4 | |
Stor_Drop_SwordG,0 | |
Stor_Drop_SwordS,0 | |
Stor_Drop_Doctor,5 | |
Stor_Drop_Ninja,3 | |
Stor_Drop_Parsl,5 | |
Stor_Drop_ParslG,0 | |
Stor_Drop_Hamer,1 | |
Stor_Drop_HamerG,0 | |
Stor_Drop_HamerS,0 | |
Stor_Drop_Beam,5 | |
Stor_Drop_Fire,9 | |
Stor_Drop_Fighte,4 | |
Stor_Drop_Wheel,3 | |
Stor_Drop_Bomb,3 | |
Stor_Drop_Poison,7 | |
Stor_Drop_Mike,0 | |
Stor_Drop_Mirror,10 | |
Stor_Drop_Ufo,3 | |
Stor_Drop_Leaf,2 | |
Ar_Abi_Normal,3 | The number of times the player challenged The Arena with a certain Copy Ability. Oddly, The True Arena does not have its own set of data for these statistics. |
Ar_Abi_Ice,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Whip,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Esper,2 | |
Ar_Abi_Cutter,3 | |
Ar_Abi_Crash,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Circus,3 | |
Ar_Abi_Jet,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Stone,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Sniper,2 | |
Ar_Abi_Spark,2 | |
Ar_Abi_Smash,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Sword,2 | |
Ar_Abi_SwordG,0 | |
Ar_Abi_SwordS,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Doctor,12 | |
Ar_Abi_Ninja,2 | |
Ar_Abi_Parasol,4 | |
Ar_Abi_ParasolG,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Hammer,14 | |
Ar_Abi_HammerG,0 | |
Ar_Abi_HammerS,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Beam,2 | |
Ar_Abi_Fire,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Fighter,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Wheel,3 | |
Ar_Abi_Bomb,1 | |
Ar_Abi_Poison,10 | |
Ar_Abi_Mike,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Mirror,3 | |
Ar_Abi_Ufo,0 | |
Ar_Abi_Leaf,2 | |
Stor_Dead_L1S1,1 | Presumably records the number of times Kirby has lost a life in a certain stage during Story Mode |
Stor_Dead_L1S2,2 | |
Stor_Dead_L1S3,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L1S4,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L1S5,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L1S6,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L2S1,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L2S2,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L2S3,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L2S4,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L2S5,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L2S6,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S1,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S2,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S3,2 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S4,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S5,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S6,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L3S7,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S1,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S2,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S3,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S4,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S5,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S6,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L4S7,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S1,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S2,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S3,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S4,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S5,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S6,2 | |
Stor_Dead_L5S7,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S1,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S2,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S3,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S4,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S5,1 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S6,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S7,2 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S8,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L6S9,0 | |
Stor_Dead_L7S1,0 |
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe[]
As with Kirby: Planet Robobot, Team Kirby Clash Deluxe used SpotPass to send various pieces of data to Nintendo and can also be toggled off in the Settings menu. Due to this game being more complex in terms of statistical data, a majority of the information recorded seems to be related to each quest in the game as well as aspects with each role.
Kirby Battle Royale[]
Similarly to the previous games, Kirby Battle Royale also sends Nintendo information about user data via SpotPass and was the only Kirby game that requires a DLC download as a SpotPass download is the only way to obtain the Mirror and Sleep Copy Abilities.
In the Super Smash Bros. series[]
SpotPass is only available for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U where users can be notified via the Notifications applet on the system's home screen. One particular notification talks about how the Dream Land (64) stage is now available for players to download. Certain sales also relayed through Notifications involving various veteran fighters were referenced Kirby during their final sale week, yet instead of listing a Kirby game, Pikmin 3 was listed instead.
Other Apps/Games[]
Built into the 3DS system lines and Wii U systems is an applet called Notifications. SpotPass messages about the eShop, general Nintendo-related news about 3DS titles, StreetPass Mii Plaza, and other games that rely on the SpotPass feature (such as the Nintendo Badge Arcade) to inform the player about online updates/DLC can be found in the Notifications applet, with new messages being indicated by a blue dot on the upper right of it. Most notifications come with a respective image on the top screen for the 3DS and at the top of the message when tapped for the Wii U.
3DS Notifications[]
Below is a list of every Kirby-related notification received from SpotPass for the 3DS family line starting from early July 2016. Notifications regarding StreetPass Mii Plaza and Puzzle Swap are to introduce users that a new Kirby series panel has been added; all these messages are the same.
Source | Image | Title | Message |
Ambassador Program |
N/A | Ambassador Program Update | Dear Nintendo 3DS Ambassador,
- F-Zero™ Maximum Velocity
To download, please follow the steps below:
For further details, please visit Thank you for your continued support. Games rated Everyone by the ESRB. Nintendo |
Ambassador Program |
N/A | Ambassador Programme (2)[1] | Thank you very much for using Nintendo 3DS.
To download, please follow the steps below: 1. In Nintendo eShop, touch the Menu icon. 2. Select SETTINGS / OTHERS. 3. Select TITLES YOU'VE DOWNLOADED. The titles will appear in the list. Select REDOWNLOAD and then follow the on-screen instructions to download the software to your Nintendo 3DS system. Thank you for your continued support. Nintendo |
StreetPass Mii Plaza |
N/A | Puzzle Swap | New panels are now available for Puzzle Swap in the Play area of StreetPass Mii Plaza!
Whether you've collected all the original pieces already or you're still collecting them now, try meeting lots of Mii characters and collecting pieces of the new panels! |
Nintendo eShop |
Kirby™: Triple Deluxe[2] | New powerful abilities, over 250 hidden collectibles, and frenetic multiplayer battles await in Kirby™: Triple Deluxe available from 16/05/2014! (in Australia and New Zealand from 17/05/2014)
Visit Nintendo eShop for videos, screenshots, and more information about this game. - Nintendo eShop Team *The download code will be shown on the screen after purchase, and also on the receipt. You can redeem it on Nintendo eShop on your own or any Nintendo 3DS™ system. | |
Nintendo Video |
Watch + Win: Kirby[3] | Tune-in to Nintendo Video starting June 16 to enter for a chance to win a download of the Nintendo Video classic, Kirby Right Back ay Ya.
Just tune-in to the special re-airing of Kirby Right Back at Ya! on Nintendo Video from June 16 until June 22 and watch for entry instructions. Watch & Win is available in the U.S. only. | |
Nintendo Video |
Nintendo Video is moving![4] | Your favorite shows from Nintendo Video are now available on Nintendo eShop anytime you want them! Dinosaur Office, Meat or Die, Shaun the Sheep, they're all there, along with many others.
We'll keep making more videos from Nintendo Video's storied lineup available on Nintendo eShop, as well as all-new videos, so check back often. | |
StreetPass Mii Plaza |
National StreetPass Weekend! | Summer is the perfect time for Nintendo 3DS™!
Bust out your Mario Kart™ 7 game to race against other players from North America at a Nintendo Zone™ location from July 21-24. Community Code: 56-5948-2194-6571 to join in! While you're out and about be sure to take advantage of the cool Street pass features in these new games such as hythm [sic] Heaven™ Megamix, Monster Hunter™ Generations and Kirby™: Planet Robobot, [sic] You can find a hotspot near you here: | |
Nintendo eShop |
Downloadable Content Info | Add more punch to your game with DLC!
Own Super Smash Bros. and looking for even more action in Super Smash Bros.? Purchase DLC to add fun stages to the game: ... Get nostalgic with his faithful recreation of the Dream Land stage from the first Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo 64! Try not to get blown off the stage by Whispy Woods! Not sure how to purchase DLC? On the Nintendo 3DS just go to the in-game DLC shop in Super Smash Bros. and use your Nintendo eShop funds to purchase the downloadable content. if you're playing on the Wii U console select the notices and eShop button to access Nintendo eShop where you can purchase the DLC. ... Have fun, and keep smashing! | |
Nintendo Badge Arcade |
Kirby's crashing the Arcade! | He's small. He's round. And he's REALLY hungry. It's Kirby, and he's taking over the Nintendo Badge Arcade this week.
So swing by the Nintendo Badge Arcade today to pick up a free play, and test your skills by trying to nab yourself a Kirby badge, a Waddle-Dee badge, or even a King Dedede badge. These classic character could make great decorations for your Nintendo 3DS HOME Menu! Kirby week ends on 12/23/15, so I hope to see you at the arcade soon! *Game content in English only. ESRB Rating: Everyone | |
General |
Kirby™: Planet Robobot Demo | Do you have what it takes to save Planet Popstar? You can take your best shot at the first two stages of the Kirby™: Planet Robobot game to find out.
Kirby's battling high-tech baddies in this sci-fi adventure, but he's got a secret weapon: Robobot Armor. When he hops into this mech suit, it can transform into powerful new forms like Fire Mode, Jet Mode, and even the enemy-zapping Spark mode. Kirby can use new Copy Abilities such as Poison, ESP, and more. Plus, you can get Copy Abilities, health items, and costumes with compatible amiibo figures (sold separately)—like from the new Kirby series of amiibo figures. download the free Kirby™: Planet Robobot demo on the Nintendo eShop, and start playing right away. To download this free DEMO, tap the gift icon on your HOME menu. Then, select the "Download Demo" button and enjoy! A Nintendo network ID and Internet access are required. -Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone with Mild Cartoon Violence | |
Nintendo eShop |
Now Available! | Kirby™: Planet Robobot is now available!
That’s right—Kirby’s Robobot Armor can shape-shift into different modes by scanning enemies to copy their moves—like the new Jet Mode. Not to mention, Kirby™ can copy abilities the old- fashioned way too—by inhaling them! After saving the world, team up with three friends to defeat foes in Team Kirby Clash, an RPG- styled 4-player* brawl where you choose from varied roles and level them up. Buy it in the Nintendo eShop today! *Additional systems and games are required for multiplayer mode; sold separately. ESRB: Everyone with Mild Cartoon Violence -Nintendo Use Parental Controls to restrict 3D mode for children 6 and under. © 2016 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2016 Nintendo. | |
Nintendo Badge Arcade |
It's Kirby Time! | Hi there!
We've got tons of badges featuring our favorite pink hero, Kirby, and his friends! Plus, we're giving away TWO free plays—one from 2/16 through 2/19, and another one from 2/20 to 2/22—so be sure to stop by! -Arcade Bunny | |
Nintendo eShop |
Now Available! | Wait...a box is the last defense against annihilation?! Well, fear not—Qbby is no ordinary box. Using his four startling new powers, you must solve hundreds of puzzles across 18 deadly worlds. Create boxes to climb, hover, warp, and bomb your way to salvation! Whether you're a newcomer or an old vet, thinking outside the box has never been more fun.
Tap a Kirby™ series amiibo™ figure to receive a costume based on the tapped character! King Dedede box, anyone? ESRB: Everyone with Mild Fantasy Violence -Nintendo | |
General |
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe™ | No matter what, each mighty role offers up a unique way to play. Puff up your power by crafting new weapons and spending materials at the shop to receive even MORE weapons, not to mention armor and items. Beyond the main game, there's also a ton of quests and a brand-new challenge system.
To download this free game, tap the icon on your HOME Menu. A Nintendo Network ID is required. -Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone with Mild Fantasy Violence, Digital Purchases | |
Nintendo eShop |
Kirby™ 25th Anniversary | It's been 25 years since Kirby™ made his debut, so we're celebrating the pink puff's anniversary with a sale on digital Kirby games for the Wii U™ and Nintendo 3DS™ family of systems. The included games are a great way to play through Kirby's history, from his very first appearance in the Kirby's Dream Land™ game all the way to last year's Kirby™: Planet Robobot. Shop now—the sale ends at 8:59a.m. PT on Aug. 8.
| |
General |
Kirby™ Battle Royale Demo | Kirby is entering a tournament against his toughest rival yet—himself—in the Kirby™ Battle Royale game. You can take the game for a spin right now when you download the free demo directly onto your Nintendo 3DS™ system.
In the free demo, you can play through part of the game's Story Mode and even take some of Kirby's Abilities for a spin. After you finish the demo, you can transfer in-game currency and unlock Meta Knight in the full game once purchased. You can begin the battle right now when you download the free demo directly onto your Nintendo 3DS™ system. The demo is available now on the Nintendo eShop! To download this free DEMO, tap the gift icon on your HOME Menu. A Nintendo Network ID and Internet access are required. -Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ with Mild Cartoon Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB ... *Additional system required for Download Play. Additional games and system required for Local Wireless multiplayer mode. **Wireless Internet access required for online play. For more information, visit | |
Nintendo eShop |
Now Available! | Kirby is entering a tournament against his toughest rival yet...himself! 1-4 players can fight in local* or online** battles. Pick from 10+ abilities and 10 battle types to compete in countless matchups. Hoard treasure in Ore Express, knock out opponents in Slam Hockey, shoot missiles at Robo Bonkers, and more. There's a single-player story mode too!
Buy it in the Nintendo eShop today! ERSB: E10+ with Mild Cartoon Violence -Nintendo *Additional system required for Download Play. Additional games and system required for Local Wireless multiplayer mode. **Wireless Internet access required for online play. For more information, visit Game in 2D. ©2017 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. ©2017 Nintendo. |
Wii U Notifications[]
Below is a list of every Kirby-related notification received from SpotPass for the Wii U system.
Source | Image | Title | Message |
Nintendo eShop |
Dear Super Smash Bros. fans | We got a message from Mr. Sakurai for all Super Smash Bros. fans!
"Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is gradually nearing completion. Everyone on the staff is hard at work!" Thank you very much for all of your support! For the latest news from Nintendo during E3, please check out . | |
Nintendo eShop |
Last chance to save big | We've almost reached the launch day for Super Smash Bros.™ for Nintendo 3DS, and the Super Smashing Sale is going out with the bang. This week's sale (9/25 - 10/02, 9 a.m. - 8:59 a.m. PT) features Veteran Fighters such as Kirby™ and Donkey Kong™. Featured Newcomers include PAC-MAN and Villager. You'll save on select games such as:
Check out the full list of Select great games on sale on the Nintendo eShop. ESRB Rating: Everyone - Everyone 10+ | |
Nintendo eShop |
A "clayful" Kirby™ adventure! | Available now! In the Kirby and the Rainbow Curse™ game you can guide Kirby™ through a vibrant claymation world by drawing Rainbow Ropes for him to roll along in this new clay adventure! You can even mold your clay self into a Tank, Submarine, or Rocket to wreak havoc. Up to three friends can join in to explore levels with you.*
Buy it on eShop today! And don't forget -the Kirby, King Dedede, or Meta Knight amiibo can give Kirby fantastic daily power-ups. *amiibo sold separately Game rated Everyone with Mild Cartoon Violence by the ESRB -Nintendo © 2015 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2015 Nintendo | |
Nintendo eShop |
It's Kirby's Birthday! | Celebrate Kirby's birthday on 8/1 with 3 classic games!
For more information check out ESRB Rating: Everyone with Mild Cartoon Violence -Nintendo | |
Nintendo eShop |
amiibo™ Tap | Did you know you can unlock free, playable game previews with your amiibo?
• Each of your amiibo™ figures now unlocks a short playable sample from a certain NES™ or Super NES™ titles on the Wii U™ console.
ESRB Rating: Everyone, Mild Fantasy Violence. -Nintendo | |
Nintendo eShop |
Downloadable Content Info | Add more punch to your game with DLC!
Own Super Smash Bros. and looking for even more action in Super Smash Bros.? Purchase DLC to add fun stages to the game: ... Get nostalgic with his faithful recreation of the Dream Land stage from the first Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo 64! Try not to get blown off the stage by Whispy Woods! Not sure how to purchase DLC? On the Nintendo 3DS just go to the in-game DLC shop in Super Smash Bros. and use your Nintendo eShop funds to purchase the downloadable content. if you're playing on the Wii U console select the notices and eShop button to access Nintendo eShop where you can purchase the DLC. ... Have fun, and keep smashing! | |
Nintendo eShop |
Kirby™ 25th Anniversary | It's been 25 years since Kirby™ made his debut, so we're celebrating the pink puff's anniversary with a sale on digital Kirby games for the Wii U™ and Nintendo 3DS™ family of systems. The included games are a great way to play through Kirby's history, from his very first appearance in the Kirby's Dream Land™ game all the way to last year's Kirby™: Planet Robobot. Shop now—the sale ends at 8:59a.m. PT on Aug. 8.
Wii U Alerts[]
With the "Automatic Display of Alerts" option on, the Wii U GamePad would sometimes show an advertisement obtained via SpotPass upon powering on. These advertisements mainly featured around new Wii U games and Wii U eShop sales such as the Kirby's 25th Anniversary sale. Currently, these are the only Kirby-related alerts recorded.
Automatic Software Downloads[]
For both 3DS and Wii U systems, SpotPass was able automatically download various software via internet when this option is turned on. These software range from DLC, game version updates, and advertisements. Currently, for the Kirby series, this feature only includes advertisements for various 3DS Kirby title demos with some only being exclusive to different regions. These advertisement software are simply the game's icon they are advertising that redirect the user to that game's eShop page when tapped along with a banner on the top screen when the icon is highlighted with a ticker running at the bottom of the top screen encouraging players to download the demo.
Below is a list of all currently known Automatic Software Downloads for the Kirby series.
Region | Game | Banner | Ticker Message | |
Original | Translated | |||
Kirby: Planet Robobot | Kirby's kicking bot in his new sci-fi adventure, Kirby™: Planet Robobot. Download the free demo to play through the first two stages of the game. Available now on Nintendo eShop. | |||
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn | Visit Patch Land in the free Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Demo! Download now for free! | |||
Nintendo Anime Channel | Watch the Nintendo Anime Channel for the best anime selected by Nintendo. Download the free software from Nintendo eShop and enjoy! | |||
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe | なかまといっしょに共闘バトル!『みんなで!カービィハンターズZ』は、ニンテンドーeショップから無料でダウンロードできます。 | Battle together with your friends! "Everyone! Kirby Hunters Z" can be downloaded for free from the Nintendo eShop. | ||
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn | 毛糸の姿となったカービィが、毛糸をひっかけたり、巻き取ったり…。毛糸ならではのアクションで、すべてが毛糸や布でできた、しかけいっぱいの世界を冒険する『毛糸のカービィ プラス』の体験版を、ニンテンドーeショップで配信中です。 | Kirby, in his woolly form, snatches and reels in yarn. The demo version of "Yarn Kirby Plus" is now available on the Nintendo eShop, allowing players to explore a world made entirely of yarn and cloth, filled with unique yarn actions. | ||
Kirby Battle Royale | 별의 커비 최신작, 닌텐도 3DS 소프트웨어 「커비 배틀 디럭스!」를 체험할 수 있습니다. 발매 전에 먼저 「커비 배틀 디럭스!」를 체험해 보세요. | You can experience the latest Kirby work, Nintendo 3DS software “Kirby Battle Deluxe!” Experience “Kirby Battle Deluxe!” before its release. | ||
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn | 닌텐도 3DS 소프트웨어 「털실 커비 이야기 플러스」를 체험할 수 있습니다. | You can experience the Nintendo 3DS software "Yarn Kirby Story Plus". |
StreetPass Mii Plaza[]
A Notification for 3DS family line users was given every time a new batch of Puzzle Swap panels were released, including any Kirby-related ones. Every time a new Puzzle Swap panel is introduced via SpotPass, players receive one random tile of that panel. If the player is lucky enough to have this piece land on a pink tile—where pieces on these tiles are received only via StreetPass—then that player is essentially the "patient zero" of being able to complete that panel.[5] A few Kirby series panels can only be completed this way; if a player wants to complete these panels, StreetPassing another user is required.
Nintendo Zone[]
See also: Nintendo DS#Nintendo Zone / DS Download Station |
Nintendo Zone is an application for the Nintendo 3DS family systems that allowed users to view videos and content about upcoming 3DS titles. Originally launched November 14, 2008 for Nintendo DSi systems, Nintendo Zone launched December 8, 2011 for the Nintendo 3DS and was discontinued August 28, 2016. The app could only be access via certain hotspots such as McDonald's and Best Buy. Users can also save their StreetPass data in these hotspots for other 3DS users to connect with. While not proven, it can be assumed that Kirby: Triple Deluxe its eShop-exclusive expanded sub games probably had videos about their upcoming releases on the network.
At certain times of the year, Nintendo would announce various promotions only available via connecting to a Nintendo Zone hotspot, mainly focusing on special Pokémon and Animal Crossing features. A special 3DS theme could be unlocked for free by vising a Game Retailed Limited store in the UK from June 22 to July 10 in 2016. This theme originally debuted in 2015 but had to be purchased to be obtained.
Nintendo Video[]
Nintendo Video was a video-sharing service on the Nintendo 3DS family systems that allowed users to use SpotPass and watch four videos that renewed every week. Kirby 3D was released in two parts during this service. At one point in 2016, Nintendo announced a "Watch + Win" giveaway only available in the U.S. where users who watched the rerun of either of the two episodes on the app and tapped on the "Enter Sweepstakes" button end of them could enter in this giveaway and hopefully win the entire Kirby 3D episode to download on their 3DS.[6] After a while, a winning user would receive an email claiming they won and could download the video by going to the eShop and redeem the download code. Nintendo would later let this video be purchased with 100 Platinum Points via My Nintendo on their website for a limited time.[7][8] About a month before Nintendo Video shutdown, a SpotPass notification was sent out saying a popular select few of videos were available to view at any time on the 3DS eShop with Kirby 3D being one of them.
Related Quotes[]
“ | While the system is in Sleep Mode, and even while the software is not running, the SpotPass™ feature will periodically connect to the Internet (if available) to share usage data with Nintendo. Data shared with Nintendo will be used in compliance with the latest Nintendo 3DS Service User Agreement.” |
— Instructiuon manual • Kirby: Planet Robobot / Team Kirby Clash Deluxe |
“ | While the system is in Sleep Mode, and even while the software is not running, the SpotPass™ feature will periodically connect to the Internet (if available). Once connected, information about your gameplay will be sent to Nintendo to help develop future products and services. Please note that no personal information will be sent.” |
— Instruction manual • Kirby Battle Royale |
- A Kirby: Planet Robobot advertisement application for the demo was sent to any SpotPass user in 2016 in conjunction with the Tomodachi Life demo. For some unknown reason, this advertisement was downloaded to SpotPass users again in 2019, along with the SpotPass notification.
- The SpotPass notification for the Kirby: Planet Robobot demo does not have the "DEMO AVAILABLE" graphic on the bottom whereas the ones for Kirby Battle Royale and strangely Team Kirby Clash Deluxe do despite the latter not having a demo as it is free-to-play. The graphic does however appear in the banner for the advertisement software application.
- In Japan only, there was an application called いつの間にテレビ, which translates to "SpotPass TV," that launched in 2011. It mainly broadcasted special shorts by the Nippon TV and Fuji TV companies that could only be viewed in 3D. It was updated weekly along with Nintendo Video. It ended a year later in 2012.
- ↑ YouTube, December 14, 2011
- ↑ YouTube, May 16, 2014
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- ↑ Entering a Watch + Win Dinosaur Office sweepstake