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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-hibikiThis article is about a Rider in Kamen Rider Hibiki.

Sakae Saeki (��伯 栄, Saeki Sakae) is an Oni who transforms into Kamen Rider Sabaki (仮面ライダー 裁鬼, Kamen Raidā Sabaki, lit. "Masked Rider Judgement Demon").


Kamen Rider Hibiki[]

At 37 years old, Sabaki is currently the oldest active Kamen Rider Oni in Japan. He is defeated often, but this can be attributed to his old age. Sabaki was the former mentor of Kamen Rider Banki, who is now independent, and currently, he has no student. He has a supporter named Ishiwari. He is both an active trumpet and taiko user, making him one of the few Oni to be able to handle both weapons full time. Sabaki had the Sabaki Enma made specifically for himself, small taiko-sized versions of the Oni guitar.

Weakening Thunder[]

He first appears in Weakening Thunder and fights against Yamaarashi's parents. He was tired from overexerting himself in battle. Yamaarashi arrives, beats Sabaki and ropes him by its tail. After that, Todoroki and Zanki arrive and save him from Yamaarashi. Then Ishiwari takes him to the hospital.

After leaving the hospital from making a full recovery, Sabaki goes back to work hunting Makamou. As an active taiko-style Oni, he had to fight the Summer Makamou. He follows and defeats Kappa's parents, After that, Kappa appears and beats him. Ishiwari has to take him to the hospital again. Hibiki takes over for Sabaki and follows the Kappas and defeats them.

Running Azure[]

Sabaki had just defeated a Douji and Hime with his Kigenjutsu Onibi and Onizume. He recognised them as summer Makamou when he suddenly heard the sound of a Kappa Kappa. He unholstered his Ongekibou Ongekibou and prepared himself, but was caught of when the Makamou shot a hardening substance on his wrists. The substance made his arms very heavy and he was unable to defend himself properly when it attacked him and pushed him into the nearby water. It kept attacking him.

Starving Shuki[]


Shuki attacking Sabaki.

Sabaki appears again in Starving Shuki and fights Notsugo. Notsugo escapes from Sabaki. Then, Shuki arrives (in Armor of the Ogre). She tries to beat Sabaki. Todoroki and Zanki arrive and saves him from Shuki.


Sabaki fighting Yobuko.

When Yobuko enters the city, Sabaki is the first Oni who fights against it. He is beaten quickly. After that, Todoroki and Ibuki arrive, those two also are beaten by Yobuko like Sabaki.

Kamen Rider Hibiki Hyper Battle DVD[]

Sabaki in Hyper Battle DVD

Sabaki in Hyper Battle DVD

Sabaki appears in a flashback while the Disk Animals are giving Asumu the knowledge about how to become an Oni.[Kamen Rider Hibiki: Asumu, Transform! You can be an Oni, too!!]

Video Game appearances[]

Kamen Rider Hibiki (PS2)[]


Kamen Rider Sabaki appears in the Kamen Rider Hibiki (video game).

Kamen Rider Buttobasoul[]

Kamen Rider Sabaki Medal

Kamen Rider Sabaki Medal.

Kamen Rider Sabaki is a playable character in Kamen Rider Buttobasoul.

Oni Form[]



Kamen Rider Sabaki

KRHi-Sabaki (Ongekikou Kaentsuzumi)

Kamen Rider Sabaki with Ongekikou

KRHi-Sabaki (Ongekimei Tsumujikaze)

Kamen Rider Sabaki with Ongekimei

Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 7 shaku 3 sun[1] (approx. 221.2 cm., one say 221 cm.[1][2])
  • Rider Weight: 44 kan[1] (165 kg.[2])
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 20 t.[2]
  • Kicking Power: 40 t.[2]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 75 m.[2]

Kamen Rider Sabaki is the transformed Oni. Sabaki uses his Henshin Kigen Onjou to transform into this form. In this form, he has a black body (with a little gradient red on some parts) with hands and four facelines is red. His armor's decoration is a black fingerboard-like with a golden string on both shoulders. It is said, he uses darkness attribute in battle. The color of second Oni face on his forehead is gold with two horns. Unlike most Kamen Riders, Sabaki does not wear a suit, rather his demon form is his true form.

Appearances: Hibiki Episodes 15-16, 25, 36, 39



Ongeki Weapons[]

Oni Techniques[]

  • Kitoujutsu Onizume (鬼闘術・鬼爪, Demon Fighting Technique: Demon Claw): Forms claws from his hands to stab and slash at Makamou. These claws are nearly unbreakable, thus making them one of Sabaki's most useful weapons. In Running Azure, Sabaki uses his Onizume to destroy Kappa's parents (Douji or Hime). This attack also can be accessed in video games, Sabaki can launch fire ball from its claw, shown to Kappa when the attack was launched on it, that it was on fire, possibly this attack that caused the fire.

Ongeki Finisher[]

  • Ongekizan Enmasabaki (音撃斬・閻魔裁き Sound Attack Slash: Devil's Judgment): Sabaki's Ongeki Finisher. It is not seen in the series or movies but is shown in Kamen Rider Hibiki (PS2), where Sabaki uses this finisher to destroy Yamaarashi.

Rider Card[]

KRDCD-KamenRide Sabaki Rider Card

KamenRide: Sabaki

KamenRide: Sabaki (カメンライドサバキ, Kamenraido Sabaki): A Rider Card containing the power of Kamen Rider Sabaki.

Behind the scenes[]


Kamen Rider Sabaki is voiced by Katsumi Shiono (塩野 勝美, Shiono Katsumi). His suit actor is Makoto Ito (伊藤 慎, Itō Makoto), who also suit acted Hibiki. The photogragh of Sakae Saeki is used Takayuki Shibasaki (柴崎 貴行, Shibasaki Takayuki)'s photo.


  • Sabaki is one of three Oni who can use all three Ongeki weapons (Ongekibou, Ongekikan and Ongekigen), the others being Zanki and Hibiki.




Rider's Crest-Hibiki (Red) Kamen Rider Hibiki
Primary: Hitoshi Hidaka - Iori Izumi - Tomizo Todayama - Zaomaru Zaitsuhara
Modern Day Oni: Daisuke Danda - Sakae Saeki - Eiki - Shiori Shinagawa - Akira Amami - Kyosuke Kiriya
Ancient Sengoku Era Oni: Hibiki (past) - Ibuki (past) -Todoroki (past) - Kabuki - Touki - Kirameki - Nishiki - Habataki
Stageshow-Exclusive: Jacky Zhang - Mutsuko Murashima - Konko Kageyukouji - Yuki
Ancient Edo Era Oni: Hibiki (Edo Period) - Ibuki (Edo Period) - Saki - Kido - Kiryu - Hattori Masanari
Other Oni: Fubuki - Previous Zanki - Gouki - Shouki - Touki - Banki - Tsutomu Tsumura - Michibiki - Kachidoki - Genki - Yamabuki
Ichiro Tachibana- Asumu Adachi - Kasumi Tachibana - Hinaka Tachibana - Midori Takizawa - Kounosuke Kogure
Allies: Hitomi Mochida - Ikuko Adachi
Transformation Items
Henshin Onsa - Henshin Onibue - Henshin Kigen
Ongeki Weapons
Ongekibou - Ongekiko - Ongekizofukuken Armed Saber - Ongekikan - Ongekimei - Ongekigen - Ongekishin - Meito Onsaken - Ongekikanabou - Ongekicymbal - Ongekitriangle - Ongekiflute
Gaika - Tatsumaki - Shiranui - Raijin
Disk Animals - Equipment Belt - Armor of the Ogre
Leaders: The Real Man and Woman - The Man and Woman - Black Puppet - White Puppet - Super Douji and Hime
Giant Type Makamou: Tsuchigumo - Yamabiko - Bakegani - Ittanmomen - Ooari - Okubi - Otoroshi - Ubume - Yamaarashi - Oonamazu - Amikiri - Kamaitachi - Notsugo
Summer Type Makamou: Dorotabou - Kappa - Bakeneko - Uwan - Tengu - Hitotsumi
Special Makamou: Nanashi - Kasha - Yobuko - Midaredouji - Kodama - Satori - Rokurokubi - Orochi