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Hyper Fumetsu's title screen
- "Hyper Fumetsu! (ハイパー不滅!, Haipā Fumetsu!, lit. "Hyper Immortal!")"
- ���Rider Gashat activation announcement[src]
- "Calling! (コーリング!, Kōringu!)"
- ―Connecting announcement with Maximum Zombie Gashat[src]
- "Wow! Wow! (ウォー!ウォー!, Wō! Wō!)"
- ―Looping standby announcement with Maximum Zombie Gashat[src]
- "Fukkātsu! Fu~me~tsu~! Yomigaere! Tsukinu inochi! Unchain saikyō gamer! Hyper Fumetsu Genm! (フッカーツ!不滅!甦れ!尽きぬ命!アンチェイン最強ゲーマー!ハイパー不滅ゲンム!, Fukkātsu! Fu~me~tsu~! Yomigaere! Tsukinu inochi! Anchein saikyō gēmā! Haipā Fumetsu Genmu!)"
Translation: "Resurrect! Immortal! Revive! Endless life! Unchain strongest gamer! Hyper Fumetsu Genm!" - ―Hyper Fumetsu Gamer transformation announcement[src]
- "Hyperwaza! Hyper Critical Dead End! (ハイパーワザ!ハイパークリティカルデッドエンド!, Haipāwaza! Haipā Kuritikaru Deddo Endo! Zetchō no ichigeki! Genkai toppa!, lit. "Hyper Trick! Critical Dead End!")"
- ―Finisher announcement[src]
- "Fumetsu Gashat! (不滅ガシャット!, Fumetsu Gashatto!)"
- ―Rider Gashat insertion announcement[src]
- "Gachan! Fumetsu Level Up! Contagion! (Kansen Mode's theme) Recovery! (ガッチャーン!不滅レベルアップ!コンテージョン!リカバリー!, Gatchān! Fumetsu Reberu Appu! Kontējon! (Kansen Mode's theme) Rikabarī!)"
- ―Sound in first slot of Gamer Driver
- "Gachan! Fumetsu Level Up! (Gashat's Level 2 Announcement)! Contagion! (Kansen Mode's theme) Recovery! (ガッチャーン!不滅レベルアップ!(○○)!コンテージョン!リカバリー!, Gatchān! Fumetsu Reberu Appu! (Gashat's Level 2 Announcement)! Kontējon! (Kansen Mode's theme) Rikabarī!)"
- ―Kansen Mode transformation announcement
- "Hyperwaza! Hyper Critical Strike! (ハイパーワザ!ハイパークリティカルストライク!, Haipāwaza! Haipā Kuritikaru Sutoraiku!)"
- ―Kimewaza Slot Holder finisher announcement
- "Hyperwaza! Hyper Critical Finish! (ハイパーワザ!ハイパークリティカルフィニッシュ!, Haipāwaza! Haipā Kuritikaru Sutoraiku!)"
- ―Gashacon Weapon finisher announcement
- "Hyperwaza! Fumetsu (Word from other Gashat's name) Critical Finish! (ハイパーワザ!不滅(○○)クリティカルフィニッシュ!, Haipāwaza! Fumetsu (Word from other Gashat's name) Kuritikaru Finisshu!)"
- ―Gashacon Key Slasher finisher announcement
- "Zetchō no ichigeki! (絶頂の一撃! Lit. "A climatic blow!")"
- ―Post-finisher announcement
- "Genkai toppa! (限界突破! Lit. "Limit break!")"
- ―Bonus addition to post-finisher announcement
Hyper Fumetsu (ハイパー不滅, Haipā Fumetsu, lit. "Hyper Immortal") is a game that serves as the basis used for the Hyper Fumetsu Gashat, used by Kuroto Dan in conjunction with the Maximum Zombie Gashat to access Kamen Rider Genm Hyper Fumetsu Gamer.
Game Description[]
- "The immortal protagonist will defeat all enemies...the ultimate cheat game. (不滅の主人公が、あらゆる敵を薙ぎ倒す……究極のチートゲーム。, Fumetsu no shujinkō ga, arayuru teki o nagitaosu…… kyūkyoku no chīto gēmu.)"
- ―Kuroto Dan, explaining Hyper Fumetsu to Kamen Rider Zein[src]
The profile of the Hyper Fumetsu Gashat's Gashat Label depicts a long-haired man with a Lich-like upper body, tattered robes, formal-looking pants and raised hands.
Dubbed as the 'Ultimate Cheat Game', Kuroto Dan utilized Hyper Fumetsu and Maximum Zombie Gashat in tandem to become Hyper Fumetsu Gamer in order to battle against Zein. Using both of his Gashats' abilities, Genm received no damage whatsoever despite Zein utilizing multiple finishers against the latter since Kamen Rider Chronicle was still active.
Kuroto's end goal is later shown to be absorbing the data of the Kamen Rider Zero-Two Zein Card that Zein attempted to use, in order for the data to be properly analyzed by Ark to create Kamen Rider Zero-Three. Although it's initially unknown to what happened to both Gashats after Zein destroys Kuroto's Humagear body, it's shown that the Gashat either managed to survive or be rebuilt by Kuroto for his participation in the Desire Royale.
Hyper Fumetsu Gamer[]
- Kamen Rider Genm Hyper Fumetsu Gamer (ep.5 Goddess of Genesis and the Third Singularity, ep.7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale)
Hyper Fumetsu Gashat[]
This Gashat, unlike most Gashats, was found alongside the Maximum Zombie Gashat inside Proto Mighty Action X Noir by Kuroto Dan. When activated, the Gashat reformats the battlefield into a Game Area, but doesn't seem to spawn any Energy Item containers.
The Gashat is put on top of the Gamer Driver and attached to the white side of the Maximum Zombie Gashat. The button on the top is pressed and Genm can transform into Hyper Fumetsu Gamer.
When this Gashat is used in the second Gamer Driver slot instead of being used in conjunction with Maximum Zombie, it allows the user to assume Kansen Mode (感染モード, Kansen Mōdo, lit. Infection Mode).
- Hyper Critical Dead-End (ハイパークリティカルデッドエンド, Haipā Kuritikaru Deddo Endo)
- While it's announced as "Hyper Fumetsu", the game title on the Gashat's label is "Hyper Genm Fumetsu".
- Seeing as it's dubbed the "ultimate cheat game" by Kuroto, and it's a secondary Gashat that attaches to a Maximum Gashat, it could be presumed that Hyper Fumetsu is based on video game cheating peripherals, such as the Action Replay or GameShark devices.
- The term "Fumetsu" was previously used in the DX release of the God Maximum Mighty X Gashat when used in conjunction with Hyper Muteki Gashat, playing an announcement hummed by Kuroto.
- Hyper Fumetsu Gamer's finisher name comes from combination of Buggle Driver's finisher name: Critical End and Critical Dead.