Jade Empire Wiki
Jade Empire Wiki

"Essence gems are used by healers and upstart sorcerers and are common enough to be wasted on ornamentation. But with this amulet you can tap into their true potential."

–Master Li

Essence gems are small stones which carry a certain amount of magical power. Once players have progressed far enough through Chapter 1, they will gain the ability to use essence gems to achieve certain effects, such as boosting character stats.



When you are in the Spirit Cave, Master Li notes that the Player character's people, were "adept at using Essence Gems", and that their full power can be brought out by the Dragon Amulet.

{End of Spoiler}

Ability score gems[]

Basic gems[]

The simplest ability score gems are the generic Warrior, Monk, and Scholar gems, which provide simple enhancements to the player's Body, Spirit, and Mind scores, respectively. They come in several levels of effectiveness — Flawed, Inferior, ordinary, Superior, and Ultimate (the latter being available only in the PC version of the game). There is also a Flawless level of Scholar gem, sitting between Superior and Ultimate, but there do not seem to be corresponding gems for the other two abilities.

Type Name Effects Obtained
Warrior gems
Gem-FlawedWarriorGem Flawed Warrior Gem Body +1

Two Rivers School - The first one can be found in the spirit caves

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Darting Lynx

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Cheung after Great Dam is closed

Great Forest - Purchased from Spear Catches Leaf

Gem-InferiorWarriorGem Inferior Warrior Gem Body +2

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Cheung after Great Dam is closed

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus

Imperial Arena - Purchased from Sweet Poison Lyn

Lotus Assassin Fortress - Purchased from Merchant Kia Jung

Gem-WarriorGem Warrior Gem Body +4 Imperial Arena - Purchased from Sweet Poison Lyn
Gem-SuperiorWarriorGem Superior Warrior Gem Body +6

Imperial Arena - Given to you by Gambler Daoshen for paying off Sweet Poison Lyn with your own money

Imperial Arena - Given to you by Qui the Promoter after defeating Kai Lan the Serpent

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Five

Ultimate Warrior Gem Body +12 Lotus Assassin Fortress inner chamber, alcove to the left of the exit - Found in jar after defeating Grand Inquisitor Jia [PC Version Only]
Monk gems
Gem-FlawedMonkGem Flawed Monk Gem Spirit +1

Two Rivers School - Purchased from Smiling Mountain after emerging from Spirit Cave

Two Rivers Village - Purchased from Fen Do after emerging from Spirit Cave

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Cheung after Great Dam is closed

Great Forest - Purchased from Spear Catches Leaf

Gem-InferiorMonkGem Inferior Monk Gem Spirit +2

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus

The Necropolis - Purchased from Gravedigger Shen

Lotus Assassin Fortress - Purchased from Acolyte Trainer Guang

Gem-MonkGem Monk Gem Spirit +4 The Necropolis - Purchased from Gravedigger Shen
Gem-SuperiorMonkGem Superior Monk Gem Spirit +6

Great Forest OR Pirate Workshop - Obtained from second piece of Dragon Amulet after defeating Inquisitor Lim

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Five

Gem-UltimateMonkGem Ultimate Monk Gem Spirit +12 The Necropolis - Found on bones near large gates to Insane Emperor Ghost's tomb [PC Version Only]
Scholar gems
Gem-FlawedScholarGem Flawed Scholar Gem Mind +1

Two Rivers School - Purchased from Smiling Mountain after emerging from Spirit Cave

Two Rivers Village - Purchased from Fen Do after emerging from Spirit Cave

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Cheung after Great Dam is closed

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Shipeng after you've killed Merchant Jiang

Pilgrim's Rest Inn - Purchased from Henpecked Hou before he joins as a follower

Gem-InferiorScholarGem Inferior Scholar Gem Mind +2

Dam Site - Given to you by Chai Ka when he joins as a follower

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Shipeng after you've killed Merchant Jiang

Pilgrim's Rest Inn - Purchased from Henpecked Hou before he joins as a follower

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus

Imperial City Golden Way - Purchased from Chandler Ling after you've falsely proven his innocence

Imperial City Scholars' Garden - Purchased from Scholar Songtao after you've proven his innocence

Gem-ScholarGem Scholar Gem Mind +4 Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus

Imperial City Golden Way - Purchased from Chandler Ling after you've falsely proven his innocence

Imperial City Scholars' Garden - Purchased from Scholar Songtao after you've proven his innocence

Gem-SuperiorScholarGem Superior Scholar Gem Mind +6

Lotus Assassin Fortress - Obtained from third piece of Dragon Amulet after defeating Grand Inquisitor Jia

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Five

Gem-UltimateScholarGem Flawless Scholar Gem Mind +10 Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Six
Gem-UltimateScholarGem Ultimate Scholar Gem Mind +12 Pilgrim's Rest Inn - Found in bamboo cask [PC Version Only]

Gems enhancing one ability at the expense of others[]

These gems give the player a large boost to one of their ability scores, but this comes at the expense of the other two abilities.

Name Effects Obtained
Gem-GemOfUnyieldingStrength Gem of Unyielding Strength Body +10
Spirit -5
Mind -5
Imperial Palace Audience Chamber - Found in ceramic urn during Chapter Seven only
Gem-GemOfInnerGenius Gem of Inner Genius Mind +10
Body -5
Spirit -5
Black Leopard School - Given to you by First Brother Kai after you've defeated Master Smiling Hawk
Gem-GemOfTheInfiniteSpirit Gem of the Infinite Spirit Spirit +10
Body -5
Mind -5
Inner Courtyard - Found in ceramic urn

Gems enhancing all three abilities[]

These gems give players an increase in all three ability scores at once, and at the highest level, also grant a five percent chance when the player is hit of either draining an enemy's health (Demon Skin) or generating a shockwave (Celestial Aura).

Name Effects Align Obtained
Gem-GemOfPurpose Gem of Purpose Body +1
Spirit +1
Mind +1
ClosedFistSymbolSmall Tien's Landing - Given to you by Merchant Jiang if you chose to sabotage the Great Dam
Gem-GemOfStruggle Gem of Struggle Body +2
Spirit +2
Mind +2

Pilgrim's Rest Inn - Purchased from Henpecked Hou before he joins as a follower

Lotus Assassin Fortress - Purchased from Merchant Kia Jung

Gem-GemOfMastery Gem of Mastery Body +3
Spirit +3
Mind +3

Imperial City Market District - Given to you by Captain Sen for defeating Aishi the Mournful Blade

Lotus Assassin Fortress - Purchased from Acolyte Trainer Guang

Gem-GemOfUnity Gem of Unity OpenPalmSymbolSmall

Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Three

Imperial City Market District - Given to you by Aishi's father for releasing Aishi the Mournful Blade's spirit in battle

Gem-BrilliantGemOfBalance Brilliant Gem of Balance Body +4
Spirit +4
Mind +4

Great Forest - Given to you by Forest Shadow after The Mother's death

Inner Courtyard - Found in ceramic urn

Gem-ScintillatingGemOfPower Scintillating Gem of Power Body +5
Spirit +5
Mind +5
— Imperial Palace Water Dragon Tomb - Found in headstone
Gem-TheEyeOfTheDemon The Eye of the Demon Body +6
Spirit +6
Mind +6
Demon Skin
ClosedFistSymbolSmall Outer Courtyard - Obtained from Gem Repository with a Closed Fist character
Gem-TheEyeOfTheDragon The Eye of the Dragon Body +6
Spirit +6
Mind +6
Celestial Aura
OpenPalmSymbolSmall Outer Courtyard - Obtained from Gem Repository with an Open Palm character

Gems of Forethought and Fate[]

These gems allow players to trade off between ability scores and the chance of receiving power-ups, boosting one at the expense of the other. Body corresponds with health power-ups, Spirit corresponds with chi power-ups, and Mind corresponds with focus power-ups. The three Gems of Forethought grant ability score increases in exchange for fewer power-ups, while the six Gems of Fate (three ordinary and three Greater) do the reverse.

Name Effects Obtained
Gem-WarriorsGemOfFateOrForethought Warrior's Gem of Forethought Body +2
Fewer health power-ups
Imperial City Market District - Purchased from blacksmith
Gem-WarriorsGemOfFateOrForethought Warrior's Gem of Fate Body -1
More health power-ups
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-GreaterWarriorsGemOfFate Greater Warrior's Gem of Fate Body -5
Many more health power-ups
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-MonksGemOfFateOrForethought Monk's Gem of Forethought Spirit +2
Fewer chi power-ups

Tien's Landing - Purchased from Merchant Shipeng after you've killed Merchant Jiang
Imperial City

Golden Way - Purchased from Chandler Ling after you've falsely proven his innocence
Imperial City

Scholars' Garden - Purchased from Scholar Songtao after you've proven his innocence

Gem-MonksGemOfFateOrForethought Monk's Gem of Fate Spirit -1
More chi power-ups
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-GreaterMonksGemOfFate Greater Monk's Gem of Fate Spirit -5
Many more chi power-ups
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-ScholarsGemOfFateOrForethought Scholar's Gem of Forethought Mind +2
Fewer focus power-ups
Lotus Assassin Fortress - Purchased from Acolyte Trainer Guang
Gem-ScholarsGemOfFateOrForethought Scholar's Gem of Fate Mind -1
More focus power-ups
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-GreaterScholarsGemOfFate Greater Scholar's Gem of Fate Mind -5
Many more focus power-ups
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire

Other ability score gems[]

There are other gems which affect ability scores in various ways but which are not part of any of the systematic groups of gems above.

Name Effects Align Obtained
Gem-GemOfBurningEssenceOrPureFlame Burning Essence Spirit +3
Mind +3
— Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Four
Gem-GemOfBlackFlame Gem of Black Flame ClosedFistSymbolSmall Black Leopard School - Given to you by Master Smiling Hawk after you've defeated Master Radiant
Gem-GemOfBurningEssenceOrPureFlame Gem of Pure Flame OpenPalmSymbolSmall The Necropolis - Obtained after defeating Fading Moon
Gem-GemOfEarthPower Gem of Earth Power Body +5 ClosedFistSymbolSmall Heaven - Obtained after defeating the Forest Shadow in battle
Gem-TheMournfulSoul The Mournful Soul Spirit +3
Mind +3
Body -5
— The Necropolis - Given to you by Gravedigger Shen after defeating his mother-in-law's spirit
Gem-TheWanderersJewel The Wanderer's Jewel Body +3

Spirit +3
Mind -5


Quarry - Given to you by Turnkey Shiji after defeating Strangler Jizu

The Necropolis - Obtained after defeating the Insane Emperor's Ghost within the Tomb of the Dignified Collector

Gem-TheClosedFist The Closed Fist Body +10
Spirit +5
ClosedFistSymbolSmall Imperial Palace - Obtained after pouring human blood into the Water Dragon's body
Gem-TheOpenPalm The Open Palm Spirit +10
Mind +5
OpenPalmSymbolSmall Imperial Palace - Obtained after freeing the Water Dragon's spirit

Conversation skill gems[]

These gems affect the player character's Charm, Intuition, and Intimidation skill values.

Basic gems[]

The nine basic gems simply increase one of the three skills and have no other effect. They come in three levels of effectiveness — Inferior, ordinary, and Superior.

Type Name Effects Obtained
Charm gems Gem-InferiorCharmGem Inferior Charm Gem Charm +2 Purchased from various merchants — see individual pages for detail.
Gem-CharmGem Charm Gem Charm +3
Gem-SuperiorCharmGem Superior Charm Gem Charm +5
Intuition gems Gem-InferiorIntuitionGem Inferior Intuition Gem Intuition +2
Gem-IntuitionGem Intuition Gem Intuition +3
Gem-SuperiorIntuitionGem Superior Intuition Gem Intuition +5
Intimidation gems Gem-InferiorIntimidationGem Inferior Intimidation Gem Intimidation +2
Gem-IntimidationGem Intimidation Gem Intimidation +3
Gem-SuperiorIntimidationGem Superior Intimidation Gem Intimidation +5

Gems enhancing one skill at the expense of others[]

Name Effects Align Obtained
Gem-DivineRadiance Divine Radiance Charm +8
Intimidation -3
Intuition -3
— At Dirge, in a chest near the tents after the beginning of Chapter 7
Gem-SixthSense Sixth Sense Intuition +8
Charm -3
Intimidation -3
— The Necropolis - Found in chest within the Tomb of the Masses
Gem-StrongArm Strong Arm Intimidation +8
Charm -3
Intuition -3
— Imperial Arena Creature Pens - Obtained after defeating Lucky Cho

Gems enhancing all three skills[]

Name Effects Align Obtained
Gem-TheBronzeTongue The Bronze Tongue Charm +4
Intuition +4
Intimidation +4

If you spend 600 silver on the cook in the teahouse in Tien's landing, he gives you this (Tien's Landing Teahouse - Given to you by Chai Jin for eating all four of his exotic dishes or obtained from his corpse after convincing him to try the fourth dish himself)

Great Forest OR Pirate Workshop - Obtained from second piece of Dragon Amulet after defeating Inquisitor Lim

Gem-TheSilverTongue The Silver Tongue Charm +6
Intuition +6
Intimidation +6
— Imperial City Scholars' Garden - Obtained after defeating Sir Roderick in battle and asking for a gem as your reward
Gem-TheGoldenTongue The Golden Tongue Charm +8
Intuition +8
Intimidation +8
— Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Three

Gems which also affect ability scores[]

Type Name Effects Align Obtained
Charm gems Gem-TheSoftPetal The Soft Petal Charm +5
Body +1
Mind +1
— From a headstone in the ruins of Old Tien's Landing, opposite the entrance to the quarry
Gem-GemOfIrresistableSpirit Gem of Irresistible Spirit Charm +2
Spirit +2
OpenPalmSymbolSmall Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-GemOfSeductivePower Gem of Seductive Power ClosedFistSymbolSmall Imperial City Market District - Given to you by Chandler Ling after you've handed the Forged Slaver Documents to Prefect Jitong
Intuition gems Gem-GoodFortune Good Fortune Intuition +5
Mind +1
Spirit +1
— Salvaged from the crashed flyer by whoever isn't accompanying the player to Tien's Landing
Gem-GemOfGentleMind Gem of Gentle Mind Intuition +2
Mind +2
OpenPalmSymbolSmall Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-GemOfEvilThought Gem of Evil Thought ClosedFistSymbolSmall Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Gem-WayOfTheOpenPalm Way of the Open Palm Intuition +10
Spirit +5
Body -5
OpenPalmSymbolSmall Temple of Dirge - Obtained by releasing Death's Hand from his tormenting servitude
Intimidation gems Gem-GentlePersuasion Gentle Persuasion Intimidation +5
Body +1
Spirit +1
— Gained after defeating Gao the Lesser in the Swamp Cave
Gem-AuraOfCalm Aura of Calm Gem Intimidation +2
Body +2
OpenPalmSymbolSmall Clearing the name of Scholar Songtao in Quest: The Slave Traders
Gem-AuraOfMalice Aura of Malice Gem ClosedFistSymbolSmall Swamp Cave - Obtained after defeating Gao the Lesser
Gem-WayOfTheClosedFist Way of the Closed Fist Intimidation +10
Body +5
Spirit -5
ClosedFistSymbolSmall Temple of Dirge - Obtained by forcing Death's Hand into serving you

Trap gems[]

These gems affect the player's encounters with traps in some way. Some of them also provide a small boost to one of the player's ability scores.

Type Name Effects Obtained
Trap detection Gem-GemOfThiefsSense Gem of Thief's Sense Allows trap detection
Spirit +1
Tien's Landing Ruins - Obtained after defeating the Lotus Assassin Lieutenant
Chance of evasion Gem-LightningGemOrLuckyHand Lightning Gem Guarantees evasion
Mind +3
Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Three
Cost of evasion Gem-SlickGem Slick Gem Trap Focus cost reduced by 10% Great Forest - Purchased from Spear Catches Leaf
Gem-SpiritHarvestOrAbsoluteDedication Gem of Premonition Trap Focus cost reduced by half
Mind +1
Outer Courtyard - Found in ceramic urn
Gem-SpiritHarvestOrAbsoluteDedication Gem of Foresight Trap Focus cost eliminated
Mind +2
Random locations throughout the Jade Empire
Damage reduction Gem-ThickSkinGem Thick Skin Gem Trap damage reduced by half
Body +1
Quarry - Given to you by Turnkey Shiji after defeating Strangler Jizu
Gem-IronSkinGem Iron Skin Gem Trap damage eliminated
Body +3
Lotus Assassin Fortress - Found in jar within the Upper Mine

Combat reward gems[]

These gems affect the amount of experience points or silver that players are rewarded with for doing certain things.

Name Effects Obtained
Gem-SpiritHarvestOrAbsoluteDedication Absolute Dedication More XP but no power-ups from human enemies Room of Kai Lan the Serpent
Gem-SpiritHarvestOrAbsoluteDedication Spirit Harvest More XP but no power-ups from ghosts The Necropolis - Found in ceramic urn within the Tomb of the Dignified Collector
Gem-LightningGemOrLuckyHand Lucky Hand More silver from enemies

Imperial City Golden Way - Purchased from Chandler Ling after you've falsely proven his innocence

Imperial City Scholars' Garden - Purchased from Scholar Songtao after you've proven his innocence

Other gems[]

Name Effects Align Obtained
Gem-CycloneGem Cyclone Gem Damage Shield — Any Location - Purchased from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus once you've reached Chapter Five
Gem-GemOfStormsRage Gem of Storm's Rage ClosedFistSymbolSmall Lotus Assassin Fortress - Obtained from third piece of Dragon Amulet after defeating Grand Inquisitor Jia
Gem-CycloneGem Heaven's Blessing Gem OpenPalmSymbolSmall

Black Leopard School - Given to you by Master Radiant after you've defeated Master Smiling Hawk

Lord Lao's Furnace (Configuration of the Rabbit) - Obtained by using a Cow Bezoar, the Clapper Chimney, the Conductor, the Whirling Cogs, and the Dragon Button

Gem-GemOfTheFrailScholar Gem of the Frail Scholar More XP from books
Mind +1
Body -3
— When in the pirates hideout go over to the dragonfly's controls to drop it. It will blow up a door which leads to a room with this gem in one of the containers. (Pirate Workshop - Found in chest)
Gem-ImperialFavor Imperial Favor Spirit +3
Charm +1
Intuition +1
More power-ups
— From Silk Fox in the imperial city (Imperial City Market District - Given to you after speaking with Princess Lian for the first time)