This article is about the train car
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The Unfinished Car, or the Gravity Turtle College Car, is a train car that first appears in the episode "The Unfinished Car." This car shares a lot of design features with Corginia, making them sisters, in a way.
This car is oddly broken everywhere you look, with walls missing, random holes, and weird gravity manipulation. The inhabitants of this car, the Turtle People, seemed to have adapted to this broken world. They have actually utilized some of these broken areas to benefit them for areas such as their mail delivery service, transportation, and even for hanging their clothes to dry. The emperor of the turtle people in this car is Aloysius III, due to his unification of the hard and soft-shelled turtles.
The car was built by Amelia Hughes (sometime after she usurped One-One as the Conductor) as one of her many attempts to create a car that included her old life with her late husband Alrick Timmens. Amelia was only able to recreate a few architectural elements from her home town. But could never quite create familiar humans denizens and rather turtles. At some point she gave up and sent the car out, decided to start off fresh with a new car.
The creation of this train car required taking orbs out of other existing cars, as well as using the blueprints of other cars. The main blueprint that Amelia used was the one for the Corgi Car orbs, hence why Tulip found this car familiar and Atticus felt at home with the turtles.
Book One - The Perennial Child[]
"The Unfinished Car"[]
Tulip, One-One, and Atticus arrive in the car and immediately take stock of its odd set-up, with One-One insisting the car is broken. They are soon greeted by Aloysius, who helps escort them to the door but after bonding with Atticus over their shared status as royalty the group stays in the car for a little longer. One-One, left conflicted about the state of the car, immediately tries to "fix" it with Tulip's help by adding walls to unfinished buildings and cleaning up the jam covering the area. However, this throws the turtles' lives into confusion as they have adapted to these elements as their way of life. One-One then starts removing orbs altogether which threatens to tear the entire car apart. Tulip manages to convince One-One that he does not need to "fix" the car. One-One ceases his actions, and Atticus offers the help of the Corginian Response Team to help restore the damaged car to its former glory.
"The Engine"[]
Tulip notices the new car Amelia is building closely resembles the Unfinished Car, and even includes turtles, which Amelia complains that they show up in all of the cars she builds. Tulip realizes that she built the Unfinished Car in an attempt to recreate her old life.
Book Three - Cult of the Conductor[]
"The Musical Car"[]
The Corginian Response Team is continuing repairs with the turtles when the Apex attacks, damaging much of the car and stealing their items. Before they can do more damage, the car begins to shift, and Grace and Simon are separated from the rest of the Apex. The temporary shift disables the gravity of the car once again, causing the turtles and corgis to float in the air.
"The Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car"[]
Grace and Simon eventually meet Amelia herself, who reveals that as part of her atonement, she created a pulse to scan for corrupted codes in cars that she caused like turtles. This causes Simon to remember the Unfinished Car and the turtles in it. It was revealed that Hazel, one of her failed attempts at creating Alrick, was causing cars like the Unfinished Car to be ejected when hit by the pulse.

Comparison image made by Owen Dennis.
- The first wide shot of the car's layout is based on a mirrored shot of Corginia, to demonstrate that Amelia used the blueprints for Corginia to build the car.
Amelia and Alrick's past[]
The car is loaded with easter eggs hinting at Amelia and Alrick's past, to be expanded on in "The Past Car" and throughout the series.
- There is a hospital bed in one of the houses (a possibly hint at the nature of Alrick's death).
- The flags with coins in the background and the turtle toter are references to the game that Alrick plays in the scene where Amelia proposes.
- The blackcurrant jam pound and the bodyguard turtle's "spoontoons" are a reference to Alrick's habit of eating jam out of jars with a spoon.
- There's a whoopee cushion carved on the stone wall above the exit hole referencing the time Alrick pranked his elementary school English teacher with one.
- Kevin is holding a broken phone booth hand telephone that looks like the one Amelia and Alrick used to call a cab.
- One of the storefronts in the car is called "Hu-Mon", a reference to Amelia and Alrick's joking pronunciation of the word "human."
- Some of the street signs say "A and A", for "Amelia and Alrick."