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And now time resumes!

The Cat is the main protagonist of the 2022 cyberpunk video game Stray. He is a lost stray cat that gets separated from his family and has to make its way through the lost City of Walled City 99. Along the way, he forms friends with a drone named B-12.

His vocal effects are voiced by Lala and is motion captured by Oscar.


He is a bright orange cat, with a white underbelly. He mostly wears a vest given by B-12, until the latter sacrifices himself to save Walled City 99.


During a rainy night the Cat and his family take shelter in a pipe where they play together. After the rain clears away the next morning. The four cats make their way through the abandoned facility where nature is slowly taking back the ruins. Unfortunately after three of the cats make the jump on a loose pipe, the main cat ends up losing his balance causing him to fall in to a chasm as his family looks helplessly.

After falling through its up hurting his leg causing him to limp. After making its way out of a tunnel, the Cat finds himself in the lost city of Walled City 99. He comes into contact with mysterious bug like creatures that dart away. When several signs with arrows light up the Cat follows them. He comes across an abandoned building with TV screens pointing in different directions along with the word "Follow me". A robotic voice can also be heard indicating someone is guiding him to it. After using a bucket elevator to get down he sees the same creatures eating away at a robot before getting scarred off. Unfortunately, they already ate away its legs and right arm, causing the robot to quickly die from its wounds. Shortly after ward the Cats meets a whole group of the creatures. This time instead of running away they keep their ground, the feline recognizes this as a threat and attempts to intimidate them by hissing at them, however the creatures are unfazed leaving him no choice but to run away. Fortunately more lit up signs guide him as he runs away from the little monsters before eventually jumping to window where the creatures cannot reach. After grooming itself the robotic voice is heard again. With a few symbols telling the Cat to meow for guidance to which he does causing a row of lights to turn on in a pattern telling him where to go. After traversing many planks, roofs tops, and balconies it manages to a flat.

Inside the flat, he messes with a keyboard several times before accidentally opening a secret door to a computer room. The Cat uses four of batteries to open another secret door in the form of a shelf to get in. After knocking over a box, a strange drone falls out. The Cat places it on the device in the other room causing it to activate. Once the curious drone turns on it sees the Cat and flies towards him. The cat pats it out of curiosity making turn off again before quickly coming back on. The drone speaks thanking the cat to for freeing his consciousness, it says its memory has been corrupted, and he remembers is that he worked for a scientist who lived in the flat. It insist on going by the name B-12 as that what it says on its exterior. B-12 grabs a key to make it out of the door in the flat and a vest for the Cat to which the later finds uncomfortable at first but quickly gets used to it. After B-12 uses a key to open the door, it than uses a pin code to open another door in the hallway. After making it outside B-12 informs the the cat they need to use the elevator in the distance thinking it'll be important. The cat uses a bucket zip line to make it over The Slums but not before B-12 recovers a memory of the outside by looking at a painting of it.

The duo make it towards the slums where see a robot cleaning the street, who quickly notices them and sounds an alarm which causes all the other robots to panic and run in their homes. The Cat makes its way over to the Guardian who inspects the Cat saying that he no Zurk, and says that they are not familiar with his kind. The Guardian allows him to stay so long as he doesn't eat anyone. The Guardian informs everyone of the false alarm, and all the robots come out of hiding. B-12 shows a picture of the outside collected earlier in flats to The Guardian to inform him they want to use the elevator behind him. The Guardian says the robot isn't functional anymore, saying everyone knows it's impossible to leave the outside except for the Outsiders. He tells the Cat to go talk to Momo the last of the Outsiders, saying he lives in the building with the orange neon sign.


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