Love is the titular overarching protagonist of the 2022 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Thor: Love and Thunder. She is the daughter of Gorr the God Butcher, in which her death by starvation led to her father committing several serial murders against numerous gods for abandoning them. She was soon resurrected by Eternity by Gorr's wish. After her father soon passes away from the usage of Eternity, she soon gets taken care by Thor, who later becomes her new father.
She is portrayed by India Rose Hemsworth, the daughter of Thor's actor Chris Hemsworth.
Original life and Death[]
Living in the wasteland of Rapu’s planet, Love was the young daughter of the caring religious alien Gorr, where they became the last of their kind since the portion of the planet was deemed impossible to live in as they try to search for a new portion of the planet. Not long after, Love was soon dying from starvation and soon succumbed to her death right in her father’s hands. Her father soon found their worshiped god Rapu, but soon murdered him after finding him uncaring and neglectful for his kind, prompting him to become the God Butcher and later go on a god-murdering spree to avenge his fallen daughter.
Resurrection and New life[]
Years later, Gorr soon met Eternity and tried to wish all of the gods to perish for Love. As Gorr was freed from the dark influence of the Necrosword, he soon abandoned the wish, to use instead for his daughter’s resurrection thanks to Thor’s advice, in which succeeds bringing Love back to life. Love soon reunited with her dying father who later encouraged her to live with Thor since he was one of the gods who ever shown him respect before passing away with the God of Thunder taking her to Earth and later introduced her to Korg.
She and her newly-adopted father later traveled to an unknown planet, where she was later trained to be a warrior and later was given Stormbreaker. One day before preparing for battle just as they had breakfast, she informed Thor that pancakes weren’t her thing for breakfast and later had an argument over footwear, in which she later agreed to wear the boots over the slippers.
Right before they head outside to protect innocent aliens from an invading army, she showed Thor her artwork that she did on Mjønir, which her adoptive father found great in making the weapon better. They later stormed out and went to battle the army.
- Love seems to be based off the comic versions of Gorr's son Agar and Eternity's daughter Love.
- While originally a non-powered humanoid alien, her resurrection granted her powers, the limits of which are unknown - she at least displays heat vision and powerful jumps. Her initial revived reflection in the waters of Eternity showed that she looked like the entity, only adjusted to her dimensions, which could imply that her powers are limitless.
- While the film's title appeared to be referencing Thor's romantic connections, it is actually a reference to familial affection; as Korg narrates, adopted father and daughter, Thor and her are known as "Love and Thunder," (with "thunder" just being the English word for Thor).