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Emily Ortal is a researcher of the Followers of the Apocalypse. She is located on the strip in front of the Lucky 38.

She is voiced by Lora Cain.


Emily was born in Arroyo and later join the Followers of the Apocalypse. She joined them because the NCR research departments didn't funded research in medical technology, as well as the rising taxation in the region. At some point when came to the Mojave she met with Benny and help him into creating Yes Man and make him be able to connect with Mr. House's network without him knowing. Benny soon after kicked her out of the casino they were staying at and left her with nothing.

The Courier will be approached by Emily After leaving the Lucky 38 and asked to Bug Mr. House's Terminal to get Medical data. Once done she check and see reports coming in but stop when Mr. House removes the Bug. She thanks the Courier anyway and they gain Followers of the Apocalypse reputation.



Fallout 1-2
Vault Dweller | Killian Darkwater | Dogmeat | Tandi | Harold | Marcus | Chosen One | Albert Cole | Maxwell Stone | Natalia Dubrovhsky

Fallout 3
Lone Wanderer | James | Amata Almodovar | Moira Brown | Three Dog | Owyn Lyons | Sarah Lyons | Dr. Madison Li | Star Paladin Cross | Charon | Fawkes | Sonora Cruz | Liberty Prime | Dogmeat | General Chase | Sergeant Montgomery | Nadine | Desmond Lockheart | Sally | Somah | Paulson | Private Tercorien | Toshiro Kago

Fallout: New Vegas
The Courier | Doc Mitchell | Victor | Sunny Smiles | Yes Man | Mr. House | Marcus | Rex | Raul Tejada | Lily Bowen | Craig Boone | Rose of Sharon Cassidy | Arcade Gannon | ED-E | Veronica Santangelo | Christine Royce | Joshua Graham | Daniel | Follows-Chalk | Waking Cloud | Dog/God | Mysterious Stranger | Miss Fortune | April Martimer | Emily Ortal | Randall Clark

Fallout 4
Sole Survivor | Codsworth | Preston Garvey | Piper Wright | Nick Valentine | Arthur Maxson | Paladin Danse | John Hancock | Robert Joseph MacCready | Cait | Dogmeat | Curie | Strong | Deacon | Mama Murphy | Desdemona | Ricky Dalton | Minuteman radio operator | Kent Connolly | Liberty Prime | ADA | Captain Avery | DiMA | Old Longfellow

Fallout 76
Vault 76 Residents | Vault 76 Overseer | Paige | Duchess | Rose | MODUS | Beckett | Commander Daguerre | Penelope Hornwright | Paladin Rahmani | Initiate Dodge | Gloria Chance | Hex | Danilo

Groups and Organizations
Brotherhood of Steel | Commonwealth Minutemen | The Railroad | The Responders | Free States | Order of Mysteries | New Appalachia Settlers | Wayward Souls | Pittsburgh Union | U.S. Secret Service | New California Republic | The Regulators | Kings | Followers of the Apocalypse | Dead Horses | The Sorrows | Pitt Slaves | Acadians | Harbormen | United States

TV Show
CX404 | Lucy MacLean | Maximus | Norm MacLean
