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Hero Overview

The Chosen One (born 23rd March, 2221) is the player character of Fallout 2.



Phyllis is the 25-year-old medical assistant of Vault City, working under Dr. Troy. While Phyllis is a dull and self-centered person in private, she displays a natural curiosity many other citizens have suppressed within. This trait means that someone with the right approach can successfully convince her to broaden her horizons and seek out the outside world, even if it's just the merchants in the Courtyard.

The Chosen One can talk to Phyllis about the lack of children in Vault City. With 6 Perception and 75% Doctor skill, they can convince her to talk to Dr. Troy about the potential of sterility in the population. The reward is 300 XP for this. One can also convince Phyllis to see the outside world by talking about the "similarity of citizens", also rewarding with 300 XP.

A male Chosen One can donate sperm to help improve the genetic diversity of Vault City, after following the dialogue line about there being no children whatsoever in the town. (It is also possible to lampshade that there are no children because someone might be playing the European version of Fallout 2.) If asked for a magazine aid, an edition of Cat's Paw will be given. The XP reward depends on Intelligence: 4 will net 50 XP, 5-6 will net 250, and 7-10 will give the full 500 XP.

A male Chosen One can even go on a date with Phyllis, provided he meets one of the four requirements: 9 Charisma, 6 Charisma & 75% Speech skill, 6 Charisma & Sex Appeal trait, or 6 Charisma & Kama Sutra Master perk. The reward is 100 XP and a very dull evening. A female Chosen One may flirt with Phyllis and get rejected, though this will not affect the conversations that follow.

Leslie Bishop[]

Fine. If you won't sleep with me this time, I want you to know that you can come see me anytime you want, and we'll make some kind of arrangement. Do you understand what I said?
~ Leslie, to the Chosen One.
JOHN happened. I used to live there. He visited once, I was pleasantly charmed because he was so'rough, I guess. Different from most Vault Citizens. (Sighs.) Of course, he let me try this little thing called 'Jet'...
~ Leslie, on her past.
What do you think? You know too much. What if you come back to NCR and sell him out - or threaten to? You're as good as dead already. On the other hand, I've got a better offer.
~ Leslie, offering the Chosen One sex.
Hmmm. Perhaps I will... now that John had his much-deserved accident. (Smiles ruefully.) Maybe I will at that. Reno has become... tiresome.
~ Leslie, on leaving John and New Reno.

Leslie Bishop is the neglected wife of John Bishop, head of the Bishop family, and is the mother of Angela Bishop.

Leslie is a well-educated middle-aged woman, who is known to be attractive. She was originally a citizen of Vault City, but left when she fell in love with John Bishop, though that might've been due to the drugs he offered her. Their relationship was not a happy one, despite the fact that she gave him a daughter, Angela. Over the years, she grew to hate her husband along with New Reno. Seeking refuge in alcohol, drugs and the occasional sexual endeavor, she longs for a different way of life.

In an unmarked quest, if the Chosen One asks Leslie about Vault 13 or G.E.C.K., she will offer them a drink (if you have 6 Strength or 6 Charisma). After accepting, she and the Chosen One will end up having sex in her room. If the Chosen One talks to her in bed about Vault City (requires 9 Intelligence), she'll explain that she lived in Vault City and, one day, met John Bishop.

He opened the wonderful world of drugs to her, but when Vault citizens found out about it, they kicked her out and she had nowhere to go but to join John. She took the Pip-Boy lingual enhancer with her when she left Vault City. If asked, she will give the Chosen One the code to her safe (used through the Lockpick skill on the safe), where the enhancer can be found hidden in a secret compartment.

In another unmarked quest, when talking to Leslie about her family, one can clearly see that her marriage is unhappy, and she doesn't have much to put her talents and education into in New Reno. Her husband, however, being an ambitious crime boss, would surely have her captured and returned back if she ever tried to leave.

However, after having had an "accident" by the Chosen One's hands, this becomes quite possible. The options are only available when pillow-talking after a "drink", and an Intelligence of 7 is needed to come all the way through. However, it's not necessary to have the quest "Eliminate Mr. Bishop" active, or to have completed it, for him being killed in any manner is enough.

For the quest "Eliminate Mr. Bishop", John Bishop has hired the Chosen One to kill Roger Westin. However, the Councilman offers him a deal: eliminate his employer, John Bishop, and he will give the Chosen One money and information about the objective. Should the Chosen One accept, they will have to travel to New Reno and find a way to assassinate the head of the Bishops. If the Chosen One previously slept with her daughter Angela, they can tell Leslie this after heading to her room.

She already knows and does not seem to mind it too much, unless a condom was not used. She will still want to sleep with the Chosen One regardless, and after sleeping with her they can have a brief pillow talk about Angela. One way to complete the quest is to sleep with Leslie Anne Bishop, suggest that Bishop have an accident (Traps 76% required), and place an explosive trap on his safe. Then watch the fireworks.

If the Chosen One is male and does not have a condom in the inventory, he will impregnate her. This will trigger one of two endings for New Reno where she bears a son. Due to an oversight, having sex with Mrs. Bishop does not count towards the "Gigolo" reputation title.

Angela Bishop[]

(You see a young woman in tight leather. She looks too high-brow to be a whore. [...] She sneers at you.)
~ Female Chosen One noticing Angela.

(You see an attractive young woman in tight leather. [...] When she catches your eye, she slowly licks her lips.)
~ Male Chosen One noticing Angela.
Not only that, but when I take jet, I get all WILD, and I can barely control myself. I need someone who knows how to take charge to make sure I don't do anything... foolish.
~ Angela, on her sex and drug addictions.
Yes, the Angela you slept with. Surely you remember? I hope you used a prophylactic. Her hormones are so out of control that even the mere mention of sperm would make her pregnant.
~ Leslie, on Angela, giving the male Chosen One a withering look.

Visitors to the Shark Club may note an attractive young woman in tight leather eyeing the more attractive men in the crowd. That woman is Angela Bishop, the young daughter of John Bishop and Leslie Anne Bishop. The daughter of one of the most powerful men in New Reno is definitely not a pampered princess, but possessed by a sexual libido that spiralled completely out of control after she learned what it means to be a Reno woman at a young age.

She sates her sexual demons with every man she deems attractive, giving her mother no end of grief, as her hormonal system functions in overdrive brought upon by alcohol and chem abuse. Angela uses this fact to her advantage, revelling in the attention and sexual favours men do for her, becoming something of a legend among New Reno whores.

She is used to having things her way and does not take kindly to being turned down. However, in reality, beneath that hardened, lustful exterior lies a sad, broken girl, damaged by Reno and her father's neglect. Sex with many men and abuse of alcohol and chems also took their toll. According to her mother, her hormones are out of control, making her an insanely fertile woman. Leslie jokes that even the mere mention of sperm could result in Angela's pregnancy.

A male Chosen One can sleep with her, which grants access to her safe (she opens it to get some jet out of it) and contents. However, the player should first talk to the bouncers guarding the stairs leading to the penthouse and thus an audience with John Bishop first, or risk him and his bodyguards going hostile while attempting to leave.

If the Chosen One sleeps with Angela without carrying a condom, there is an ending for New Reno, in which she gives birth to the Chosen One's child, regardless of further actions in the town. She would need to live to the end of the game, of course.

Unlike her mother, if the Chosen One decides to take out the Bishop family, she will become hostile alongside the rest of the family. If John was killed in less overt ways, such as by trapping his safe or abusing super stimpaks, Angela's dialogue after 24 hours pass. She will only have float dialogue, stating that she knows the Chosen One killed her father and she'll carry out her revenge once she thinks of it, though she never does.

Angela will try to take advantage of a stupid Chosen One (1-3 Intelligence); if one follows her to her bedroom but refuses sex, Angela will scream rape, at which point the Chosen One can say "Shhhh! If you don't be quiet, George won't let me play with th'rabbtiz! Shhhh!", a reference to Lennie Small. Also, if the Chosen One is wearing any kind of power armor, instead of engaging in her normal dialogue, she will remark "Try not to fall through the floor, clanky."


How dare you call me a slut! Let me tell you, I am very picky about the people I sleep with. Why, I have only slept with ten or twenty people this month! I think this conversation is over!
~ Miria, to the Chosen One (insulted).
I’m really touched. Nobody ever tries to get to know me better. All they want is sex, sex, sex! I get so tired of having wild sex all the time. I’m so glad you’re not like the others. [...] Stop, you’re embarrassing me. You are just the sweetest thing. Why don’t come over here and sit by me. [...] I can’t take this anymore! You’re perfect! (Rips clothes off.) Your world will never be the same again...
~ Miria, to the Chosen One (complimented).
He’s family; I don’t spread rumors about my own family.
~ Miria, on Davin.
Shucks! No more brahmin to kill! Maybe I should go see Miria.
~ Biff.

Miria is the daughter of Grisham, the owner of the slaughterhouse in Modoc. Miria, a very shapely and seductive-looking woman, and a font of local gossip, always ending up talking the ears off travellers recounting the goings-on of Modoc. However, she draws the line at talking about her brother, which may be due to the incestuous relationship between the two. She may also have had sex with her paternal uncle, Biff.

Miria has a very active sex life. Those who are disdainful of her sexpertise, and choose to engage in slut-shaming, will earn her ire, and she will refuse all attempts at conversation from that point on. Conversely, those who play their cards right may find themselves in for a very pleasant night... followed by a rude awakening at the hands of her shotgun-toting father.

A male or female Chosen One with 8 Charisma (or 7 and a good reputation in Modoc) can add Miria into the party by marrying her. Unlike Davin, this is achieved by first conversing with her on subjects other than sex, then steering the conversation towards this. She will lose restraint and (figuratively) jump. Then the screen will do the usual fade to black, but in this instance the Chosen One's entire inventory ends up on the ground.

After the deed is done, Grisham will barge in and confront the Chosen One. If male, the Chosen One can attempt to explain it as a "medical examination". The two other options are to run away (which causes the town to become hostile) or to have a shotgun marriage, which will grant the reputation title "Married" and add Miria as a permanent companion.

Once married, Miria will not leave the party unless killed or divorced. Like Davin, she has no additional points in any skills whatsoever, but since the default for Unarmed has the highest base value, she is most proficient (or least inept) at that skill. Like Davin, and unlike regular joinable NPCs, neither her skills, HP, nor AP improve. Neither Miria nor Davin can Level Up, though she can still wear armor.

Marrying her is permanent and there is only one option for removing her that does not involve death or selling her to slavers, since she cannot be asked to wait like a normal party member. The Chosen One may ask Father Tully in New Reno to divorce them in exchange for one bottle of alcohol. This will disband Miria from the Chosen One's party and remove her from the game in play. The Chosen One's "Married" status then becomes "Separated".

Unlike Davin, she has a Strength of three, rather than four, which means she cannot use any SMGs without a strength penalty to her already-deficient skill, though she has a +50 to-hit bonus for short-range fire. Also, trappers are interested in spending "quality time" with Miria, and will offer the Chosen One gecko pelts in exchange for her services.

After having sex with Miria, if a male Chosen One with sufficient Intelligence convinces Grisham that it was a medical examination, Miria will still be open to having sex with the Chosen One afterwards. Therefore, one can repeat this process indefinitely and have sex with Miria many times (each time telling Grisham that it was a medical exam), making an easy method for the player to earn the "Gigolo" reputation title.


Well, I uh... I mean, I... I supervise and take care of stuff. I'm the owner's son after all. I'm going to inherit this place when my dad kicks off.
~ Davin, to the Chosen One.
Hmpf! Miria isn’t that good in bed.
~ Davin, to the Chosen One.

Davin is the son of Grisham, and brother of Miria. A male or female Chosen One with 8 Charisma (or 7 with a good reputation in Modoc) can add him into the party by marrying him. This is permanent, with the same three options as Miria for getting the "Separated" title: being killed, being sold to slavers, or giving alcohol to Father Tully. Like with Miria, Davin cannot be asked to wait as a normal party member can. Adding him is achieved by seducing, getting into his pants, then having sex with him, and then marrying him in a shotgun ceremony.

This sequence can become bugged, so the more the player character does during the brief interval between the deed and being "caught" by Grisham, and the more the player character does during the ceremony, the more likely it is that it can become bugged. Like Miria, he has no additional points in any skills whatsoever, but since the default for Unarmed has the highest base value, he is most proficient at that skill. Like Miria, and unlike regular joinable NPCs, his skills, HP, and AP won't improve, though he can still wear armor.


Trait Benefit Penalty
Bloody Mess Violent death animations. None.
Bruiser Strength +2. Action Points -2.
Chem Reliant Faster addiction recovery. Doubled chance of addiction.
Chem Resistant Halved chance of addiction. Chems last half as long.
Fast Metabolism Healing rate +2. Poison & rad resistance start at 0%.
Fast Shot One less Action Point needed in combat. Can't use Aimed Shot for any attack.
Finesse Critical chance +10%. Overall damage -30%.
Gifted Each SPECIAL stat +1. Each skill -10%.
Five fewer skill points at level-up.
Good Natured +15% to First Aid, Doctor, Speech & Barter. -10% to Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Throwing, Melee & Unarmed.
Heavy Handed Melee damage +4. Critical hits -30%.
Jinxed More critical failures for enemies. More critical failures for you.
Kamikaze Sequence +5. Armor class starts at 0%.
One Hander Chance to hit +20% (one-handed weapons). Chance to hit -40% (two-handed weapons).
Skilled +10% to all skills. Get a perk every 4 levels instead of every 3 levels.
Small Frame Agility +1. Carry weight = 25 + (15 x your Strength).
Sex Appeal Opposite-sex characters are nicer. Same-sex characters are more annoyed.

Potential Reputations[]

Name Description Requirements Benefits Penalties
Berserker* You have killed a large number of people. This is generally not a good thing to get known for. People from the wrong side of the track will like you a little more, however. Kill 25 people, and twice as many good people as bad. Bad people react better to you in dialogue. Good people react worse to you in dialogue.
Champion* Your actions have revealed you to be a champion of the people. Your war against evil and villainy is widely known. Honorable people will respect you better. Have good karma. Kill many bad people. Don't have Childkiller. Good people react better to you in dialogue. N/A
Childkiller* You have killed children, the youth of the wasteland. This is considered to be a really bad thing. You evil, evil person. Kill a child. N/A -30% for dialogue and reactions.
Get random encounters with bounty hunters.
Gigolo* Let's be honest: you sleep with anything that walks on two legs. Sometimes, you're not even that discriminating. Have sex a few times (or once with 9 EN, 10 CH, & 8 AG). N/A N/A
Sexpert You know sex. You know foreplay. You know how to please a member of the opposite sex and leave them hungry for more. Have sex ten times. Better sexual dialogue. N/A
Grave Digger "They're dead, they don't care." has become your motto. Digging up the remains of others is more than a hobby for you. Dig up a grave. N/A -5 Karma.
Married You got hitched. Hey, it's your problem, not ours. Have 8 CH (or 7 CH and a good rep in Modoc), then seduce and marry Miria or Davin. Miria/Davin becomes a permanent companion. Miria/Davin never leaves or waits.
Separated Your spouse is no longer with you. I hope you're happy. Have your spouse killed, enslaved, or divorced. Telling Grisham kills him. Miria/Davin disappears forever.
Slaver You have been marked as a member of the Slaver's Guild. The tattoo on your forehead makes your profession evident to everyone you meet. Join the Slaver's Guild. Can make slave runs for Metzger. Certain quests now unavailable.
NCR become your enemies.
Made Man You are a "Made Man" of the (Bishop/Mordino/Salvatore/Wright) Family. You are well-known, well-respected, and look great in a fedora. Join one of the four mafia families in New Reno, and have 4+ IN. New Reno popularity. New Reno bartenders and drug dealers charge more.
Can paralyze Jagged Jimmy with under 4 IN.
Can try porn audition with under 10 CH. Other mafia families hate you.
Get some special services in New Reno.
Prizefighter You are the heavyweight champion of Northern California. You have gained fame, respect, the love of thousands... and a bonus to your toughness and unarmed skills. Defeat the Masticator during the final boxing match at the Jungle Gym in New Reno. New Reno popularity. New Reno bartenders and drug dealers charge more.
Can paralyze Jagged Jimmy with under 4 IN.
Can try porn audition with under 10 CH.
+5% Unarmed and DR.
Porn Star You are a big, bright, shining star. Your sexual exploits are well-known throughout New Reno. Star in a porn film at the Golden Globes in New Reno. New Reno popularity. New Reno drug dealers charge more.
Can paralyze Jagged Jimmy with under 4 IN.
Can have sex with Lil' Jesus and T-Ray with under 6 CH (female only). Ethyl Wright no longer talks to you.
Virgin of the Wastes (cut) You really need to get out more. Your sexual exploits have been... well, two dimensional. Start of the game. N/A N/A

*Also in Fallout 1.

Easter Eggs[]

If the Chosen One travels to the Café of Broken Dreams, they will come across a non-canon encounter with Fallout 1 characters.

Observation Quote
You see... a white hero model. [...] You see a heavily muscled white man in a Vault 13 jumpsuit. He is smiling and laughing as he tells his story. [...] You see a white hero model. He is smiling and laughing. "So... my player was SO stupid, that... Get this, get this - he thinks that the shotgun ammo is the water chip, and he takes it back to the Overseer... What an idiot! I had one of those 'violent, dumb as a stone' players running me. And let me tell you... It was fun for a while, but it gets old quick. There's only so much killing to do before you get jaded. We musta spent three hours on the character gen screen before my player FINALLY decided to actually *play* the game. Ian was more dangerous to *me* than the enemies we were fighting. I hope he's dead, wherever he is. Check out the muscles on this character model I've got. It's so exaggerated, it's ridiculous!"
"It was damn impossible to keep Dogmeat alive throughout Fallout 1, especially at the end. He just wasn't tough enough for the end-game! I loved that dog. I wish he woulda showed up in the end movie. There was this one player, Vince DeNardo, who had this tactic for keeping Dogmeat alive at the end. He'd lock him in a force field room on every level to keep him out of combat. The annoying part was doing it on every level without the mutants wasting Dogmeat. I think he pulled it off."
You see...a white heroine model. [...] You see a beautiful raven-haired girl in a Vault 13 jumpsuit. She is joking and laughing with the others around her. [...] You see a white heroine model. She is joking and laughing. "I was being run by a stealth character, I think. He kept trying to steal from everyone...it worked. MOST of the time. But boy, when it didn't... I've never seen so many saves and reloads in my life. Sheesh. Give me a combat boy any day. You know, I really liked how I looked in the combat armor. I never said anything before, but Ian used to...well, stare at me a lot in Fallout 1. It made me uncomfortable. I thought about talking to the designers about it, but I figured as long as Ian didn't cop a feel, it wasn't a problem. Ian was all right looking; it's just that he *really* needed a haircut. And a bath. Whoooo-eeeee."
You see...a red-haired heroine model. [...] You see a strikingly attractive red-haired woman in a Vault 13 jumpsuit. She is glaring angrily into the distance. [...] You see a red-haired heroine model. She is glaring into the distance. "I can't believe I didn't make the final cut in Fallout 1.They chose that black-haired *strumpet* instead. Of all the nerve!A *black-haired* female model. Can you get any more generic? BOR-ing. Redheads are infinitely more interesting. That black-haired female model got in only because she slept with *every* artist on the team. AND the programmers. AND the project leader. They're soooo easily swayed. Show a little skin, and their spines turns to rubber. So I get shafted and end up being "filler NPCs" in Vault 13. Keee-rist. Talk about typecasting. I'm surprised they rendered that black-haired female model with any clothes. I mean, it's not like she was IN them very much during the screening process. *Sigh* I hate men. Well, except for that dreamy Scotty Everts. I think he stuck up for me. I only had to sleep with him a few times for him to vote for me."
You see...a black hero model. [...] You see a heavily muscled black man in a Vault 13 jumpsuit. He is glaring at you resentfully. [...] You see a black hero model. He is glaring at you resentfully. "I was originally one of the hero models for Fallout 1. Of course, *I* didn't make the final cut. They claimed it was 'too much animation.' 'Too many frames,' they said. I'm black. *You* figure it out. Every time you think you're getting ahead, whitey changes the rules. I wish I could get my hands on..."



  • The Vault Dweller and Chosen One share the same sprites.
  • The jumpsuit is ripped in the ending of Fallout, but appears intact when it's revealed in Fallout 2.
  • After 13 in-game years, on 25/7/2254, the game will end, whether or not the main story has been completed.
  • Of the four main Fallout protagonists, the Chosen One is the only one to not have come from a Vault-Tec vault.
  • Though players can choose gender and age, the Chosen One was canonically born on 23/3/2221, and is 20 at the start of Fallout 2.
  • If a female Chosen One has under 4 Intelligence and interacts with Myron, he may give her a spiked drink and have sex with her after she falls unconscious.
  • In the Fallout 2 mission "Beat Francis at armwrestling", if the Chosen One loses to Francis' armwrestle, Francis will make the Chosen One his gimp for the night and rape them, after which they will wake up with a ball-gag. However, if the Chosen One beats Francis, they will earn the Big Frigger - a unique power fist.
  • At the beginning of Fallout 2, the player can choose one of three custom-built characters, along with the option of creating a new character from scratch. However, none of the pre-made characters are canon identities, as they are not the village elder's offspring.
    • 19-year-old Chitsa, the tribe's best trader, is an attractive young woman with intelligence and charm.
    • 21-year-old Narg, the tribe's leading hunter, is a fit, young, and strong warrior-type.
    • 32-year-old Mingan, the tribe's top scout, has a whisper-soft tread and is the perfect sneak.
  • Mr. Bishop is mentioned when The Courier talks to Bruce Isaac. Mr. Bishop can only exist if the Chosen One impregnates either John Bishop's wife Leslie, or their daughter Angela.
    • This is the only evidence of the Chosen One being canonically male, though Leslie/Angela Bishop may have been knocked up by somebody else if the Chosen One was female.


This article contains content derived from the "Chosen One" article on Nukapedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA.



Fallout 1-2
Vault Dweller | Killian Darkwater | Dogmeat | Tandi | Harold | Marcus | Chosen One | Albert Cole | Maxwell Stone | Natalia Dubrovhsky

Fallout 3
Lone Wanderer | James | Amata Almodovar | Moira Brown | Three Dog | Owyn Lyons | Sarah Lyons | Dr. Madison Li | Star Paladin Cross | Charon | Fawkes | Sonora Cruz | Liberty Prime | Dogmeat | General Chase | Sergeant Montgomery | Nadine | Desmond Lockheart | Sally | Somah | Paulson | Private Tercorien | Toshiro Kago

Fallout: New Vegas
The Courier | Doc Mitchell | Victor | Sunny Smiles | Yes Man | Mr. House | Marcus | Rex | Raul Tejada | Lily Bowen | Craig Boone | Rose of Sharon Cassidy | Arcade Gannon | ED-E | Veronica Santangelo | Christine Royce | Joshua Graham | Daniel | Follows-Chalk | Waking Cloud | Dog/God | Mysterious Stranger | Miss Fortune | April Martimer | Emily Ortal | Randall Clark

Fallout 4
Sole Survivor | Codsworth | Preston Garvey | Piper Wright | Nick Valentine | Arthur Maxson | Paladin Danse | John Hancock | Robert Joseph MacCready | Cait | Dogmeat | Curie | Strong | Deacon | Mama Murphy | Desdemona | Ricky Dalton | Minuteman radio operator | Kent Connolly | Liberty Prime | ADA | Captain Avery | DiMA | Old Longfellow

Fallout 76
Vault 76 Residents | Vault 76 Overseer | Paige | Duchess | Rose | MODUS | Beckett | Commander Daguerre | Penelope Hornwright | Paladin Rahmani | Initiate Dodge | Gloria Chance | Hex | Danilo

Groups and Organizations
Brotherhood of Steel | Commonwealth Minutemen | The Railroad | The Responders | Free States | Order of Mysteries | New Appalachia Settlers | Wayward Souls | Pittsburgh Union | U.S. Secret Service | New California Republic | The Regulators | Kings | Followers of the Apocalypse | Dead Horses | The Sorrows | Pitt Slaves | Acadians | Harbormen | United States

TV Show
CX404 | Lucy MacLean | Maximus | Norm MacLean
