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You are fire, Bluepaw, and you will blaze through the forest. But beware! Even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water.
~ Goosefeather telling Bluepaw about her destiny

Bluestar is one of the tritagonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors book series. She is the former leader of ThunderClan and mentor of Firestar, as well as mother of Mistystar and Stonefur and Oakheart's mate. After Tigerclaw's betrayal, she starts to spiral into a state of paranoia and becomes apathetic towards her Clan, though eventually snaps out of it and sacrifices herself to save her cats from Tigerstar's vicious dog pack.

After her death she continued to guide Firestar from StarClan and, along with Yellowfang and Spottedleaf, was occasionally sending omens and visions to ThunderClan's medicine cats.

She served as one of the tritagonists of The Prophecies Begin, one of the overarching protagonists of The New Prophecy, Power of Three and Omen of the Stars arcs and super edition Firestar's Quest, a minor protagonist in A Vision of Shadows and The Broken Code arcs and Ravenpaw's Path trilogy, the titular main protagonist of the super edition Bluestar's Prophecy, a supporting character in the super editions Crookedstar's Promise and Squirrelflight's Hope and the novellas Pinestar's Choice, Blackfoot's Reckoning, Leafpool's Wish and Ravenpaw's Farewell, a major protagonist in the novellas Redtail's Debt and Spottedleaf's Heart, a posthumous protagonist of the novella Mistystar's Omen, a major character in the novella Tigerclaw's Fury, a minor character in the manga The Rise of Scourge and the opening protagonist in the super edition Bramblestar's Storm.


Bluestar is a lithe blueish-gray she-cat with light blue eyes. She has a silver muzzle and a large scar across her shoulders.


Bluestar's Prophecy[]

Bluekit and her sister Snowkit are born to Moonflower and Stormtail. When they're able to leave the nursery, Leopardkit and Patchkit show them around ThunderClan's camp. They explore the camp, meeting Featherwhisker and Stonepelt while doing so. The next day, Moonflower takes her daughters to meet their father Stormtail, who admires his children for a while before Pinestar call him over to share prey together. When Bluekit asks if she can join, her father looks uncomfortable and tells her that she should stay by the nursery. They then go to meet their uncle Goosefeather, where they explore the medicine den and Bluekit dares her sister to swallow poppy seeds, with Moonflower angrily taking them back to the nursery when she finds out. Later, both kits witness Leopardpaw's and Patchpaw's apprentice ceremonies.

A few moons later, Poppydawn gives birth to three kits. Bluekit suggests she names the tom Thistlekit after his spikey fur. After the noisiness of the nursery wakes her up from a nice dream, she leaves in a huff and encounters the deputy Sunfall, who invites her to climb up the ravine with him. While climbing, Bluekit almost falls off when Sunfall catches her, telling her that they should go home because she's too small to be out of camp.

Upon reaching six moons old, Bluepaw and Snowpaw are made apprentices. Bluepaw's mentor is Stonepelt, while Snowpaw's is Sparrowpelt. Stonepelt's new apprentice asks if he's going to start teaching her hunting techniques or battle moves, becoming disappointed when she's tasked with gathering moss instead. He teaches her the best way to get the moss and tells her that she's learning useful skills, motivating Bluepaw to finish, though Leopardpaw teases her when she tells the older apprentice. The next day the two sisters learns how to hunt, and Bluepaw impresses her Clan by catching a large squirrel in her first attempt. However, Goosefeather notices that the vole Snowpaw caught has its fur blown back by the wind, interpreting it as a sign that they must attack WindClan, otherwise ThunderClan will be destroyed. Upon hearing this, Pinestar decides that they'll attack tomorrow morning, assigning Bluepaw and Snowpaw as messengers since they haven't had any battle training yet.

The next morning, Goosefeather finds a shred of catmint on the vole's fur, telling the Clan that it's a sign that they must destroy WindClan's herb supply, though his Clanmates doubt that it actually means anything. During the raid, Bluepaw watches the fighting uneasily as she tends to the injured Leopardpaw. As Stormtail and Moonflower go to destroy the herbs, Stormtail stops to help Dappletail, and the WindClan medicine cat Hawkheart attacks Moonflower to defend his herbs, killing her in the process. Bluepaw witnesses this in horror, and tries to save her before being stopped by Swiftbreeze, who tells her not to fight without training. As ThunderClan begins to lose the battle, Pinestar calls for his Clan to retreat. The blue she-cat runs up to her mother's unmoving body and begs her to wake up, but Pinestar informs her that Moonflower has gone to StarClan. Hawkheart approaches her, and she demands to know why he killed Moonflower, to which Hawkheart simply explains that she was destroying his herbs, which could have caused many WindClan cat's lives to be lost.

Moonflower's death takes a heavy toll on her daughter, who is no longer interested in going on patrols and barely speaks to her Clanmates. Her mentor Stonepelt retires and she is reassigned to Sunfall. Bluepaw continues to be bitter towards everyone and everything, finding herself staring into a foxes den one day. Sunfall tells her not to get so close to a fox den, telling her that Snowpaw is still coping with Moonflower's death and wouldn't be able to handle it if her sister died too. Sunfall then talks to her about Moonflower, admitting to her that he misses her too, surprising the young apprentice. After talking to her mentor, Bluepaw starts to notice everyone else is avoiding her.

At her first Gathering, Bluepaw meets the RiverClan apprentice Crookedpaw. She notices that he's bigger than normal for a new apprentice, and he explains that he started his training late. The two apprentices quickly form a friendship, with Crookedpaw pointing out that he's the brother of Oakheart when RiverClan introduces the new warrior. Bluepaw begins to act more friendly towards her Clanmates in hopes of connecting with them, and later learns that RiverClan is invading Sunningrocks. While in the battle, her and Snowpaw fight off Crookedpaw together, who renounces his friendship with the blue she-cat. RiverClan retreats, and Bluepaw can't help but be sad that she lost Crookedpaw's friendship.

After she gets injured while running away from a fox, Bluepaw goes to Goosefeather for treatment. Suddenly, Goosefeather tells her that she's like fire and will blaze through the forest, warning her that even the strongest fire is doused by water. Stunned by his words, she asks Snowpaw what she thinks, but her sister just brushes it off before talking about her friend Thistlepaw, annoying Bluepaw as she and Thistlepaw have a mutual dislike of each other. A short time later, Bluepaw and Snowpaw have their warrior ceremonies, earning the names Bluefur and Snowfur. A few days after, Pinestar tells the newly named Bluefur that he forgot to take her to the Moonstone as part of her apprentice training. He takes her there, where she has a nightmare of drowning while sleeping next to it. When they return, Leopardfoot gives birth to her and Pinestar's kits: Mistkit, Nightkit and Tigerkit.

The next morning, Bluefur along with Thistlepaw's sisters Rosepaw and Sweetpaw all have horrible bellyaches from a tainted mouse they shared together the other day. While Bluefur and Rosepaw are able to recover, Sweetpaw's condition worsens until she dies, and Thistlepaw volunteers to bury her. After Thistleclaw earns his warrior name, he and Snowfur grow closer much to Bluefur's agitation. When Pinestar steps down as leader and leaves to become a kittypet, Sunstar becomes the new leader of ThunderClan, though only has eight lives instead of nine due to Pinestar still being alive.

While patrolling alone, Bluefur finds the RiverClan tom Oakheart sunning himself on ThunderClan's territory. Bluefur attacks him in a blind fury, before he knocks her into a stream. Bluefur panics, thinking that she's drowning, until Oakheart points out that the stream is shallow enough for her to stand in. Embarrassed, the blue warrior snaps at him to leave. After they part ways however, she starts to feel romantic feelings for him, repeatedly reminding herself that falling in love with someone outside your own Clan goes against the warrior code. When she gets back, Rosetail notices her fur being drenched and comments that she has the same look on her face that Snowfur gives Thistleclaw. She then tells Bluefur that Thrushpelt has been mooning after her lately, surprising Bluefur as she only ever considered him a good friend.

Snowfur tells her sister that she's pregnant and that Thistleclaw is the father, and while Bluefur pretends to be excited, she's really devastated at this news. Much later, Snowfur gives birth to a singular white tom that she names Whitekit. Bluefur is stunned to see how lovingly Thistleclaw treats his mate. Later, when Whitekit is old enough to be left alone for a while, Bluefur takes Snowfur out for a walk, where her sister learns about her infatuation with Oakheart. They argue about Bluefur's codebreaking, before noticing two ShadowClan warriors trespassing onto ThunderClan territory. Snowfur quickly gives chase, pursuing them across the thunderpath. While she's crossing the thunderpath however, a monster appears and runs her over, killing her. Bluestar is destroyed by this, similarly to how she was when Moonflower died, and as she returns to camp with her sister's body she struggles to explain to Whitekit that his mother will not be coming back. Thistleclaw, blind with grief and fury, blames Bluefur for the death of his mate. Sunstar has a similar conversation with her to the one they had when Moonflower was killed, and Bluefur starts to avoid her nephew for being too much of a reminder of what happened to her sister.

At the next Gathering, Oakheart reports twolegs coming into RiverClan's land. Bluefur is made uncomfortable when Rosetail starts to moon over the RiverClan warrior. Later, Bluefur and Thistleclaw get into frequent arguments over the former spending time with Whitekit. When Tigerpaw reaches six moons old, he is mentored by Thistleclaw, and Bluefur wonders why he chose him over her, though is glad that she at least gets to spend more time with Whitekit. A little while later, Bluefur is on a patrol near twolegplace with Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw, much to her ire. While on patrol, the three come across a small kittypet kit named Tiny. Thistleclaw orders his apprentice to attack the black kittypet to teach him a lesson about trespassing on Clan territory. Bluefur watches in horror before intervening, commanding Tigerpaw to stop his attack and letting the now injured kit run away. Thistleclaw is irritated at Bluefur's interference, saying that she's too soft for a warrior and doubting her loyalty to ThunderClan.

Time passes, and Whitepaw is apprenticed to Patchpelt and later becomes a warrior named Whitestorm. Bluefur also becomes the mentor of Frostpaw, who becomes Frostfur. Eventually Sunstar decides that it's time to take back Sunningrocks from RiverClan. He gathers some warriors to go with him to RiverClan camp to discuss the matter, and Thistleclaw is annoyed by this, saying that real warriors fight for their territory instead of asking. Sunstar is able to trick the RiverClan leader Hailstar into giving back the Sunningrocks by making it look like it would be his fault if a battle broke out. On the way back to ThunderClan, Oakheart tells Bluefur to meet him in secret, as he has feelings for her.

Though she knows it's going against the warrior code, Bluefur sneaks out at night after all her Clanmates have gone to sleep and meets Oakheart at Fourtrees, where the two spend the night together. Not wanting to just stand around, she challenges him to race up a tree, but Oakheart tells her that he can't climb. She teaches him how, and as they climb up the tree together, Oakheart promises to return the favor by teaching her how to swim one day. She doesn't admit that she's afraid of water due to Goosefeather's prophecy, instead wondering if StarClan is watching them when they reach the top. Oakheart replies that if StarClan can't see them from there, then they won't be able to see them anywhere. They get back to the ground and play fight for a while, when Oakheart tells Bluefur that he loves her and that the only thing that can hurt him is being apart from her. The two then build a nest and fall asleep together.

The next day, Bluefur sneaks away from Fourtrees, worrying that a patrol might see her and Oakheart together. A while later, Leopardfoot tells Bluefur that the blue warrior is expecting kits after a Gathering. Knowing that Oakheart is the father, she doesn't know how she's going to explain it to the Clan. Learning of Bluefur's secret, Thrushpelt offers to pretend to be the father of the kittens. At the Sunningrocks, Bluefur stops Thistleclaw from trying to kill Oakheart, reporting his actions to Sunstar, though the leader brushes it off as the gray tom simply being loyal to his Clan. Later, Bluefur gives birth to three kits, naming them Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit after things that reminded her of the river, and by extension, Oakheart. Sunstar's deputy Tawnyspots falls ill, and is on the brink of death. Knowing that Tawnyspots will die and that Sunstar is on his last life, Bluefur realizes that whoever becomes deputy next will most likely go on to become leader. Determined to not let Thistleclaw take that role, she laments the fact that she must give up her kits if she wants a chance at becoming deputy.

After discussing the matter with Oakheart and agreeing to bring the kits to RiverClan, she sneaks out with them during a snowstorm one night to take them to their father. Along the way, Mosskit dies of hypothermia and Bluefur grieves her loss before being forced to continue so that the remaining two don't face the same fate. She successfully brings Stonekit and Mistykit to RiverClan, somberly telling Oakheart that Mosskit didn't make it, before saying farewell to the three of them. When she returns to camp, she claims that a fox had stolen her kits from the nursery and ate them.

After Tawnyspots dies of his sickness, Bluefur is chosen to be ThunderClan's new deputy. Sunstar dies soon after, and Featherwhisker takes her to the Moonstone to receive her nine lives. She gains a life of compassion from Pinestar, a life of endurance from Mumblefoot, a life of humor from Larksong, a life of hope from Sweetpaw, a life of courage from Sunstar, a life of patience from Goosefeather, a life of trust from Mosskit, a life of love from Moonflower, and finally a life of pride from Snowfur. Her sister tells her that StarClan had chosen her long ago and never regretted their choice. She then earns the name Bluestar, and chooses Redtail to be her deputy.

Many moons later, Bluestar and Whitestorm see an orange kittypet named Rusty staring into the woods from where he sits on the fence. When she tells Spottedleaf about him, believing him to be the prophesied fire that will save the Clan, Spottedleaf replies that what she does next is up to her, and that whatever it may be, the tortoiseshell will support her.

The Prophecies Begin[]

Into The Wild[]

After ThunderClan retreats from a battle with RiverClan at Sunningrocks, Bluestar sits atop the Highrock, gazing at the night sky contemplatively. Spottedleaf joins her and informs her that the cats injured in the battle have all been tended to and will heal quickly. Bluestar says that the recent defeat troubles her, as ThunderClan had not lost a battle on their own territory since she became leader. She's also concerned about the lack of kits, but Spottedleaf assures her by saying that there will be more when newleaf arrives. The leader asks her if she's gotten any messages from StarClan recently, to which the tortoiseshell medicine cat admits that their ancestors haven't spoken to her in quite a while. Just after she says that however, Spottedleaf sees a shooting star and receives the prophecy "Fire alone will save our Clan". Bluestar is skeptical, questioning how a destructive force like fire could save ThunderClan, but trusts Spottedleaf judgement as the tortoiseshell she-cat had not been wrong before.

Later, while on a patrol near twolegplace with Lionheart and the newly-apprenticed Graypaw, she witnesses a bright orange kittypet leaving his garden to hunt in the woods, defending himself against Graypaw's attack. After the kittypet and gray apprentice talk for a bit, Bluestar and Lionheart reveal themselves, and the kittypet introduces himself as Rusty. He apologizes for hunting on their territory, and Bluestar compliments his hunting technique and bravery in facing Graypaw head-on. After a moment of contemplation, she offers Rusty to come back with them to ThunderClan and be trained to be a warrior. Rusty is indecisive, asking for a bit more time to make his decision, and Bluestar agrees to come back tomorrow.

The next day, Bluestar, Lionheart and Graypaw return to the twolegplace, this time with Whitestorm as well. Rusty meets them and says that he's decided to join ThunderClan, and the four Clan cats take him to their camp. There, Bluestar introduces the rest of the Clan to Rusty, stating that he's going to be training with them. When a warrior named Longtail chides him for being a kittypet and challenges him to a battle, Rusty's collar comes off, Bluestar halting the fight and stating that the loss of his collar means that StarClan has approved of his inclusion. She renames him Firepaw, welcoming him to ThunderClan. Moments after, Ravenpaw and Tigerclaw return from Sunningrocks, the latter carrying Redtail's dead body. Tigerclaw tells Bluestar that Oakheart had killed Redtail in battle, and that he killed Oakheart to avenge him. Hiding her pain at the news of Oakheart's death, she holds a vigil for Redtail and names Lionheart as the new deputy.

Later, Bluestar comes across Firepaw feeding the ex-ShadowClan medicine cat Yellowfang, as well as eating himself. She brings Yellowfang back to camp as a prisoner and tasks Firepaw with nursing her back to health as punishment for breaking the code about feeding the Clan first before eating. Seeing as Firepaw not having an official mentor isn't very efficient, she decides to become his mentor herself. After a few days of caring for Yellowfang, Bluestar relieves her new apprentice of his duties and lets him return to his warrior training.

At the Gathering, the leader of ShadowClan Brokenstar reveals that he's chased WindClan out, warning Bluestar and Crookedstar to give up some of their territory to ShadowClan if they don't want to end up the same way. While Crookedstar relents, Bluestar refuses to give away any of ThunderClan's territory. After Brokenstar warns the remaining two Clans of Yellowfang, lying that she was exiled for killing two kits, ThunderClan returns to camp, with Bluestar demanding that Tigerclaw and Darkstripe leave the old gray she-cat alone when they drag her into the clearing. She states that Brokenstar's word is not to be trusted, and that Yellowfang will remain in camp. She then tells everyone that ShadowClan will likely try to attack soon for being denied ThunderClan's land, telling her Clan to stay vigilant.

Wanting to seek guidance from StarClan for the looming threat of ShadowClan, Bluestar journeys to the Moonstone alongside Tigerclaw, Firepaw, Graypaw and Ravenpaw. When they arrive at Mothermouth, she instructs Graypaw and Ravenpaw to stand guard outside the cave's entrance while Tigerclaw and Firepaw go in with her. Tigerclaw runs away in fear at the sight of the Moonstone, while Bluestar falls asleep next to it with her apprentice sleeping close by. When she awakes next morning, she alerts her group that ShadowClan is attacking their camp, urging them to rush back home. On they way there they cross paths with a tom named Barley who lives on a nearby farm, who advises them to take an alternate route back as twolegs have let their dogs out around the one they'd come from. Taking the recommended path, they are attacked by a large horde of rats that Barley didn't know about, with Bluestar losing a life before the farm cat comes to save them. After reviving, Tigerclaw suggests that they stop and treat her wounds, but the leader insist that they have to keep going.

They at last get back to see Brokenstar and his warriors are already raiding the camp. After driving off the attackers, Bluestar hold a vigil for Rosetail and Lionheart, who were killed in the battle, naming Tigerclaw as the new deputy. She then commends Yellowfang for defending the nursery from Blackfoot, inviting her to officially join ThunderClan, to which the old she-cat accepts.

After a battle training session with Firepaw, she beckons him to her den to reveal that she only has two lives left instead of four, lying about the amount as to not worry her Clan. Later, after discovering Spottedleaf dead and Frostfur's kits missing, Firepaw's Clanmates instantly blame Yellowfang after he reveals he saw her sneaking out of camp. Knowing how close Firepaw is to Yellowfang, his mentor sends him ahead of the search party to find out what really happened. ThunderClan is able to take the kits back from ShadowClan with the help of some of their elders, and Yellowfang's innocence is proven. Bluestar offers the old she-cat to take Spottedleaf's place as ThunderClan's medicine cat, which she agrees to. Noting Firepaw's and Graypaw's bravery and skill, she hold a warrior ceremony for them while lamenting the fact that Ravenpaw won't be able to join them due to the two apprentices telling the Clan that he's dead to hide the fact that he ran off to live with Barley. She names the two Fireheart and Graystripe, telling them that ThunderClan honors them and having them sit vigil for the night in tradition of past warrior ceremonies.

Fire and Ice[]

After finding out the truth from Ravenpaw that the true culprit behind Redtail's murder was Tigerclaw, Fireheart tries to tell this to Bluestar in private on their way to the Gathering. She doubts his claims, saying that his theory would mean that Redtail killed Oakheart, and that the former deputy would never do something like that, telling Fireheart that she doesn't want to hear any more accusations unless he has proof. During the Gathering itself, she protests the new ShadowClan leader Nightpelt's idea of ShadowClan and RiverClan both sharing what was once WindClan's territory, stating that WindClan must return. Afterwards, she sends Firestar and Graystripe to find and bring back the driven out Clan, rewarding them when they succeed by assigning them as the mentors of Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw.

During a bout of greencough in the camp, Bluestar falls terribly ill, losing her eighth life and leaving her with only one remaining. After the exiled Brokenstar and his followers attack ThunderClan camp again in revenge, Yellowfang claws out the dark brown tom's eyes. Bluestar allows her to keep him in the medicine den as a prisoner, changing his name back to Brokentail now that he is no longer a leader.

Forest of Secrets[]

While investigating the real cause of Oakheart's death, Fireheart finds out that the RiverClan warriors Mistyfoot and Stonefur are Bluestar's children who she had given up long ago. Before the next Gathering, Fireheart asks his leader what she's going to say about Brokentail being held prisoner, but she replies that she won't speak on the matter as it is solely ThunderClan's business, telling the rest of her Clan not to speak of him either. However, the other Clans find out anyways due to Swiftpaw accidentally revealing this information, with WindClan and ShadowClan declaring war for housing their enemy. Shortly after, both Clans raid the camp in an attempt to kill Brokentail but are driven away, with Yellowfang thanking Bluestar for sheltering him and apologizing for the conflict that choice is causing.

While out in private with Bluestar, Fireheart asks if Mistyfoot and Stonefur are her kits, which she confirms. She explains that she had to give them away to become deputy, otherwise the bloodthirsty Thistleclaw would've taken that role and eventually become leader, driving ThunderClan into endless wars.

During Tigerclaw's attempted coup where he brings in a bunch of rouges to attack the camp, he corners Bluestar in the leader's den, telling her that he's going to kill her and take her place as leader. Fireheart arrives and fights him, incapacitating the traitor with a severe slash across his stomach. Fireheart then calls for Bluestar to help pin him down, quickly noticing the haunted look in her eyes and her slow movements. After the rouges are driven away with the help of a RiverClan patrol, Tigerclaw is brought to the center of camp where Fireheart reveals his murder of Redtail and attempted murder of Bluestar. Enraged by her deputy's betrayal, the blue she-cat permanently banishes him from the Clan and tells her warriors that if they see him on their territory again, they have her permission to kill him.

Afterwards, Bluestar is too distraught to name a replacement deputy for several days, concerning her Clanmates as the warrior code dictates that a new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh. Remembering how he defended her, she eventually names Fireheart as the new deputy of ThunderClan.

Rising Storm[]

Due to Tigerclaw's treachery, Bluestar loses trust in all of her Clanmates except for Whitestorm and Fireheart, the latter of which is left to manage the Clan most of the time due to her rapidly declining mental state. The deputy tries to lift her spirits by telling her that Brindleface's children Ashkit and Fernkit are almost ready to become apprentices, but instead she just snaps at him that there are no other warriors currently in camp, making a new rule to have at least three in camp at all times. When he asks who Ashkit and Fernkit should be assigned to, she tells him to decide, and he chooses Darkstripe for Fernpaw and Dustpelt for Ashpaw.

Wanting to speak to StarClan again, Bluestar takes Fireheart with her on the journey to the Moonstone. As they try to pass through WindClan territory however, a patrol stops them, not allowing them to go as punishment for sheltering Brokentail. The two are sent back home, where Bluestar is agitated thinking that StarClan doesn't want to talk to her. While preparing for the next Gathering, Fireheart asks his leader who they should take, noting her leaving out Cloudpaw. When Mousefur asks her what she's going to say about WindClan not letting her go to the Moonstone, she simply replies that she'll stay silent on the matter, as WindClan knows what they did wrong. Sandstorm comments to Fireheart that their leader seems different lately, and the orange tom admits that he agrees. During the Gathering, when Bluestar announces that Fireheart is the new deputy, the other Clans wonder what happened to Tigerclaw, and she states that it only concerns ThunderClan.

Much later, a forest fire breaks out in ThunderClan territory and quickly reaches camp. Bluestar, more alert that she had been since Tigerclaw's exile, leads her cats out of camp and into the river, where they are saved from drowning by a RiverClan patrol. After the fire is extinguished by the rain and it's safe to return, she hears of Yellowfang's death and demands to see her body. After seeing the deceased medicine cat, she screams in anger as she runs out of the remains of the medicine den, furiously examining the charred camp. She yowls that StarClan has betrayed her by telling her fire was supposed to save the Clan but instead destroyed it, announcing that she intents to never speak to StarClan ever again. As the next Gathering approaches, Bluestar is too depressed about the loss of the camp and sends Fireheart to take her place instead.

A Dangerous Path[]

Fireheart returns from the Gathering to reveal that Tigerclaw - now Tigerstar - is the new leader of ShadowClan following Nightstar's death. She is enraged by this, now growing to loathe StarClan, a hatred that only deepens when Speckletail's son Snowkit is carried away by a hawk. Upon finding evidence of stolen prey that carries a dog's scent, she blames WindClan for it as the dog scent had also been found on their territory. She prepares to launch an attack on the WindClan cats, and Fireheart goes behind her back to inform them of this and ask their leader Tallstar to discuss the matter with her. His plan succeeds and the battle is prevented, but when they get back Bluestar scolds him for going behind her back, stating that he was the only one she was able to trust. She then laments giving her kits away, believing they would have stayed loyal to her, and is enraged that she had to give them up to become leader, only for everyone to betray her once she did. She punishes Fireheart by letting him remain the deputy, stating that he'll take her place and be a traitor leading a Clan of traitors.

While patrolling along Sunningrocks, a RiverClan patrol suddenly attacks. Mistyfoot and Stonefur attack Bluestar, confused as to why she's not fighting back. Fireheart stops the fight and tells them that Bluestar is their mother. After Leopardstar banishes Graystripe for refusing to attack Fireheart, Bluestar reluctantly allows the gray tom to rejoin ThunderClan. After sneaking out of camp to visit the Moonstone, StarClan warns her of a pack that will bring destruction to the forest, but don't elaborate.

Finding out that Cloudpaw doesn't believe in StarClan, she holds a warrior ceremony for him and him alone to further spite their ancestors, giving him the name Cloudtail. The other apprentices, namely Swiftpaw and Brightpaw, are extremally jealous of him becoming a warrior despite being younger than them. Swiftpaw has a plan to fight off whatever has been stealing prey to impress Bluestar so much that she'll make them into warriors. The two apprentices are quickly overwhelmed by the prey thieves, who turn out to be vicious rottweilers, and the plan fails with Swiftpaw dying and Brightpaw being gravely injured. After the surviving apprentice is able to recover, Bluestar hold a warrior ceremony where she cruelly renames Brightpaw "Lostface" to further spite StarClan.

Fireheart comes up with an idea to get rid of the dog pack by leading them to and making them run off the gorge. As his plan is put in motion however, Tigerstar ambushes him and pins him down for the dogs to kill him. Just before the pack leader can catch him though, Bluestar tackles the dog from the side, sending them both plummeting into the gorge. She plunges into the river at the bottom, and as she sinks, she sees Oakheart's spirit encouraging her to swim to safety, but the current is too strong for her to escape. Fireheart dives in after her and attempts to carry her out, but is unable to escape the river either. Just then, Mistyfoot and Stonefur arrive and drag the two onto shore, but it's already too late as Bluestar is dying.

In her last moments, she tells Fireheart that she was wrong in assuming StarClan and her Clanmates had all betrayed her, realizing this as she saw the Clan working together to defeat the dogs. She then apologizes to her children for giving them away, and the two forgive her, accepting her as their mother. Finally, with her dying breathes, she tells Fireheart that he is the prophesized fire that will save the Clan, saying that he'll have the warm of fire to care for his Clanmates and the fierceness of fire to defend them in her stead. Bluestar takes her last breath before passing away on the shore, her spirit ascending to StarClan.

The Darkest Hour[]

Bluestar's body is brought back to camp and placed in the leader's den, with Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with her for the first and last time during her vigil. While sitting with Bluestar's body, Fireheart feels a sense of security like a kit would feel with their mother. As Fireheart visits StarClan at the Moonstone to receive his nine lives, Bluestar appears to give him his 9th and final life; a life of nobility, certainty and faith, and granting him the name Firestar. Then, as Firestar gets a vision of a giant hill of bones leaking blood, she delivers the prophecy "Lion and tiger will meet in battle, and blood will rule the forest".

After Firestar loses his first life in a battle against BloodClan, he wakes up in StarClan surrounded by all the cats who gave him his 9 lives as well as the recently deceased Whitestorm. Bluestar explains to him that he needs to recover from being killed before he can go back to the living Clans. Along with the other cats who granted his 9 lives, she fights alongside him as he lands the killing blow on Scourge.

Blackfoot's Reckoning[]

At Blackfoot's leadership ceremony in StarClan, Bluestar approaches him to give him his sixth life. He reflects on the damage he did to her Clan under the orders of Brokenstar and Tigerstar, and when Bluestar is about to give him a life, she asks if he's sure he wants it. Blackfoot affirms that he does, so she gives him a life of judgement. She tells him to use it to consider all options and the consequences of them in the future, before walking away to let the ceremony continue.

Firestar's Quest[]

When he begins to see wandering spirits everywhere, Firestar goes to the Moonstone to get answers from StarClan. There, Bluestar reveals that the ghosts were cats of the lost fifth Clan, SkyClan, which had been driven out of the forest many years ago. She then tells him to focus on ThunderClan, and he asks if it's StarClan's will to ignore the suffering of cats like the ones of SkyClan. She replies that there are some who would argue SkyClan wasn't meant to be in the forest in the first place, as Fourtrees represents the four current Clans. This only angers Firestar though, and he snarls at Bluestar, asking if SkyClan had to leave just because there weren't enough trees. She's shocked at this, but before she can reply, Firestar leaves.

Later, Firestar and his mate Sandstorm set out on a journey to find SkyClan's descendants and rebuild the Clan. During a raging storm, Firestar looks up to see Bluestar's face in the clouds. She seems to be pleading with him about something, and Firestar tries asking her something before a flash of lightning makes her face disappear. After Firestar and Sandstorm get separated, the orange tom realizes she was trying to warn them about the storm.

Ravenpaw's Path[]

Shattered Peace[]

After a group of rogues drive Ravenpaw and Barley out of their home on the farm, they go to the Moonstone where Ravenpaw visits StarClan in his dreams. There, Bluestar, Spottedleaf and Whitestorm greet him. Bluestar remarks that it's nice to see him again, which surprises Ravenpaw, as he had assumed they had forgotten about him. She states they never forgot, before telling him they see the dilemma he and Barley are in, and the two of them have as much right to living at the farm as the Clans have to live in the forest. The three StarClan cats suggest going to ThunderClan for help, as Firestar would be more than willing to aid his old friend. Ravenpaw retorts that he doesn't deserve ThunderClan's loyalty because he was no longer one of them, but the blue she-cat assures him that his friendship to them is a loyalty that will never die. As the dream comes to an end, the three spirits wish Ravenpaw and Barley good luck.

The New Prophecy[]


Foreseeing the forest's destruction at the hands of twolegs, the cats of StarClan decide to choose a cat from each Clan to go on a journey to the sun drown place to speak to a badger named Midnight about what to do. Bluestar chooses Brambleclaw as ThunderClan's representative, and questions Oakheart's pick of Feathertail for RiverClan. He teasingly asks if she doesn't think Feathertail was trained well, knowing that Mistyfoot was her mentor. She then compliments Nightstar's choice of Tawnypelt for ShadowClan, remarking that she's brave and strong, but when Deadfoot chooses his son Crowpaw for WindClan, she questions this choice. She asks if he wants to pick someone else, and Deadfoot dares her to say that Crowpaw isn't worthy. She then asks the other StarClan cats if they agree with Deadfoot's pick, and despite most of them staying silent, Crowpaw is chosen anyways. Later, Bluestar appears to Brambleclaw in his dreams, telling him of his quest to go to the sun drown place.


After the forest is destroyed and the Clans all move to the lake, Bluestar tells Spottedleaf that they chose the four cats well. Oakheart comments that twolegs bring trouble, she responds that it isn't just twolegs, but the Clans themselves bring trouble to themselves and each other as well. When Midnight shows up, Bluestar thanks her for guiding the Clans. When Yellowfang states that she can see dark times ahead for the Clans, Bluestar asks her what she means. As Spottedleaf tries looking into the future to see if what Yellowfang is warning involves Firestar, the blue she-cat gently tells her that she can't protect the orange tom forever. Spottedleaf states that she'd use all the power in StarClan to protect Firestar, but Bluestar replies that even that might not be enough.

Later, when the ThunderClan medicine cat apprentice Leafpaw discovers the Moonpool, Bluestar appears to her and tells her that StarClan can be accessed from it, and from now on medicine cats will gather to it and leaders will be given their nine lives just as the Clans had done with the Moonstone in the past.


Bluestar is one of the cats to warn the ThunderClan medicine cat Cinderpelt that her death is rapidly approaching. Bluestar laments how unfair it is to take her away so young when she's served ThunderClan more faithfully than some cats could in their lifetime. Cinderpelt says that there's no need to apologize, but Bluestar retorts that there is because of how much ThunderClan owes her. Nightstar then tells Cinderpelt how much StarClan wishes they could change her fate, and Bluestar adds that there are some things they can't control, even if they want to. Cinderpelt then asks to know when she'll die, but the blue-eyed she-cat says that they dont know, but when she does, they'll welcome her with open arms. She adds that StarClan is with her, and won't let her face this alone. Later on, Cinderpelt is killed when badgers attack ThunderClan camp.


Leafpool is visited by Bluestar, Lionheart and Yellowfang, who all tell her that she'll soon walk a path few medicine cats have traveled. Leafpool then inquires about the three bright stars she often sees in the sky, but Bluestar ignores this, and when she then asks if StarClan has a prophecy for her, the Blue she-cat tells her that the three stars represent three cats she has yet to meet, but when she does, they'll change her life forever. She then tells Leafpool that her path will vanish in the shadows, but StarClan will be with her every step of the way. Soon Leafpool discovers she's pregnant with Crowfeather's kittens, and realizes they must be the three cats Bluestar had told her about.

The Power of Three[]

The Sight[]

After Graystripe returns to ThunderClan after he was kidnapped by twolegs, the Clan is in a conundrum over whether to have him resume his role as deputy, or have Brambleclaw continue with the role. Leafpool goes to asks StarClan for answers, and at the Moonpool Bluestar greets her, saying she had a feeling she would show up. Bluestar then asks if she's come to tell her good news, and Leafpool informs her that Graystripe has returned. As the StarClan cats debate over who the deputy should be, Tallstar comments that Firestar would choose whoever knows the Clan best, and Bluestar replies that it's a tough choice that no other leader has had to make before. Lionheart then says that they should have known and informed Leafpool that Graystripe was alive and on his way back before Firestar named a replacement, but Bluestar retorts that he was too far away from the Clans for them to have seen him. She adds that Brambleclaw does well as a deputy, and it would have been foolish for Firestar to not name a replacement. She then tells Leafpool to tell Firestar that he needs to make the choice himself, and to choose with his head rather than his heart. Afterwards, Firestar decides to let Brambleclaw remain deputy.


Spottedleaf, Whitestorm and Yellowfang discuss the prophecy about Jaypaw, Hollypaw and Lionpaw being destined to save the Clans. Bluestar then shows up and apologizes for being late, explaining that Tallstar's fretting held her up. Bluestar and Yellowfang then debate over whether or not the three apprentices should be told of the prophecy, with the former wanting to keep it a secret while the later insists on telling them. Bluestar then leaves, saying she understands Yellowfang's concerns, but belives it would be best if the prophecy was kept secret for the time being.


After Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze find out they weren't born to Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, Hollyleaf kills Ashfur to prevent him from sharing the secret. Yellowfang attacks Bluestar in StarClan for not revealing the secret earlier and instead letting the situation spiral out of control. Bluestar snaps that she was Yellowfang's leader, and the old gray she-cat responds that more blood will be shed in ThunderClan. Bluestar retorts that she doesn't know that, and the damage has already been done. Yellowfang then asks if they were wrong about Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze, Bluestar argues that Squirrelflight were good parnts, and telling the truth beforehand wouldn't have helped anyways, but Yellowfang resonds that by keeping the secret, Bluestar has destroyed the Clan she swore to protect.

Omen of the Stars[]

The Fourth Apprentice[]

With Hollyleaf presumed dead, StarClan realizes she wasn't apart of the prophecy after all, and sveral cats gather to discuss the true third cat, Dovekit. After complaining about meeing near a waterfall, Bluestar sharply asks Yellowfang if they can be sure they have the right three cats this time. Spottedleaf replies that Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Dovekit must be the right three, as the two toms both had the smae dream the night of Dovekit's birth. Bluestar says that they might be the right ones, but after so much has gone on in the Clans lately, things may have changed. She opposes Yellowfang's suggestion of sending a sign to Dovekit, and when Lionheart tells her she needs to have more faith in her Clan, she reotrsts that they all had faith in Hollyleaf, but were proven wrong.

Feathertail then tries to join the conversation, but Bluestar accuses her of spying, but the others let the RiverClan she-cat discuss with them anyways. Lionheart then gets the discussion back on track, and Bluestar remarks that Dovekit is already smart and strong without knowing of her special powers. Lionheart then states that if StarClan had meddled more, Hollyleaf might still be alive, and Bluestar argues that the Clans need to have their own agency. The conversation then circles back to sending a sign, and despite Bluestar's protests it's agreed upon to send one. She asks Yellowfang if Jayfeather or Lionblaze will get the sign, but the dark gray she-cat says that she'll be sending it to Dovekit.

Mistystar's Omen[]

After Leopardstar dies and Mistyfoot succeeds her as leader, Bluestar appears at her daughter's leadership ceremony. Bluestar tells Mistyfoot how much she misses her before giving her sixth life; a life of doing the right thing, even when it's hard. Mistyfoot assures her mother that knows she's only ever tried to do what's right, and Bluestar thanks her.

Ravenpaw's Farewell[]

While visiting SkyClan, Ravenpaw enters the Whispering Cave, where he's greeted by Bluestar, Whitestorm and Lionheart. Bluestar dips her head in respect and says that it's an honor to see him again. The three StarClan cats then offer to give Ravenpaw a warrior name, but he politely refuses, saying that h's been Ravenpaw all his life and sees no reason to change his name now. Bluestar then says she assumes he already knows his life is ending soon, offering to let him into StarClan when he dies. Ravenpaw refuses again however, saying he wants to go wherever Barley will go when they die.

Omen of the Stars (cont.)[]

Night Whispers[]

After the Dark Forest instigates a battle between ThunderClan and ShadowClan that ends in Firestar losing a life and ShadowClan's deputy Russetfur being killed, the cats of StarClan express worry over the Dark Forest's growing influence on the living world. Bluestar remarks that even in life, Tigerstar has never understood anything but bloodshed and violence.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

While visiting StarClan, Jayfeather sees Ashfur there and goes to confront him. Bluestar stops him, and he reminds her that Ashfur tried to kill him, his siblings, and his grandfather. Bluestar tells him that he won't learn anything by confronting Ashfur, reasoning that if he found his way to StarClan upon his death, that must be were he belongs. Jayfeather says that he doesn't understand, and the blue she-cat tells him that some things can't be understood. H then comments that he isn't sure Hollyleaf - who had survived her supposed death and until recently been in hiding - deserved to be back. Bluestar comments that it isn't his decision to make, adding that both Hollyleaf and Ashfur paid a high price for what they did, and justice has been served.

The Last Hope[]

During another meeting in StarClan, Bluestar somberly says that the battle against the Dark Forest will happen soon, and they must prepare for the worst. Slant asks Bluestar if the prophecies helped the Clans prepare for the Great Battle, she says that they did, as the prophecy Spottedleaf had gotten so long ago helped her find Firestar. Slant then asks if the living world will fight alone in the battle because of how divided StarClan is, and Bluestar lashes her tail as she declares that she'll willingly die a tenth time for the sake of ThunderClan. Later, after StarClan is united, Bluestar reveals to Jayfeather during his visit that there are not three cats prophesized to save the Clans, but four. She then states that she always knew fire alone could save her Clan, revealing that the fourth is none other than Firestar.

After the Great Battle has ended and the Dark Forest retreats, Firestar succumbs to the wounds inflicted while fighting Tigerstar and loses his last life, passing away. Bluestar then comes out into the clearing alongside Yellowfang, Lionheart, redtail, Silverstream, Brindleface, Swiftpaw and Runningwind. The eight cats then begin reciting the lives they gave Firestar during his leadership ceremony. When getting to his second-to-last life, given by Spottedleaf, Bluestar says in a voice thick with grief that the tortoiseshell can't join them as her spirit had been killed and faded away during the Great Battle, but that she'd given Firestar a life of love. Lastly, Bluestar states that she had given Firestar his last life; a life of nobility. She adds that he had been the most noble cat she'd ever met, before talking about how he was prophesized to save first ThunderClan, then all the Clans. She then tells Brambleclaw that if he has even half of the courage and loyalty Firestar had, he'll be a fine successor. She and all the cats of StarClan, including those recently killed in the Great Battle, then ascend back to the sky.

The Ultimate Guide[]

During Brambleclaw's leadership ceremony, Bluestar appears to give him his third life. She tells him that he's had a long and difficult life leading up to this moment, but he's proven his loyalty countless times, and she's happy to see ThunderClan be passed into his care. She then gives him a lif of clear judgement of character, telling him to use it to see the value possessed by some and the threat posed by others.

Bramblestar's Storm[]

In StarClan, Bluestar interrupts Firestar while he's hunting and asks him to walk with her. The two talk about Bramblestar's leadership and the hardships ThunderClan is facing during leafbare. Firestar then sadly says that he though Spottedleaf would be waiting for him when he go to StarClan, and his old mentor comforts him by reminding him that some day Sandstorm will join him.

A Vision of Shadows[]

The Raging Storm[]

Bluestar is one of several leaders Firestar calls for a meeting on the outskirts of StarClan. Bluestar asks why he's having them meet there, and then worries about ShadowClan's new leader Tigerstar II and the possibility he could drive SkyClan out after they've just settled into the lake. She's also concerned about the unstable relations between all the Clans, wondering how many times they'll have to be told to work together.

Squirrelflight's Hope[]

After getting crushed in a rockslide and teetering on life and death, Squirrelflight and Leafpool wake up in StarClan. Bluestar, Yellowfang, Tallstar, Moth Flight, Crookedstar and Littlecloud then hold a trial to decide whether or not the two can join StarClan after Leafpool broke the warrior code and both of them hid it from their Clan for moons. Initially Bluestar is critical of Leafpool's codebreaking until Yellowfang reminds her that she also broke the code by having children with Oakheart, afterwards she's much more sympathetic. It's soon agreed upon that Leafpool and Squirrelflight did what they though would be best, and are allowed into StarClan. Leafpool decides to give up her life and join StarClan, but Squirrelflight returns to the living world.

The Broken Code[]

Darkness Within[]

After Ashfur blocks off StarClan's access to the living world, the spirits gather around to discuss what to do. Leafpool worries that they may be cut off forever, and Bluestar tells her to have faith, remarking that the Clans are resourceful and may not even need StarClan as much as they think. Firestar then asks why Ashfur had been sent to the living world to make sure the Clans were following the code in the first place, as he used it to cut off StarClan and possess Bramblestar. Sarcastically Bluestar responds that they were planning to keep an eye on him before the connection was severed, which frustrates Firestar.


I can't be what I want to be. I need to be as strong as fire. I need to save my Clan. It is for the best. I hope they know that they have been loved. Even if they don't remember me, I hope they'll know that.
~ Bluefur when giving up her kits
How could StarClan do this? Do they have no pity? I will never go to the Moonstone again! From now on, my dreams are my own. StarClan has declared war on my Clan, and I shall never forgive them.
~ Bluestar renouncing her faith in StarClan
Bluestar: Fireheart. Tallstar couldn't have picked a more convenient time to talk to me about prey theft than if StarClan had told him themselves. That was your doing, wasn't it? You're the only cat who knew that I was planning to attack WindClan. Only you could have betrayed us.
Fireheart: I thought it was the right thing to do. Neither of the Clans needed to fight this battle.
Bluestar: I trusted you, Fireheart. You, out of all my warriors. Fireheart: I did it for the good of the Clan, Bluestar. And I didn't tell him about the attack. I only asked him to try making peace. I thought-
Bluestar: Silence! That is no excuse. And why should I care if the whole Clan had been slaughtered? Why should I care what happens to traitors? If only I'd kept my kits! Mistyfoot and Stonefur are noble cats. Far nobler than any of this rag-tag bunch in ThunderClan. My children would have never betrayed me.
Fireheart: Bluestar...
Bluestar: I gave them up to become deputy, and now StarClan is punishing me. Oh, StarClan are clever, Fireheart! They knew the cruelest way to break me. They made me leader and then let my cats betray me! What is it worth, now, to be leader of ThunderClan? Nothing! It's all empty, all...
Fireheart: I'll fetch Cinderpelt.
Bluestar: Stay... where... you... are. I need to punish you, Fireheart. Tell me a good punishment for a traitor.
Fireheart: I don't know, Bluestar.
Bluestar: But I do. I know the best punishment of all. I'll do nothing. I'll let you be deputy still, and leader after me. Oh, that should please StarClan- a traitor leading a Clan of traitors! May they give you joy of it, Fireheart. Now get out of my sight!
~ Bluestar lambasting Fireheart for helping WindClan
Bluestar: You saved me.
Mistyfoot: Shhh. Don't try to talk.
Bluestar: I want to tell you something.... I want to ask you to forgive me for sending you away. Oakheart promised me Graypool would be a good mother to you.
Stonefur: She was.
Bluestar: I owe Graypool so much. Oakheart too, for mentoring you so well. I watched as you grew up, and I saw how much you had to give to the Clan who adopted you. If I had made a different choice, you would have given all your strength to ThunderClan. Forgive me.
Fireheart: She suffered a lot of pain for her choice. Please forgive her.
Mistyfoot: We forgive you, Bluestar.
Stonefur: We forgive you.
Fireheart: What can we do? This is her last life, and she'll never make it back to the ThunderClan camp. Will one of you go and fetch your medicine cat?
Stonefur: It's too late for that, Fireheart. She is on her way to StarClan.
Fireheart: No! Bluestar- Bluestar, wake up! We'll get help for you- hold on just a bit longer.
Bluestar: Oakheart. Have you come for me? I'm ready.
Fireheart: No! Bluestar, don't leave us.
Bluestar: I must. I have fought my last battle. When I saw the Clan at Sunningrocks, the strong helping the weak... and I knew you and the others had gone to confront the pack... I knew my Clan was loyal. I knew StarClan had not turned their backs on us. I knew... I knew that I could not leave you to face the danger alone.
Fireheart: Bluestar...
Bluestar: Fire will save the Clan. You never understood, did you? Not even when I gave you your apprentice name, Firepaw. And I doubted it myself, when fire raged through our camp. Yet I see the truth now. Fireheart, you are the fire who will save ThunderClan. You will be a great leader. One of the greatest the forest has ever known. You will have the warmth of fire to protect your Clan and the fierceness of fire to defend it. You will be Firestar, the light of ThunderClan.
~ Bluestar's last words
Welcome Fireheart, my apprentice, my warrior, and my deputy. I always knew you would make a great leader one day. With this life I give you nobility and certainty and faith. Use it well as you lead you Clan in the ways of StarClan and the warrior code. (...) I hail you by your new name, Firestar. Your old life is no more. You have now recived the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants to you the guardianship of ThunderClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity. (...) Something terrible is coming, Firestar. Four will become two. Lion and tiger will meet in battle, and blood will rule the forest.
~ Bluestar during Fireheart's leadership ceremony
Bluestar: Do you want this life? I need you to say it.
Blackfoot: I want this life.
Bluestar: With this life, I give you judgement. Use it when making difficult decisions. Consider all possibilities, and consequences, of the choices you make.
~ Bluestar during Blackfoot's leadership ceremony
Bluestar: Oh, my daughter. If only you knew how much I missed you. The life I give you is for doing what is right, however hard that might be.
Mistyfoot: I know you only ever tried to do the right thing.
Bluestar: Thank you.
~ Bluestar during Mistyfoot's leadership ceremony
Bluestar: (Goldenflower) will be watching over you, always. Brambleclaw, you have walked a long and difficult path to reach this point. But you have proven your loyalty to ThunderClan more times than I can count. I am proud to see my Clan pass into your care. I give you a life for clear judgement of character, for the ability to see the value of some cats, and the threat posed by others. It is a gift I did not always posses myself.
Brambleclaw: But you found Firestar!
Bluestar: So I did. Tread carefully in whom you trust.
~ Bluestar during Brambleclaw's leadership ceremony



  • Bluestar's name was originally going to be Moonstar, with her warrior name being Moonstone. This was changed since the authors felt that "moon" should be a sacred and special word, though this was retconned with the introduction of Moonflower, Ambermoon and Harveymoon.
  • Author Victoria Holmes says she likes the idea of Bluestar being a descendant of Mapleshade.
  • Bluestar and Whitestorm were not originally meant to be related while the first arc was being written, and it wasn't until Bluestar's Prophecy where they are revealed to be aunt and nephew.
  • Bluestar has given out the most lives during leadership ceremonies, at four in total.

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