Benkei Musashibō, also known as simply Benkei, is a character in the Warriors Orochi video game series, a crossover of Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. He is famously known as Yoshitsune Minamoto's loyal companion in myths and folklore. He is also a minion of the Orochi army.
He was voiced by Junichi Suwabe.
He is hailing from the same world as his partner, Yoshitsune which both leaving from the world founding by Orochi. Upon finding his friend, Benkei becomes a collector of weapons and hopefully to adding more additions to the gallery. Benkei later encounters the evil concubine Da Ji and her friend Himiko, but he would snuff out of his wishes in proved to joined with them throughout the battles. When Yoshitsune setback upon his friend serving the Orochi forces, Benkei decided to protected himself from Yoshitsune, which unbeknown to him about that this aware.
Benkei could realizing that his better mistakes for serving the Orochi forces on the past, which broken ties with them and worked with Zuo Ci. He can able to forgive his friend and helps the warriors in Anegawa, and there is way, Ryu Hayabusa, a ninja who have seeking to stops Kiyomori from using a mind-controlled all the humans under the goals, he break his spells with his sword. Thanks to his previous master, so with the accepting, Benkei swore loyal to him once more, much to honestly.
After defeated Kiyomori, the monk later ordering to find more allies, adding several weapons to his collection and engaged Yueying at Tedorigawa. Upon impressed by Yueying's juggernauts, he shared a mutual charms with her upon their respectively weapons. Benkei convinced Yueying to join the coalition with the demands. He later joined Shu and is part of the scouted party in Mt. Niutou. Remain loyal to Yoshitsune, Benkei was saved by Da Ji and the demon forces alongside with his partner for on which they serviced of them in the appreciation.
Despite Kiyomori's existing, the duo attacked the alliance together with the Demon army in various chances as they are comes to formed with Odin. The real Orochi murdering his counterpart Orochi X, so he times to deal with the coalition. Where Zhao Yun and his forces arriving to facing Odin, Da Ji and the demon army agreed to joined the humans in order to stop being killed by Yggdrasil after they finally abandoned to their tricks. Benkei and Yoshitsune also followed fits and bound by honor.
- He is based on the real-life Japanese warrior of the same name.